Local couple faces charges l, in major mortgage frauds By STrEPHANIE THIESSEN t____________and_______ h h I k P The C1<îMP jnn people acing nuiiieiiius charges in connection wilh a series of moirt- gage frauds in which $1.7 million was pocketed. "This is one of the larger (mies lfraudsî ini ierms ni mcîney as well as involvemeni,- said Del. Ben Hengeveld of' York Regional Polices Major Fraud Bureau. Police said that in Decemher 2001, ownership of a home was fraudulentîy iransferred to a com- pany unhekownst un the home- owner, a relative of the suspects. Frauduleni documents were then filed with the land regisîry office and the valid morigage was dis- charged on title. xci records woulcl shoiw the mlortgage hacl hceiu paiLi A new imorigage ssas tilcî arranged so fonds cicilc I, îîhiainedi The moitgage wasiruclicnl dischargecl ai a laier date iii. ilîce agaiui. make the mutle appeai ea Anoihex iirutgage was arianged. and the prîcess was rcpeaicdse eral tilmesiiio oiain I unher i îîîcls,. A secoînd incident iiiuk place ini June 2M1(2. A 62-year-<ild wîîîî,îu -also a relative- living (),,a pension was iargeiecl aîîc lunîcs were cihiainecl Iraucllntulyniithe larger unes (frauds) in ternis of money as weII as involvement." YORKN REGIOAL POUICE DEU ENNENGEVELI same manner. A third incident followed in which non charges were laid againsi the Milton couple. One of the properiies iargeied is locaied in Toronto and lxv)arci n Vuughan. Dci. Heiîgeseld wou(ln't sas' which incident,, heloiîgcd sith which properties n elloris to piîî tect the victiis'idenîiies. he ,;tid. "She' s 1iinini his ail raihcî sad andi ehaiaiiy-lic said (Ai.uic 62-\eai tc1s li Thic ire nns dj (iii ciecitii i ni ii i ,dL. ,îîc. X Ileiges ed . ail -wecac,îiail X be licci 1()i1 r,îcicl. iii pariic uai. ilîis i\ pc. lic sac jiciaiL, t îtîv sii iý I cieili piopeoxý iliais higli endcl i lu andv iiilate il He ,aid tic îfîli, ihiîig hi imci ci s can liioiIoîîîake suie lWs happeninîg vs Iiocheck the tîîîlî gage paîiîîfl and think hes living Ifree and clear," meanwhile, some- one has put a morigage om his home and is getting money, Dci. liengevelci said. Althîîugh larger homes that have heen paid <ffecan he iargeis, he saîd homes ihai haveni hbeen paid off can also faîl prey. Mîltoit's Frank Basso, 47, and hîs wilèe, Catherine Basso. 46, hîîîh of' Ruilecîge Rîîad have heen charged with a totaIof' 16 and 10I dourits respecîively of' lraud over $5,000ll, conspiracy iito commit I'raucl, uiucring a fiirged doîcunment, iihiaining iniîney hy a lîîrged doccu- menti and oiîhaining credîî hy lalse preience. Alsîî faciiig ihe saineîcchairges, are issu Wiiidridge men, <gecl 26 and 55, and ai iii i lý ic ,c Ise lasc hcci s1cliecu ld to<ppeai au Ontarioî end îî l uica e iii N'es; iiin kci ('il il,(/tit 1?111(lit864 DRURY [ANE, BURLINGTON 681 -BREW la44 eý,of(11ls C I )lUS 5 N R) ) l2)7 3 9) HOURSim , 191r.1 i 1 I 81,S a t ni-5nSui, Start Your Career!0 t h ~,,ik-o j are pleased that Dr. Catherine Zacal has joined aur practîce. Or. Zacal has openings available for new patients and emergencies. Please cail 905-878-0555 for an appoiniment Walkefield Dental 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Hwy 25 south of Main Street, jusi past Childs Drive 905-878-0555 CORRECTION NOTICE C.do Gop.q 10O10NX C.mlp.t,, -oth F..17..Mooltn, i,'k# 10041 93) This coputer w das MI indotd J. iy 2 fIyer oth inorre.t 5,~t,,-.Th.o io. i0 bonq 2506MB BOB oo. d h.uJid ,otd 256M[3 DB S;aift iy '<i principail? (Xti Ille W uis uss lime iiN() Nm 'lit Buîrns BI tmi-'rirmî' Monîiîly Pay Portfolio. Diana Bristow, CFP, V.P. 13M(O NeSbju Bo31rus Toli free: 1-866-512-4283 BM)NeshittBr- HOW OU(AN O WYOUR OWN a MINUTS AWAy 1m OUPL1HQTON, - * Ontarios Largest Brew on Premise ika - The largest selection of wine end beer making products *Automatic boutle was ung *Beer canning available Coin. check out whg setter abters has ben voted Squdinwsse FovorÎte Seer a Vine &ew on premise The following fuil-time programs start September 7: eE-Commerce a Computer Programmer e Computer Science eCourt Tribunal -, General Arts and Science Sheridan offers you: especialized learning environments - dynamîc campus spirit * dedicated, professional faculty einnovative industry-driven curriculum e qualîty student services and resources e91 % of employers express satisfaction with Sheridan graduates Sheridan For details or to receive a fuli-time studies calendar: www.sherjdanjnstitute.ca 905-845-9430 (Oakville> 905-459-7533 (Brampton) Sheridan Colege Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, 1430 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H 211 RollijntO V99 ,Sumnmer Savirg! $ Sikkens, Flood & L Para Exterior Stains 462 Steoles Ave. E. 905-870-0774 Mon Wed 7:3am 6 pm Thurs Fr 7:3am 7:0Opm Sai 9:ODam 5:pm Drs. Paula Cassin and Susan Bermingham The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 9, 2004-5 11