The Mindful Life Studio Professional Pilates Instruction Transforrn the way your body looks, feels and performs for life. Regrater now for Our Fal Schodulel ePrivate instruction available eSmall group classes e Meditation classes 251 Main Street, Suite 203 Milton 90"-2161 Your Home For rj Always Fr06 arnt Wrappig &Laya way 223 Main 5t. E. at Maîtin 5t. 905-8578-0084 www.NaW~roeFlre.comJ gf~W 1/t! 93]jî /,Crave Systems - Your local Computer source Crave Systems, located at 153 Main Street East, wîll be celebrating 85' 3rd Anniversary this November. Orîginally started as a home based business. Crave Systems now oper- ates as a flourishing retail storefront in beautiful downtown Milton. Crave Sysiems is owned and opersted by local resident Chnas Derksen, who grew up in Milton and has lived here for more than 25 years. Chnis has worked in the IT lndustry as a Computer Technician repaie- ing and building computers; for almoat 8 years. He and hîs wife Kristina, who was bom in Milton, have three chîldren together. - Crave Systems was irai established to pro-- vide clients with custom buili computer sys- tems, tailored 80, exact needs and specifica- tions. Chris saw a demand for computer sys- tems with unparalleled attention to quality, - performance. compatibility and reliability. i And it's in those systems that you'll find only Y.c' the best computer hardware available on the market. Namne brands like Asus, Intel, OCZ Technologies, Kingston, Anîec, ATI, Lite-On, and Western Digital. "We use Asus motherboards exclusive- ly in aIl of our systems" explains Chris. "We are very pleased to be an authorized reseller, and 80 be partnered with such excellent computer hardware manufacturers". Although Chris keeps a substantial display of inventory. there's even more that bappens behind the scenes. Chris is kept busy repairing computer systemos, diagnosing and replacing faulty hardware, maintaining or upgrading PC's, performing data recovery and ridding computers of adware, spyware, malware, and viruses. And ibis is an area which Chris is very proud 80 excel in. "Computer repair is a very specialized field, and one that a com- puter owner should take seriously" Chris says. "To the customer it's like finding the right mechan- ic. One that won'î seIl you parts you don't need, or charge you 80 fix someîhing that's not broken. You have to be honesi with the customer 80 establish trust, which 1 believe we've done very well". lits n08 only complete systems you'll find ai Crave Systems. They also carry a broad range of inter- naI parts and peripherals including moîherboards, video cards, sound carda, bard drives, optical drives, and monitors. "We'll always do our beat t0 gel anything you need." pledges Chris. So if you've got a problem wiîh your current computer syaîem, looking t0 upgrade it, or if you hap- pen t0 be oui shopping for a new one, stop by Crave Systems. A local choice that will neyer beave you disappointed. In fact, you'll only be lefi Craving more! DOXTNTODT M6IT O N oSIDEWALK <SAL E &fturday &pteniber 18 9:00 aim - 3:001V Pm Main &. betwcen brown C Fulton 6. C part of Charloe bokç de, fahîng 1 s c slcilg gj' i s ag hom so, p COUXTRY NITURE, HOME ACCENT5 & GIFIS Erid of 5eaeoni ONE PAY ONLY 5aturday * ptcmbter 1b' 9 amn -5 "m' 265 Mairt 5t. E. Prton 905-M7-1070 wwacoanitrym i eca -.~~ ~ ________ New Fvom Denby! Cutting edge design * . itlt understated style. In l this seasons key tones of Md-e. white, cream and mnng blue, its guaranteed ta miake a staiement. Fine Tableware *Gift'are * Table Linens * Bridai Registry 227 Main Street E., Milton (, ..... Phone, 905-878-0050 a TifefI 1-8864-40806 Fax,905-876-8658 E-,el delKoum on.aibe&e *1~ Looking for a new Iook? 'r ' We îust got onie! Change is good. Samne great service, îust s new logo ,1-55 MARY-ST4Wiri MWTON, - . U893