28-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday July 20, 2004 ~Mltn Retal Supprt Centre hm iso Ma OUTBACK INSTALLATIONS INC. Outback Installations tnc. is s vender te The Home Depot"At-Home Services" ~jI[I 'N TI specîulîzîng in the design, manufacture and installutionof dec/n Vie are Ir--' ý ýrr p! r"î imp"m o1oVeesr-riPr-NAisare r- -ur-pi', a PART TIME JOBS AVAILABLE! Hwy 401 and Hwy 25 General Warehouse Positions Flexible Heurs * 4-8 hours shifts * Days, Aternoons, Evenings and Weekends * 24 hour operaltion * Preference given to candidates able to work Friday night shit and/or Saturday day shift $14.50/ hour Time and one hait ater 24hrs/ week Duties include: . Assembling customer orders accurately and eff iciently . Heavy lifting is required (Up to 7lbs). Are you inlerested in an exciting challenge? do you teel that you are a triendly, motivated, mature, responsible, tlexible individual who recognizes the importance and value ot eoceeding our customers expectalions? Al Ihose interested please email or fax your resume ta: milton.resumesetSobeys.com Fax: 905-876-1260 Important: Please indicate "'Material Han- dier" in the subject ine of your email No phone calis please Previous applicants need flot apply -----------------i M ~ W amepreny searching for fun, ï-. enthusia&i & creative staff whe have Z the abilitaf: " deseinp and lead sale and fun programs for children ages 5-12 years during the 2tOMschoIlyear " parterreadministrative dufleu "ECE, Chld & Yuth or Recreatounul * diplema applcants welcnme! f yeam àiteseted, overt8 eurs of age & have pro" uapenience workîxg wrtf chidren 512 pears aId plase end yor reuume wficuver ltrer to: à*dyDinene, MUIENUD~ownoFamitn YMC&1 79 JnesSt S, H"he, ON LBP Fax: 9-S946E-mnil: judy-dionne@ymca.ca * Kore W*Mwcý Son EdwardoFamfy YMCA 1 50Ony Laee, Buafinlon, ON1UR2XM Fax: W-333-1767 Buail: karen-westwick@ym.ca ----------1 New Company GQrowing Needs picasfax 'esor"' r10 905-702-2759 REQIJEST PERSONNEL SERVICES INC. WWWREQUESTPERSONNEL.COM Or client ix Ou/ville area hus un immediale need for PACEGES *Day Affernoox shifts, asaluble, StO/fr 420-A ritannia Reai East Sute 201 Mssissauga, Ontario (S.W. Cerer-Irilseela Rd. E. & Kenrnedy) Phone: 1-877-755-0395/ 905-755-09 resumes@requestpersonneI.com Acceptinq Applications 9-2pm Mun-Fti REWARD $80M..-. -Yearly Great Part-Tme Opportuniy Door-to-door deîivery of major nowopapors le Burington area. 2am-6am 7 daye a week Muat Have Roiabbe Vohicto CAIL NOW! 905-639-7700 Lyngar bec. with job openings for: REFINERY WORKERS Preterence will be given to candidates who have complet- ed grade twelve or higher and must provide proof of Sen- ior High School Chemistry. Previous manufacfuring expe- rience is required and preforence wiIl be given to those applicants who have experience working with chemicals. Applicants must be able to work shift rotation. Please note heavy lifting is a requirement of the job & the wearing of personal protective equipment is mandatory. The starting rate is $1707 an hour along with a competi- tive benefit package. Qualified applicants ONLY should mail or tax a detailed resumne and proot of education f0: Human Resources Assistant Johnson Matthey Llmited 130 Glidden Road Brampton ON, L6W 3M8 Fax (905) 454-6849 We thank ail candidates for their applications, ho we ver on/y those under consideration wl/I be contacted. T4rupstar 'f--o 1 IV <> NIE r N utr'i t i on & Fitn.,s Cent.rs e Reliable e Self Starter Full-'Tire * Motivated Position e Team Player e Sales Oriented e Flexible e Training Provided Cail 1-866-378-2711 Extensions: 6642 or 7645 VOLT e-RKe-C DSIG Is looking to place over 20 light industrial positions in the j Milton area 416-e.-390ex:22 PART-TIME ANIMAL ATTENDANT DR. EWING 905-702-7622 Esitblished Trendy Sln loekirîg for Estetician & Hairstylis. Pleafe drop off your remne ut: (ilow wtth Spa One 84 Maa St. E or Cali: 905-876-3761 WERE EXPANDINO AGAIN! Experienced Accoutant (Designatiori prffrred) Must gîve cunsîderafion and attention to delaîl and accuracy and he able ta work wth tht public. Experience wîth Simply accxunling software and person- ai inceme fao an assel. We vfer levîhility te hoors, Remuneralion hastd xx foperience. PIeuse mail or fax resumes lx: Jo-Anne Cino, THE CINO GROIJP 7-185 Plains Rd. East, Surlingtan, ON Fax: 905-632-4501 N phone cals p/tase Whie wtfhank al/app/icants for fheir ici eresf, ooly fhose se/ecfed Io be inffrvifwd wil/ be confacftd. r-rr-rr- 1< d'u al l .. rî ,,t- ( ., i 1.5.1 ' ~DESIGN CONSULTANTS (Windsor, Barrie) OPERATORS (production) nINSTALLERS -~SHOP FOREMAN MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: High schnol dîplomo. Vslid drivera licenne. -High prefîciency for Eniglîah lanquage - written, oral und camprehension. Experience in construction, design or manufacturing. Dependable. caurteous, huneot & positive in attitude and demeanor, Abuity ta, work flexible houro. Please fax yeur resume te 905-592-9678 Attention: Human Resources fer immediate censideratien Employment Opportunity Receptionist / Administrative Assistant Materials and Manufacturing Ontarin lwww.mmo.on.ca), a