2-The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, September 7, 2004 V{obber puts woman in washroom Zhdi1g*ýs accused kiliea An cmployee waa frightened and an expenaive piece of machinary sbolen during a rob- bety llsuraday night at an elec- trolysia talon. The incident occurred at about 9:30 p.m. ai SB Electrolysis on Ontario Street Soutth. Det. Sgt. Don Couacos of Hiton Regionall Police ad a 21 -year-old female employee, - a Hamilton reaident - came out of the waahnoni to fisd a male Last winter to kick off tbe Grand Opening of Ibeir new kîtchen displays and introduce the Design Centre, and Home Instails Division, Milton Home Hardware Building Centre ran the 'Ugly Kitchen Contest " North Halton met tbîs promotion with great enthusiasm. Hoping for 50 to 60 wearing a blak maak i lthe store. Afler demanding money, the intruder grabbed the employ- ee by lier armn. *'He put hier in the washroom and bold heu tu ty there," Det. Sgt. Couaens said. The woman was in thse waah- room "for an extended trne," hie aaid, during which the rotiber resnoved a Lumenia LightSheer hair remnoval machine worth $120,000 and fled. Police conducted a canine aearch, but dmdnt find thme min. The intruder ns describeti ai six feet tail with a large build. He wore a black mask with no botes for the eyes or mouth. He was wearing black boots, black track pinta with a white atripe down thme side, a black hooded aweat- ahirt with a pouch on thse front anti black leitser-type glovea. Anyone with infonmaion is aaked to call Det. Smith ai (905) 825-4777, ext 2416. entries, "Home" was deligbted to receive one bundred and thirty-four entries! Local residents filied out entry forms, took the requested two pictures and wrote com- mentary, describing their current kîtchen woes. As a resuit, sending Milton photo labo into By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion The mati chargcd wîi Uic high profile murder of Cecîlia Zhang was assaulted last week at Maplehurst Correctional Institute where he's being heltI. Min Chen, 2 1, was assaulled unprovokcd by another inmale inside the facilily Wednesday ai about 6 p.m. afler retumning from a court appearance in Brampton, said Hilton Regional Police's Sgt. Jeff Corey. overdrive! The dream kitchen makeover contest was a difficuît event to judge, as many kitchens were in need of help, in varîed degrees. Tbree qualified judges took tbree days to narrow clown one hundred and thirty-four, to, fie finalists. Multon's own mayor, the Honourable Giordon Krantz tben drew thse wînner out of a bat, on the evenîng of - - February 16th. Althougb the winner was not Srequired to be present for the draw, imagine bow thrîlled Lînda Bailey was Q.'to beat the store wîtb her family by ber sîde, wben ber name was announced. Mrs. Bailey is now thse proud owner of a beautful Lexington Maple Kitchen, wvitb ail the trimmings. The slate grey granite sink and designer faucet com- pliments tbe cabinetry. The new layout is more efficient witb more storage and workspace. Her choîce of laminate countertops and new lamînate floorîng completed a wbole new room for Mrs. Baîley. Milton Home Hardware Building Centre would lîke to tbank ail the par- ticîpating vendors, for tbeir contribu- tions, and support in makîng thîs event sucb a success. To ail the North Halton bomeowner, wbo willingly dîsplayed tbeir "Uigly Kitchens". Tbank-you for making this a fun event. At the end of evening on February 16tb, as everyone sbared a piece of celebratory cake and a cup of coffee, tbeir were wbîspers about the crowd, "Is an ugly batbroom contest next?" Milton Home Hardware Building Centre, does it agaînl "RESCUE MY BATIIROOM" con- test starts Tuesday September 7tb. Entry forms can be picked up in the store, along witb contest rules. Featured in thîs batbroom makeover contest; a wbirlpool tub, cultured mur- ble top and tub walls, beautiful design- er faucets, a new vanity, four ligbt batbroomn fixture, a new vînyl window and the latest in toilet design. Batbroom accessories, towel set, new fan, floor tiles, mini stereo and aro- matberapy products round out Ibis package wortb $5,000. Conteat closes October 1 7tb at 5:OOpm. Grab your cameras! - d oufdt.hth.u 1yu veu ~~ MILTON HROM HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 385 Steeles Ave. E. 878-9222 HOUES. Mon-Fni Scam- &Gpm Sat & -&OOpm Sun 1000=455tOOla Ml/ton Home Hardware Building Centre does it again 1 Rescue my bathroom assaulted at local lait He wasn't injured during the aîîack. Sgt. Corey said. adding police were tnlornied Thursday of the incident by an officer on duty ai the correclional mnstilute. Sgt. Corey wouldn't comment on media reports that Mr. Chen's nose was bloodied and thal his glasses were shattered as a resuît of a head bont by the other jomate. He also wouldn't comment on whether charges were being laid, saying only that police will continue to investigale the mal- ter. Sgt. Corey said Halton police service deals with incidents ai Maplehursi as il would inicidmnts happening elsewhere in thse communiîy. "Because correctional facilities have grown significantly, they're considered a portion of the community now," he said. "We work witb (Maplehurst) staff to repre- sent this portion of our community which they are while lhey're here.' Mr. Chen bas becs in custody ai thse Martin Street factlity since July when he was charged with the fîrst-degree murder of Cecilia, who was a grade 4 student in North York. Step/ianie T/uessen can l'e reai lied ai sthiessen@aniloîî anadianc-hanipion.c-oîî -ýRegion funding to fight homelessness Halton Regton recently awarded almost $1 million 10 various community organîza- lions 10 deliver services 10 the homeless or those at-risk of homelessness. Nine organizalions throughout the region spliî $855,500 that came through the feder- aI govemmenî's Supporting Communities Partncrship Initiative ISCPI). Somne of the recîpienîs Ihal benefit local residents are: - Transitions for Youth -Bridging lIse Gap Program, which assisîs and supports Halton youîh aged 16 10 21 who are aI risk of becoming homcless due 10 a variety of factors, will reccive fonds 10 mainlain and enhance services. - Metis Womcn's Circle, serving the abo- riginal community, will research the nceds of tIse aboriginal population in Halton. - Affordable Housing Halton, formerly the Hallon Town Hall Group, will receive fonds 10 continue Halton-wide efforts to increase communiîy undersîanding anti support for solutions 10 homelcssness and affordable housing issues. "Wr arc vcry appreciative of the new round of SCPI funding from tic federal govcrnment," said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. "SCPI funding is a critical piece of the continuum of commtunity supports 10 help those who are without housing or are ai risk of becoming homeless, as we suive to encourage affordable housing initiatives in Hilton." The SCPI community advisory commit- tee recommended Uic projecîs 10 counicil followmng a well-publicized cei for pro- posais and a thorough review of ail the applications. "HalIon's advisory committee diti a great job. with long-term solutions in mind, in selecting how these fonds were allocated 10 communiîy agencies," said Minister of ti*111laim AMERICAN STANDARD MM NübW 1ý4ý JVC'