t-; ~ 10 -The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 15, 2004 HJGH SCHOOL0REPORT R1-._P. 1v I The Oe. Th OnSy YOUNG DEVERS is the one you've heard amazing things about. Here's why: 1. Our copyrighted prograni teaches nothing less than the secrets and skils of ifetime colision-free driving. 2. We teacli our ife-saving emergency maneuvers behind thte wheel, flot just in a classroom. 3. We're the Canadian standard of excellence. 900,000 grads ini 30 years - 4> YOUNG DRIVERS"of canada Your licence to survive. guri7ym 905.875.0480 w ww. y o u g dr iv er s. c om Ask us how Dri vefit Computer Based Training wili hep you pass ~ your road test kra47 tý e~n MTO Appumd OdgmoeDivrEdcation There s only one YD. JUNE 2004 JULY 2004 4 DAY COURSE 4 DAY COURSE June 26, 27, 28, 29 July 12, 13, 14, 15 (9:30 ami - 4:15 pm) (9:30 amn - 4:15 pm) àign aitruyn MILTON xDISTRICT siSeSCIGOL ",MUSTANG MESSENUER", The savoury moments of the last day of school. The excitement. The borror. The relief. For some students, this will be the last time tbey dwell on an impossible math equation, or scramble to invent some needed histo- ry research. 0f course, these moments make for perfect stories of when "back in the day." Last Tuesday, student achievement was celebrated at the Principal s Award of Menit ceremony. From the vivid stories supplied by Mr Jones, to the delighting speech by Mr Scherer and the hearfi warming water works by an anonymous teacher, it was a special event. Congratulations to ail award recipients for their bard work and dedication. A breakfast was held Friday for the graduating students. Those leaving were treated to bagels, muffins and juice as well as three speeches from which to choose the vale- dictorian for the Class of 2004. Doug, Brent and Venessa were three nominated for the prestigious role. Ail seniors are looking forward to Prom next week, which is to be held in Oakville at waterside. Already the horror stories of people wearing the same dress are flooding the halls, much to the dismay of those wearing the regular suit. Ticket sales are going well, though pnicey, and the 23rd promises to be a night to remember. Parties within the school are erupting in every classroom today, celebrating the end of the sehool year. A number of classes have brougbt in an assortment of foodstuffs with which to celebrate the final day. With ISU projects done and over witb, and only exams left to conquer, students are able to refleet on the past year, some fondly, others spitefully. For those who are neyer to return, MD is a place that will always stay close to the heart. Good luck on exanxs, and we Il see you next September!1L ill, agnm on ruturson EflkO 31100 E.C. DREJRT BenGUSCEGOL The Dateluat Drury Chronacles Ie year: 2005. The Month: May. Students nid and new enter E.C. Drury for the 25t1t reunion cetebration. Unhcknewnst te many of them, there wilii e many speciat guests tbrouglieut thse nighî. Aticia, Enika, and John sit quiety in a camer awaiting their arrivai. The Di cracks up the music, and the sountis ef the "Fight of tte Bumhtlebee' take ever. Ms. Robinson eniers, carrying a tish howi. John shnieks, anti mons te greet Ms. Robinson, andthet fish Scurvy who once helpeti write a very impor- tant article. Scarsy, teitghted te be back, jumps flaiîng his fins in the air. Unfortunaîety, he misses tIre fish hemi, anti cornes crashing down with a tituntierous hoom. Alicia jamps ap, anti screams 'Help! Who wiii nase our ftshy frienti?' Seddenty, the doors horst open, ant in flics Super Strome. Super Strome antempîs te catch the fish, bat it s so, sippery thai she catit do i hy hersel. se she clis her ime other iterary accemptîces. Victerieus Visconti rens through the timers, anti Pewerfui Peîey cornes herrowing afier her. Together. the three sase Scarvy, and ail is weii again. Alicia, teeling reiîeed, cornes oser te meet the three saper iterary iriends who akuo heipeti euh pressaus articles. As Alicia ialks À ih the literary trie. she takes note that. in preparation for the spe. cial guest band. the stage is swepi. anti cleareti. anti a gronp iof Dosti Mtes are blown (otit Erikas lap. Erka. heng qnick te hmush them off. pauses for a molment as a lîremer ef recognitioin eeps through her raîn. I'ime' lt'ý me!" Crmc a scream from one of the dusi mîtes. Enka hnings the ether 2 reporters oser. and the fior eni- nisce about a pasi article they wreîe together. lest then. the band staris te play. Who shiielti lu perliirming tonîghi. but ne other titan "The Whos" anti their special geesi stnger "Tim the Flea!" The sounts of K.C. anti the Suoshîne Bantis 'Jongle Beogie. 