divisîon ut Ontario Centres of Eucellence, is seeking a ful-tîme eoperieeced indinîdual te joie ifs administrative feam in our Missuxuga office. The saccesuful candidate will have strong computer skilîs (Microsoft Office), excellent communication and organizatienal skills, be a feam player, and will have at least 3 years enperienice in a progressive and active office envirooment. The lob will include general office duties, reception and support for a number of senior managers. Ploase fax yoear rosume, Ath ~.mtlolumoan Resource, te 9M5-823-4141 or e-mail h to hr@oce-omtarlo.o-g, loy Fiday, July 30, 2004. Vie thanfi ail applicants, hxwever, unly those under considerahnon wîll he cootacted.l ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK (Part Time) Guardian Fîberglas. a leuding manufacturer ut tîbergîxon insulutîono. n acceptîng applicatiuns for a Part Time Accounite Payable clerk tor the plant in Erîx. Ontario. Thi poin p r- i n es ahi askr- ,,"rî au-J vor' r' osa oicr s C,"for ipuir-etir- Rcs-pî'sibilities - il iir 5liuiIde c ,~ O .î'uni osnîi g A P nr Vorlea aaiyzîrg , nrpsipre "p r- id n' ncIilar6oiî.soffic -er- (r-înCoputrer krr-uiedge and ppevicus x ,cus îpis ibiri eperienc' s r- 'qsien Applicatioxns a-e ben,-g a r,,pled Monday ta Friday 7:30am - 4:3tpm until July 23rd, 2004 Human Resources Department Guardian Fiberglass 300 Mis Street Erîn. Onfario NOB tTO 7-r- îi r-f Or-r-Cr(A Ir-siI.. r-ait rd124iH.lgrwIy 42ii Fax 519-833-9249 bromse zbfr Fuil-Time and Part-Time Receptonisu Required for Milton professional office. Medical/Clinical experience an assot, with computer, language skiîîs a necessity. Pease Fax Resume To: 905-849-7544 or Emil: draven@bellnet.ca Meritor Suspension Systems Company ix the argent endependent supplier of hot-wound coil spnngs, stabilzer bars and torsion bars tu lînhi- vohîcle manufucturers in North America. From nur production facilify in Mlton, we nuppiy coil oprînigo tn GM. Chrynler. Ford and the Japanose sub- sidiaries. The folnwing position is nom avaîluble for an indîviduals lroking to grow wîth a leader. MILLWRIGHT Must be Licensed Ontario Miiwrighi - Perform a sarîety oi tanks sur-h as: instullation, modification, repair. fabrication, preventîtve maintenance, roubieshoring and set-up, - Troubleshoot, deteci, resoive and repair niant equipment. - Assembles ana înniaiin new equîpmeni ana machines and is able to make modificationsn i existing equioment as reqaested, - Provîde sapport for equîpmeni siiiiities, and other facilitr equipment ix enhance productîeîty quaiity and safety for the plant. - Maintain safety standards of equipmeni and ssnrk auna dand perfoumn dli dutien îin a safe manne, n accordance wth the safety nolirles of the com- pany *Strong interpersonal and communication skiils, *Union environment. Plcsrf"norrsume tOor sm(905) 878-[551 Only îhose ci dfor ff intrvie wii eult,,onaited Piease -N0 Phone('auls ORE E-o SK-NR E Good data entry skills required, ful time position in (ast paced environment. May also include customer service on phone & walk in customers. Drop resume: Attn: Stacy, 3350 Wolfedale, Road, Mississauga or Fax: 905-275-4113 mm PLASTIC <MFG) Co. IC. OPERATIONS MANAGER Excellent Career opportunhly We've be a leader ie the plastics indusfry for more than 40 years, and were leoking fer a resals orienled, indastrious, progressive individeal le loin aur leam! The saccessfui indisîdual wili ossisr otfler department managers with the direction and supervision of all aspects of production, purchasing, nea product devel- opment, sales & marketing, us wetl as ooerseeing un operution budget to ensore compilunce with organiza- ional expendilure requirements, Usîng your exemplury leadershiîp, communication und conflîct resolotion skilis, /00 aili promole teum work, motîsate staff, and prouide direction to maîntaîn and improse production goals. " You mont hase a min.ut of1 years experience n a related plant! industriat environment " Superior negotîalîng skîlls are essential. " Excellent unalj'tical, fînuncial and computer skîlls are requîred. M A degree in Mechanical or Maufacturîng Engineering would be an asset. Please Fax or email resumes to: 905-277-3060 îanet@mmplastmcs.cern PROCRAM CLERK needed for permanent, Part-Time position (4days/wk, Approx. 2Ohrs( in Burington f0 procens classified ada and news releases. Do you pay attention f0 details and accuracy; have excellent grammar/spelling and com- munication skitîs; and are fechnicaîîy adepf? Send resumne te rocruif@ecna.org or Fax: 905-639-6962 by July 28 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Assertive îndîoîdul requîred for an Ou/ville construction fîrm Ltuties incl A/P. AIR, payroll, sales support & other accounlîng & administrative doties. Candidates must hauxe enperîence wth Word, Excel, accounlîng software and very good wrîtten & oerbal communications. A basic underslunding of uccouotîng, aptitude for figures and minimum 2 year pont secnndary educalion is reguîred, Candidates please mail resumes wilh salary expectallen le: Office Admînistraler / PO. Box 61026 Maple Grave Village, Oubvlle, ON. M6 7P5 UMM