,,4 gReal Estate SPORTS See what's Milton's NI nWson the market featured ih inside Page 18 HtLers in caler COMMUNITY Plenty of support for yourlg girl and family page 8 lb A ugwa Spedial 1/2 Price un *14, Cook, and hand cuvear fiction bon/ta 905-878-6024 150A Mil St. Milton, ON) _ t, ,., 7 METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 145 NO. 41 T FDY AUGUST 3, 2004 $1.00 (GST included> -36PAGES 'Uwîîui Commiunie ation to Build Better Conzunities' New transit service ready to roll By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion The enhanced Milton transit service will be ready to roll in a couple of weeks, and residents will get a chance to take a spin on the new systemn for free. Tbree buses wiil start touring the town August 16, about a montb and a haif later than previousiy expected. Since there was a deiay. the Town wili be offer- ing free rides util September 20 to boosî rider- ship. The new systemn brings one more bus on board than wbat's currentiy operating in town. The buses will travel ixed routes around Milton, stopping at designated locations about eveiy haîf-bour from 6 "Transit is something that 've advocated for quitle some time, and it's critical that people use MAYOR 0me11KRANTZ arn. to 8:30 P.rn. "The new conventionai transit service beîng impiemented is sirnilar Io other arca municipaliies and should provide a higher cxci nif service l'or the users." a report from Director of Comimunity Services Jennifer Reynolds said. Il ssiil now be casier l'or transit rders 10 catch a bus cluring service bours as the huses wili run along a lixed route ss lb lîxed limes.- The rouies ire ore.uied so the buses cao mieet w ith GO trains and buses lor the momning anîd es'ening commute and during non-peak limes. T[ransit w ilaiso go ihrougb mnany ness subdivi- siotns ibat are currenîiy without bus sersvtee. Milton Mayor Gord Krantz said be bopes the ne%%, sysîcîn is used more than the previous full bus service. -Wben sseliîad il (fll service), it ssould bave been great if ibe buses ssere oniy hait empty.' be said. -Transit is soinetbiîig that Fve advocated for quile somne lime, and if's crilical ibat people use il.- The buses wîli be provided by Oakvilie Transit -see SURVEY an page 4 t, beauty Alyssa Clews, playing Sleeping Beauty, rests her head as she awaits Prince Charming, played by AJ Marshal, durîng a rehears- ai at the Milton Youth Theatre Productions' sum- mer camp at the Milton Fair Grounds. The play took the stage Thursday. See another photo on page 7. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Inside Comment ...........6 Business ...........14 Champion Country . .15-17 Dateline ...........17 Classif ied ........20-22 vwww.miltontoyota.com