2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 15, 2004 204Echo Hatrfifrk --LEASE FOR $19 SPER MIONTH FOR 60 MONTHS WOH*90 00V/N 2.9 EIGTAND DÈINCLUDED 6.11.611.6100 2.8% 90fCamr-y LE LEASE FOR $2 79* FER 660906 F06486606MS60WITH $4097 0V/Fa /7pimh,3.9% 'tloSienna CE 2Zoo4' Highlander V6 LEASE FOR $299* LEASE FOR $399* FER 6606,16FOR648660671001 WITH $5,625 00V/N E1EIO2T ANO D E. INELUOVO 60/ PER 6606016FR648 MON606,11 5.1801<1160060 Amm 1. 9% sR VaiS 905 875-1700 www.mlton.toyota.ca /Lea oioig p4las rontToyota Fnancial Seoos, O.AC. 01106661, on2004 CoroIIa/Eco,o ahboktCamyO<Iair,, LIen,,., .gist90Uo< ees, imo..oo 6,nd 1.0. extr. Leaeo ,1,0,1es f10890141 POE maof lolU096MI$1.11/$1,010. Fî.ig0adFRUE noti-JuddinMSR. Bagad on 60 mos. .0awyla e lofl3.4% o co00thback (Mdai 123MA> . sd on 48 ýo..oaIkaSy I.se rae f 31 V415% un, Co46aiVoeoY a6,Matix(Modela 6R32EM6/BE32KPAM<R32EMB). Do", Payllent Of$2,999/S99044,097/$2.865or01064. quivaient l.quired. F061 payrnentdue n 090 4 .Tol l 666 obligationo f $12.023.00410,53900/$17488.77/$13,877.536,n4 po10066.opionpOeao S7,636.00/$9.0lOotI.40846l.933.obe.on a r.,s.olof96,000 OMS (120000 OMS for Echo Otohba.oO> Adddbffll KM ,chargeof o$07/071.10.07 i apliae.1oMRPof$17,420/12.90SW4.8oOisî9,420. FlanS . 666nlp66$20000et2.%29%.9% par ennum a.oyis$57666$o6744fl56 pa o nh o r 36 mof..6 . $87490/9066441225.24 for6a1total6bigation of$20.674.66192,60664421,22524. 2610/210/369% no 16110 purchase f116900/09o p t136 010116% 6081614.60on1th 2004 Corole04 and' M614oIEoOo Hak1lbaO1C.y 60 glts m6.1.6e. Th64 7 r, lk61661 finie6o16 06. tt0066664ni2004 FuelConsurrptoGui" nat196961460164 dby 1Natur1 el eorosCanada.. Feau saityoor p060i0pating Toyota 0.a61 for ontplt» ouleI. DOlrsati.r 11ff660a66 4, rl. RACE IN TODAVY! 1~ IResidents urge Region to WMr1ko road safer By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion When Hawthorne Village resident Jessica Cassidy, 18, was sittmng on the guardrail last month where James Snow Parkway ends at Waldie Way, the last thing she expectcd was to end up in the hospital with serious injuries. But when a driver, presumably unfamil- iar with the area, slanimed into the guardrail, thats exactly what happened. Accidents at that spot arent unusual, said Milton resident Chris Ursulak, whos urg- mng Halton Region to put up more effective signage to ensure motonists know the new James Snow Parkway - which runs betwecn Denry Road and Waldie Way- ends rather abruptly. He said the injuries Ms Cassidy suffeoed could have been prcvented had the driver known the road ended. "(She) suffered a fracturcd hip, lacera- tions of the face and had various lacera- tions on ber leg from the accident" Mr Ursulak said, addmng, 'She is expected to have complications for the rest of ber life." Ms Cassidy is currently involved in a lawsuit in connection with the accident. Mr. Ursulak, with his wife, Rhonda, live near the road in question and said they sec everything that goes on there - including the four accidents they said happened there tis year alone. Thcy said they think more - and bigger -signs could help the situation. The Region doesn't necessarily agree. Road to be extended James Snow Parkway fîrst opcned at the end of October, 2003. It will cvcnttsatly be extended north to connect with Main Strect. Construction is slatcd to begin latcr this ycar and the road is expccted to be fin- ishcd by thc cnd of 2005, said Tim Dennis, Haiton Regions director of engineering services. In an e-mail sent to Paul Mungar, man- ager of facility projects, asset management for the Region, Mr. Ursulak wrote: "My frustration at thc Regions dismal manage- ment of tins stretch of road has been ongo- ing sincc the construction began.' Mr. Ursulak first began contacting thc Region in November and said a number of measures werc taken addrcss the issue, namnely increascd signage. Signs Uiat arc up now to alert motorists to the end of the road include: two'Road ends in 300 m' signs, one facing nortis and one facing south, a checkered waming sign at thc end of James Snow Parkway at Waldie Way, a sign on Derry Road tclling motorists James Snow Parkway duesn't connect to Hwy. 401, and two signs postcd at thc traftic ights at Derry Road and James Snow Parkway wamning drivers Uiat Uic road ends. But Mr. Ursulak said thatïs not enough - somcthing Uiats evident by Uic number of veNdces Uiat make u-tums at Uic end of James Snow Parkway aftcr coming off Derry Road. 'Even GO buses and numerous truckcrs corne up tins stretch Uinking it connects, and Uiey gcncrally know Uic roads and pay close attentiort to road signs," he wrote in an c-mail. Even wiUi Uic increased signage, a num- ber of problcms remain, be said, including Uic 70 km/h specd limit. Mr. Ursulak said it & ae-REGIOI4 on page 5 e09'Corolla CE LEASE FR188g* L15'O,6 FER 6606101FOR648 660611111<66112,9906<611 FSEIGT AN0FODE. 1606006 NO SECURITY DEPOSIT ON ALL LEASES. 400 Steeles Avenue «J'tAo