The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 23, 2004-17 Gettîn' ber ready Bob Schilling uses a itte spit end polish te get elI the chrome on hie 1947 Caddy resto-rod convertible ready for iMain Street. Roughly 130 ta 150 cars are expected to une the street for the popular summer event. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Farm animal display at park Tlhereil be a moo, moo here and a moo, mnoo there at Country Heritage Park this weekend as part of a farru animal display tomon-ow and Sunday. Belgian work horses, beef cattle, sheep, goals and chickens wilI1 he on hand, along with educational displays and the litile farmer's play farm. 'Me event will mun from noon t0 5 p.m. both days. Next weekend, local residents can gel back to Iheir rural rools while exploring 31 heritage buildings and thousands of historical arifacts. The exhibits wilI be open over the long weekend noon to 5 p.m. from Saturday to Monday. Regular park admission will apply for both events and is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors and $4 for children. For more information on Country Henînage Park and ils events, caîl (905> 878-8151 or visit 89 ntri 5t Nrt rtins Pa NOWLTO LOCA iONe&GephS 9058677 e einto 905-315-766