i 8-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 25, 2004 One councillor opposes plan from HALTON on page 1 Regional and Oakville CouncillorAllan Elgar was also less than impressed with the document, stating he wouldn't vote in favour of the amendment as it is. "Where we ended UP, 1 was less than encouraged - so much more could have been done," he said, adding he wanted more clar- ity on what will be, protected under the greenlands portion of the document. At Halton's planning and public works committee meeting June 16, Region Manager of Long-Range Planning Ho Wong broke the plan down into, six themes. They include - Delivering smart growth-create fimn urban boundaries, devel- op Smart Growth strategy, promote nodes and corridors, control downzoning. - Achieving affordable housing-defmne affordable housing, mon- itor homelessness and housing market, consider fmnancial incen- tives. - Promotmng agriculture-permit on-farm businesses, tighten golf course developments. broaden permitted uses. - Enhancing greenlands-deftne significant woodlands, update tree bylaw, monitor forest coverage, promote stewardship. - lmproving envtroninental qualtty-protect wellheads, monitor watercourse health, set corporate emission reduction targets. - Improving mobtlity-follow transportation master plan recom- mendations, establish nodes and corridors, implement pedestrian- friendly designs. Other plans that piggyback OPA 25 include the livestock guide- lines, Ninth Line corridor land use study and tree-cutting bylaw. The livestuck guidelines, which deal witb reducing conflitt between livestock facilities and non-fanrn uses, will be back before committee in September. fIe Ninth Line study, which looks at potenfial land uses in an ares of east Milton, was recently presented at a pubic meeting and bas not been fmnalized yet. A draft of the tree bylaw will be released this fail for public comment. In a recorded 20-1 vote, Mr. Elgar was the only counicillor opposed to OPA 25. Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennessey@amilion- canadianchampion.com. LIGHTHOUSE 8201 Esquesing Line, Unit 5, (905) 878-2300 V 1.- yzr FINANCING AVAILABLE WITH IV I NO PAYMENTS FOR 6 MONTHS <OAQI