Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jun 2004, p. 25

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Lan .,a., Mfr W Jung 6, Zvai..M C J<9sified piel oMO esHOUions lm V I O I DISTRESS SALES Bank Foreclsres. Free liai f Foreclosure properties in Ml/on, Georgetowfi, & Gakville. Rece/ve a free computerized priftout. Free recorded message 1-88-266-3M0 IDtt42 o goto RomaxNuea/ta 5ngs A Wark S anie mJob on Yaur Traininig Provided. F/, P/T Code:n4 HAVE your owri "Fan Sa/e By Daner manrketing con- peiy, aits our halp.ULiieai territorion avaiab"eNOW. Vlan info antd aubnthyour reume oalne eaI w.4a or caîl 1-888- 258-3339x104. MAflRESS Cleaning & Saning Buiness. 4,300 EuropoansDealers. Nelo Canada. Renoves dusl miles and harnfuî aller- gens. Big profita, snal i- veaiment. Hygieniaech 1 - 888-999-9030 wa hygae- nilech.con $PONEY$$ 100% '15, 2nd and 3rd Mortgagea. Bad credit OK. CaJI Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799. 5-YR 0 5.15%/, A/no equity nortgage progrenta regad- lmeof inonne or crdif. Cail CHRIS 0 1-800-328- 7887 ornitil:un at wwnain- clercadbun con 18&2 bedroan apte. I FOR- EST-UKE VIEWSI Cleanf Quiet BuIldisg Neer Square Oriel 647-225-70001 905-270-5700eW2 Rent it today in the 1-oooroom linsomefit apartment, racefitfy reno- vated. Cleansmature par- sonfiaftad. 3750/mti-i c/odes hoat//tydro. Frstltast. No smokinig/pets. 905-873-4060. ACTON 1-badroom part- ment Aval/auo imnodiate- y Ca/i 519-853-4953._ 1ACTON 2 bodroont $890/mt, also hache/or, $610/mth grent building, c/ose 10 umoniies, partinig, /aundry Jully lai. 519-853- 3309 or 519-853-0719. Actan Apebnflnta 1 & 2 bedroont atati1ft avaîl- aute Non and for future. IFridge & Stovo, laundry faillies, No dogu 51943 I4374 open 7 days/eet satme day approval. IACTON entra large modem iely refiovated 2 bedroont aparlifent. Separate en-1 trance, laufidry mncen- trlair and Vac., pa=ng for 2carn, ou peta. Avallablo imnediately F/tlaat Fe- erences required $1,050/nts and hydro 519- 853-2452. DOWNTOWN MLTON Ml"ad Tonent 82 Mil"ad Drive. 1&2 Bedroom Apt. Close ta Donntonn. Bon stop et Front Door 905- 876-1249 ana realstaca GEORGETOWN 1 -bel mont, sax-pies. $825/mts utililen included, clone ta al amenfibo. Firntlui, no- pets, 1 parking, August li. Referencea 905-457-9216. GEORGETOWN refiovate n Hitorlc building. Large bachelor $775/nth plus. Parking, gas tireplace, dect, laufidry. 416-339- 7440. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 BranlaStoI, Soth,Mia We ariow accepbn application for 1-2 bedroorn Avai Juuel15 3-1 bedoo Avad.Juty15 1-2 bedroont Aval July 15 For mmi hilmlar dnmfer la 905435437 .v IIIIII, ANNIVERSARY Sth Weddng Anmversary of Jack and Helen Champoux MOea ejo n H o use h F Sumday June 13, 2004 Ipinto 4pm rD Haiton Country Inn 6th LUne, Hilton es Wlshes Oniy Piea LARGE one bodroom, ACTON 3 bedroomn, spa- basersont aPartmont aal iu and bacting onto ableimmdat. M par conservation, finisheci mOnt - st nd estre- basemont. $1150/mth p/os quird. ncldeshea/hy utlites.Availablo August drocenralai/fdge/toe l 1 i.519-853071 0. deCl 05 69 -Mai o MLTON - shared accont- viewng apt.modaion2 rooms for rent, adbasomont in ne town- LIMEOUS, pivat on hose,2.5 bathrooms, bedrorn partentin te shredktchen, aundry, country Applnnces and A/C. Cal Sam 416-581- stilione incluive. Firstlast. 