'Ire recons guesis sîart te muse te the heat, andthUe dance fleur quickly fis. As Enika 'hasts a muse" she "husis' rîigbî întî John Saak. and Alicia White, the twe garne show husîs lrorn ast seek's article. The three sere su userji>edt tebheseebng each oter once more, tat tey tiancedt tgether. Later in the esenîng, as tcetiancing slows. Mr. Easte R. Bnnny sieps ep te the microphone te gise one final speech. He spoahs ahout ail the great tîmes that the malts ot Drtiry neyer faitedt t hotti. He speaius oethUe lusses anti saccesses that te nornerous gratiuating classes have hati. Finatty, he makes note that the Dmury comme- nîty is une of te sironges cemmanîttes he ha.s eser heen a part of. He esen mentions te urne uhen he urete a citter tat get puhlithet in the tiateline Drury colurnn Abter a final toast te E.C. Dmry, tce guesta mere tefIte say teir gootihyes. BeingthUtc ast tee to ecase. Enka, Alicta, anti John trn off the ights anti loch the tintr On tce way towards the parking lot, the tree nearly step on tree Hohhîîs, Enicco, Aunei, anti Johoato. The Hehhits. tookntg as though tce party has lest hegun, ask 'where de party at.' Aicia replies tat everynne has gene home, anti the six frienta turnamay fronmtce choot on their pat for home. The endi. We mootti ike te smncenctytank The Canadian Champion for teir imie ant i miii ingocos te alînu us te he a pani of Mitons connnanity paper. il has heen a great coperience, anti lunch hemr witthse niher reporters have heen...ell..interesting, but fnn nonetheteas. A special, and whole-bearted thank.you goes te Me. Keane - 'Thre Wizarti" for is guidance, support, anti goot hunmor as me cmaaceti antis joarnalis- tic ativenture. Laatly, we wmld like te conigailate tise dosa of 2004 for sncb a mcm- omhle 4 years of Hfigh Scisool, alan congratulationa Dan Lynch who iii reprement tibis group of diverse anti taienieti endente ai the commencement ccremony on Nov. We miis everyoiea safe anti happy summer, andtie ue fcttow geadnatiug students me tuy: Graduation is net thse cnd. il'sthc ginuing. Have fua, anti gond lack. "&,TIUE ROYAL REPORT"P' Prestoni MacNeIl Lioma-Dads Pressé BISNOP REDINS DISE SCEOL Dear Studenîs and Staff of Baehop Reding and other inter- ested readers, Its hard to believe that the echool year is coming to a close. After a year of friendships, hardships, and many great new memories, studento are experiencing mixed feelings. We are ail tom with conflicting thoughts of relief and yet sadnnss, as il will be a few monîhs before seeing some of our friends again. or maybe longer since many students are leaving Bishop Reding forever... Our Boy's Varsity Baseball team venturcd to, the acclaimed Skydome for their last game of the season. Unfortunately, îhey fell short with a score of 2-0. Nevertheless, the team showed strength and determination as they came together as a team to ighî back. Liamt Tennant displayed excellent pitch- ing skilis, striking out seven players in six innings, while in centre fteld, Marcus Gray also showed his talents. The only hit of the team was crediîed to Matt Mastrangelo while PJ McColi had two walks during the game. Congratulations to the team on their sportsmartship and suc- cess in thetr season! The Science Olympies teamn had respectable placements last week, competing with sixty-four other sehools. The first team. with the Bio-Steeple Chase, earned l3th place, while the second team, Lost tn Space, placed l7th. The two Btshop Reding teams consisting of Katelynn Thissen, Signy Frank, Kasia Wroblewska, Stephen Zeni, Diana Cosme, Kevin Correja, Kevin Laughren. Adiano Mazzorato and Cory Minkhorst. Sean Ward and Chris Wheelihan exhibited great potential when they wrote the OBEA Grade 12 Accounting contest, placing Sth antd 6th place respectively. The îwo were among 35 other students writing the contest in the Halton region. Congratulations to both the Accounting teant and the Science Olympics team continuing to make our sehool proud of the successes of our students! Graduation will be held on June 24th in the cafetorium. Al grads are reminded that they can pick up their grad package in Student Ser-vices tbis week. As a final note, we at the Royal Report would like te, wish everyone good luck on their examas, their summer, and their future endeavora. Il bas been a great year and a pleasure writ- rng to you. Sincerely, Liana Presé and Preston Mac Neil P.S. Quotation of the Week: "Att these years I've been feeling like i waa growing int mysetf. Finaliy, I feel grown." - Oprah Winfrey. M I -'j a