NEWS SPORTS I RSETRTA 2$Auto Glass Auto Accessories Upholstey Repars ( 1Wndshield Repairs n781 MAIN ST. #1& 2, MILTON 876-47851 A METROLANO COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 145 NO. 32 32 PAGES "Using Communication to Build Better Comimunities" Town looks to build giant, 85-acre park By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Ground wiII break this year for a massive community park in Milton's south end, complete with two basebali diamonds, four soc- cer fields, a playground, splash pad, multi-purpose court and walktng trails. About a dozen local residents attended an open bouse and information centre Tuesday night to look ai the concept for the 85-acre park. which will be located on lands south of the Milton Sponis Centre. The Town's Parks and Open Space Manager Ken McAlpine told the small crowd construction of the trail systemn will stari this ycar and about 75 per cent of the park will be built by 20X)7, with the remain- der betng phased in until 2012. "'The Town is phasing a number of proj- ects of this magnitude. There's only s0 much moncy we have ai une lime.' Mr. MeAlpine said. "lis aIl driven by growth.', Mr. McAlpine said musE of Uic funding needed to build the park wtll come from Spinning her wheels Goodllfe's Ken Van De Haar offers some water to Collette Watts, ride co-ordinator for the upcomlng Summer Cycle evant ta rais. tunds for Halton Women's Place and the Toronto People With Aide Foundation. The second annual event wlIb. e Md et the Main Street fltness club July 17. Those lntereated ln rldlng or pledg- lng can cali (9R) 876-3488. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE development charges, with a small portion being derived from taxes and the Super Build program. Tlhe developers provide 90 per cent of the cost of these facilities. Very littie of this money is coming from tax-related dollars." Milton Youth Soccer Club president Dave H-aringa, one of the few residents at the meeting, asked if there was any roomn for a practice facility at the new park. Mr. McAlpine said theres an undesig- nated spot that could be used as a practice area. Mr. H-aringa said right now, it's flot uncommon for 10 or 12 teams to pack mnto one field for practice. "We need practice facilities. Saying they're going to buît in 2007 doesn't help us," he said. The park will be accessed from Santa Maria Boulevard, which Mr. MeAlpine said is going to double in suze once resi- dentiai development in the area starts. H-e added there 's also intent to create a park access point from Louis St. Laurent Avenue. se. PLANS on page 2 Inside Comment ......... 6-7 Dateline .......... 14 Real Estate ........ 18 Classit lid....... 27-30 eFRIDAY, JULY 2. *ShoppeitDmq Mri' 0* uw, l* * 0F'jere 3jj N ome Hardwre'* Coff'* 4Sowys' ekAon Sobeys *Cftywide Pavtog *SoutMde Commonly Chorch'* - BuBy'* Sears' *Homo Dopot'* aA & P'* -Plor 1Iimpors' 'tELECTED AREAS ONLY L . - i IMM