The Canadian Champion, Frsday, June 25, 2004-Bg Uutdoor entertainung mode easy (NC)-Brampton (ON) - For many Canadians the first sign of two-digit temperatures signais the unofficial start of summer and a season of outdoor ëntertaining. With- the only ce in sight floating in a refreshing beverage, Vts the perfect time to soak Up the sunshine with a relax- ing, casual gathering of family and friends. GnIied gooclies According ta the Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association the most popular barbeque foods are hamburgers, steak, hot dogs and chicken. If you are looking ta add ta your grilling repertoire visit Web sites such as Fiesta Barbeques ( where you'Il flnd recipes for everything from a classic burger ta grilled quail and beer can chicken. Dual décor Add a liffle ambience ta your out- door fiesta while keeping the décor fun and functionail with these sim- ple suggestions: ,, Dust off the kiddie pool and fuli t with ice. Place beverages and salad bowls on the ice ta keep them fresh and cold. e Hit the local dollar store for some inexpensive beach toys. Colourful, plastic pails and shovels are perfect for serving veggies or chips and dip. Or add a iwisly straw and some fruity punch for an unfor- geffable beach beverage. a Buy small, colourful, flowering potted plants and group them 10 HOMEOWNMRS THT NMM ROOFIN BIL-DEN Is presently tooldn for haomersm to Partklpate ln oLa 2.004 maietng curçpfor 0"METALWOWK STEEL ROOFkM If we coutd use your homne ln our cunpamlgt to showcase 0W '("iaTy Satel" or 'Cedv Shingie" roc(, ~w ildefintMymaiWe t worth yurwhLe. Meta(Works rooflng is avalablelnaà choie of cokour to compirneit a&V home and ts backed by a Iffethmi non prorated warranty. As a dsptay home partciput yau wMl receve attacth savàmpand wiU have access to cur spema o.a.c. toe lnterst wsaied bank fNuwdnL If oequirmd. ibis tbmfted offer Is baued on cairent lnwntory and witi be servloed on a flrst corneflrs served bauis. * 186 -755 2 together in baskets or festive con- tainers. When the parfy is over plant theml -Create your own patio lanterns by securing wire around the lips of jam jars, anchoring a votive candie in sand within and hanging onto tree branches. Remember; dont ever leave burning candies unat- tended. Whether its a pre-fireworks fiesta or an annual family picnic, make the most of your backyard bash by keeping if simple, easy and fun, The season's much foc, short ta sweat it. Find great grilling recipes and ouf- door entertaining ideas at - News Canada FLOWERS & PLANTSe ~~ ~10 Inch HNgg Basketson R..0.a. _________________1 Gallon Perennials E î p«. 7. aa 4 Inch BOX PLANTS GERANIUMS ag Reg $9.99/DOZ or $1 .50 each each fiat OPEN ALL SUMMER Bam-8nm Wu" AM - A&T sav m WuL umu.OPDENSWAY (,-2( 1\ .\ i) 1. WHi1\'l\àD r Muiches J- Decorative-SOUS, 55 fli ocua 'S.99 Beauty Stone Top Soit ... 5 for 110,' j R lteCOOU eu '.9 Triple Mx . . 4for Il2 Cedar2c...49."9 5G .(W . /bag ....... 5 Sfor Il2, You have no interest in payrng until next year? How soon can you get here? $0 Down, 0 Payments, 0% Interest unUI May 2005:' Why wait? Offer ends soon! Don't wait another minute for your John Deere. Just wait until next year to pay for it. From 15 June until 31 JuIy 2004, selected models of John Deere LawnTractors and Gator CS Utility Vehicle can be yours for No Money Down, No Payments and No Interest until May 2005! So what are you waiting for? Visit your local John Deere dealer while there's still time. NOT14ING RUNS UKE A DEERE' Halton Turf & Tractors, Inc. 1589 Steeles Avenue East Milton (905) 878-2121 Clark Moore Motors 15A Fisherman Drive Brampton Nobleton Farm Service Ltd. 6770 King Road West Nobleton (905) 859-0581 tOffes valid Nom 15 Jone 2004 untl 31 J&lp, 2004. SubjectIo Agbne" approval and John Deere dealer participiffosn For pessonal or commsercial use. 0055e, escludes the 100 Senies Lawn Tactors. tAhtes interest-bree peniod. for elgîble posohaesof goods and sesoices: 1) mnimou monfll payîsesss sqied (seseemple belo);and 2 fi ance chaes ll beno cce o motficd 1 2.9% por annusl(on lsst daytollowing the otesest-free peslod) A$050 parsossslmnmmfnbîance charge rsay be applied to unpaid balances. No dowo paymen requirad. Fos exaesple, abter inteses-fee perod on a LT90Trsactos OOGX45 Tractos CS Oator Of0blrecnor based o sln rc of $5,28900.$10,90900,006,3470 ,012,l53000 les, a downu paysnsosf00 optos a 20% dooso paysrero es pesssssoed) resuts in a balance of $5,289.00; 010,909.00 $6,347-00; $12530000tu be fioanced for a maoimum oS 85 months with85 monthly papesents of 105.578; $218.18; $126.94019.40O oalloO $8,991.30,,$18,545eS10,789.90; 011,3010 based on 12.9% APR wih a cost of bossowng o $3,70230; $7&6.30; $442.90$8,771.0. noteOacnt tee an 90e nto defaobSthe charge fosamoossos peso dua is 19.75% APR. Taxes, set-updelvey, frelob ad ppaaionchargesomitlocloded and may ncse Asaîlable et petioîpatiog deaerase oly. Minimum pusohase requisad. Psogsem subjecsto change, without otic0e, et aoy tome. John Oeereas green and pelleso colos acharne, the Ileaping dean syssbol and JOHN 0EERE ans tradamantos of Deera end Company. 032CCSP135 06009-02504M