Thse Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 14, 2004-23 Regionl wa ter facility named after retircd engineer By WILMA BLOKUIS Special ta The Champion Halton Region, as part of its 3Otb anniversary celebrations, has honowred Bruce Kitchen, one of its rctired engineers. Regional Chair Joyce Savoline dedicated the puritled water storage and pumping facility at 3050 Upper Middle Rd. by officially, naming il the Kitchen Reservoir. Built approximately six years ago under Mr. Kitchen's supervision, the facility holds approx- imately six million gallons of water in two underground concrete cells, and pumps the puri- ficd water Io parts of Halton. Il was oniginally buit ta store water for tire protection. Mr. Kitchen was also responsible for thse development of Haiton's state-of-tbe-art Iandfill site and was recognized as Engineer of the Year by the Hasnilton-Burlington Professional Engineers in 1999 for engineering $1 billion of infrastructure. Mr. Kitchen retircd in April last ycar as direc- lor of engineering services after 34 years of empioyment with Halton. Previously, Mr. Kitchen, a Burlington resident, worked aI a con- sulting film in Toronto for four years. 'Me naming ai Uic former Upper Middle Road Reservoir in Mr. Kitchen's honour was azsnounced as his retirement party held lasI year. It's lovely, and a complete -a huge - sur- prise,' he said ai the announcement and Thursday's dedication, "I'ru deeply grateful ta be honoured in this way. 1 feel bath praud and thrilled ta be placed in the company af others who have hemn hon- oured." Similarly recognized were Bob Moore of Oakville. Halton's commissioner of public works from 1975 ta 1990, the sate Bob Bailey. Halton's first commissioner of public works, and the late Bd Washburu of the Burlington Public Photo by RON KUZYK Halton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline presents former Director af Engineering Services for Halton Region Bruce Kitchen with a plaque in his honour that wiil adorn the Upper Middle Road Reservoir - now officiaiiy calied the Kitchen Reservoir. The raser- voir was dedicaîed to recognize the 34 years of service 10 Halton Region by Mr. Kitchen, who was responsible for Haiton's sîate-of-Ihe-art landfill site and was the Harmiitonlflurlington Professional Engineers choice for Engineer of the Yser in 1999. Utilities Commission - ail of theru former cal- Middle Road facility was narued alter bîra as il leagues of Kitchen "and people 1 respect." is "the hub and the beart ai aur water suppty sys- Mr. Kitchen addcd be's pteased tbe Upper teru supplying parts of Halton's four municipali- tics, proof Uiat Halton is indced a partnership Uiat works." Using Uic title of a popular Josh Groban sang, M. Kitchen said, "You raised me up and camcid me on your shoulders for 34 years - you are Uic best." M. Kitchen was hired by Uic former Halson County in 1969 as Uic assistant engineer, and rcmaincd when Halton Region was fanncd in 1974. "WiUi an impressive 34 years ai service wiUi us under bis bals, Bruce impacted Uic lives ai aur residents in many, many ways," said Ms Savoline in dedicating Uic fadility as Uic Kitchen Reservoir. "Halton is recognizcd for aur ssate-of-Uic-art landfil site - some people stiil calil ithUi dump but at $50 million, it's state-of-Uie-act. We workcd long and bard ta create a landfill Uiat would serve aur comasunities for years ta came, while protecting aur environment through sound environental practices, and creating appartuni- tics for extensive reuse and recycling pragrarus. Halson is anc ai Uic bat in Uic GTA and well above Uic provincial average. "Bruce Kitchen was Uic engincer bahind Uic creation of aur made-in-Halson solstion ta aur wastc management issucs. Ibis landfill bas dou- bled its lifespan Uianks ta Uic bard wark ai Halton residents and staff, and Uic sound engi- neering principles that Bruce used in its cee- atian." Ms Savoline credited Me. Kitcben as baing arnsg the individuals wbo belped forru Halton, "and l'm bonoured ta recagnire bis accomplisb- ments by this officiai dedicatian ai wbat we fret in aur bearts is a token of wbat yau've donc." Merubars ai Me. Kitchen's family. former co- warkers, retirees and a irw tocat politicians attended the dedication. Hyundai 0F OAKVILLE Fr-'ew d Ua bhowcas 2000 SONA1A GL V6 2000-2003 ACCENT GL 2000-2003 ACCENT GS 2002 SANTA FE GLS 2003 TOUIRON SE 2003 ELAKIRA W Onan88 !ýe99 ~ 9995 Ona A98 169888 13,888 AkAeÙoGmsCs~tedJ 5 W pdo PDL PM CD 5pA iioa Fro 61K Auoai CD p o e O LPSR R. PioDaRe A AGCD Wied,3 Io àmia'S o 8K L -F., 42K5 oh ciros Someoh/ reoi co eoee aoy here 66K#U42 S A1eoo,2 KeessEny Fom 4 KLasO HYUNDAI 1 CANADA'S BEST WARRANTY