-,1'11 be the Amy Wlnter, 21,0of Milton checks out the quality of the samplea ln the ciass of barely eeed durlng a 4-H judg- Ing campetton et the Trafalgar Road farm of Ken anid Marie McNabb Wedneeday night. The competition eaw hundrede of 4-H membera from Haltan and Peel judge ali aorte of classes, Includtng dairy and beef caet, rab- bita and varlous filId crops. Photo by TED BROWN Champion Country, Tuesday, July 20, 2004-19 *Trimetboprim suifa (TMS) is a commonly used broad specirum antibiais uombinsg issu ingredietits (trimeiboprim ssith one of twuo diffeient suifonamides). They aie syneristiîsand aieresadily absuibed oisiiy. TMS is ufien ased ini the teaiuentuof bc.s dieîIuty 7 ho iiiie.oSolos.idssay diýpJae, and lîuriorc oubsuoscthe uffeois of sonne diugs sacb as phenyibuiai'one (Bute). Youuusuucsnaiai seul bu able tu pioside ysiu iitb a monogramtutu'i the detais of tbese interactions. (Piuiib Da Veierinaty Drug Handbook. 4th ed. St- PauLlasoa Stuin Press, 2002) # l'hc Ilinoiis Depaatnintîuf Agricîulture îs nous iequiriug tbai ai]liîsestuck, îttludîng bes., eing shîpped inia ihe state foi production or exhibitin us iat hase a puunmit issui by ihe sute. Tbe Ilinuis Depaiernt of Agriculture ssiil issue tbe pet-mita ta mre tban 72 boues before the animais ure tuanspai-ted. Tii avoid iungiby deiays. check ssib stuc uofficiais for the outrent bnaitb egultimus before îiaveling to thu USA. 6*An ufiuiasked quesionis Wbeuis itsafe tun ota hose tbuîbas been rtoty gelded (castraiud) ssibh mares'"Tbe gencrai consensus is ibai bus fenùiity ssii bu duplueiud by 7 days aud puubabiy gone by 21 days. Howseseu, islibidu orssiiunguess su imouri a ssare ssil depeud ou tbe senson. age when castsuîed and puesi oas seuuai experience. f-ifiterinformaion contactiDr Bb Wigt(519) 846-3412uoruisir our ebste brit p 0 onaina/uisisuss 'fOntario LIniitey eo Agicultaure Ontareo Association Equine Ptectitineru' UN-KS~ /GUELPH "~~~9No IMREST for the firat 3 months (VARIABLE MATE MORTGAGIE ONLY) IN ADDITION, WE ARE OFFERINO: Contact on* of Prosp.rity One% mortglage qm.ielIsts for more details. ACTON 350 Qu..n St.E. 51"683-0911 GEORORTOWN 187 Guelph st. 905-877-6926 www.prosperltyone.oa MILTON 44 Main St.E. 905-78-4168 Prospertyllllll ONE On, @WpoYSd srffl, 0«taJn ofe t y. girno*ersub)Mett.eio MM WioueM,, 1,111.1-A (lut titi/ wibý,iliý tilt t.oitiliti,ýti, 1-vilit liý.tifill', vivvvv.(.otiiil r y fi cri rk.corn tilt t'VI-lit ilpthlo .., j