4291. Call51941;,ý 8. OAKVILLE - 3 Bedroorn MILTON Bacholor Bpt, tanhouses availablo Patio, acatronfm mail, ca- immociatoly through hie, & al ufiùtin îcluded. August, 4 appliances. $700/mth. CalI Crag (519> Hopodalo Mail area. 239-9973. Lakeshoro Management, MILTON large frnished 905-86-3336, hache/or basanent api. Kdlciterieefull bath, utb- tes cable, shared laundry No smolang o pta July lai $800/th. Cal 905- 876-3487. STEELESÎTRAFALGAR bacholor apt. for refit MLTON moms 400monts, $700It ullîflea incdedci pets i thehouno Cal Avaiabe Juyla t. Calîg905- (905) 691-1894. 875-4632. NCE large rom, nodemt - aecladed counitry home, Guelph Ln. & 401: $450mt Cal905-4- LOONO for a home wrth 03. old-faahoned charn' Cozy cottage style home i aide Mloni vaiaMe.De- tnched 1 1/2 toies, 2 1/2 bodroons, 1 bathomn Clone to GO 1 minute walk to downtown. Cale garden. $1l0oO/mts +. Ca/I Sonja 0 MLTON 3-drm buingalow, 905-456-3372. s/tare wttsonre nale tenant, oies bedroon. No pets, MILTON, New 2-storey $6800ts ail inchusive. Cal neni, 3-bodmonms, 3-bats- 905-690-8337. rooms, 11755scq fi Minutas 10 GO No atoinfgpeta July li s. 1500/no + stlJ- lion 416-347-6166; 90O5- 257-683. PSYCHIC Readirtgs by PROFESSIONAL seeka 2 Aria. Tlla pant, preaent, + bednomr houae iMilton and future. Ronniles lovedl area Okier well haned onea. Heais thes ik andi dog. Oren applancen, long alltg. Helpa on ail prob- tarm, refeences. Cail 519- enma 0f Ie. Cail for your 220-1525.frtu aanpte roading. 1- SUPER dlean & cozy 2- 5~7-581-1677. bedmoom noble home i the country S8SCi'th plan hast & hydro /mtentL Avaie Juue 15ts. No doga please. 905-877- LIJVE fiaM îver F/t; on- 3 *EDAOM tonnhoua for Mt, $l2SCiter mnts pIus utlille Includea foidge, tome, diasaher centralair, ebd unI: Aval- abl Auget 1/04. ConWc 908-699196 Deanri& peincea for ,3 1r2 n o year ski. $9/hr, retererices r&- quireci. 905-693-1880. RAINBOW Vttage Dacare has apecea avalalaue for chfdren 18 nontha f0 6 yeant 905-878-7552. Viei ua aI rainbonvlllageday- CaMe on Gordon "Slhn" Harriaon of Lansdswne, Ontario, lormerly 0f Mlton, pasoci away May 28, 2004 aItsh age 0f 89 yeams. 85811voleras, who aerved aits tse Royal Canadien Navy reilred enployee 0f P.L Robert- son. Ssrvived by hia alteo0f 59 yean Wonitfred <Porter>. Daughtera Susan and Bets, son Butke and ha ailfe Ter- ry. Grandchildren Tom, Don and l3oug Howard. Laurefi anid Confier Harrison. Great-granddeugftter Beley Howard. A nernorial service was held lune 2, 2004/in Lanfsdowne. Faohf ac uil F e ntkon Rbag Jne o D4,0 ensKnadoar Dad;and Granciftr uato ebra paanada.un6 17 Momory on lovoly lano, Whore hoarts aro overufr5 A lnue ne so aften travol down, Bocauso onde Ici you. Lorfiagly renembered CaroZ Dam, David & Cbri*tine CHRIS HADFIED PUBUC SCHOOL STAFF SAYS THANK YOU AU 0f the Staff aet our uew schooi nould li te etend a heartielt Thank You to0 our school counail and ail our parents for the wonderful staff lunchoon lest Fnay LAivr onv A Dînîng Roon Chwy- Wood, double peduel table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dovotail contatruc- tion. N»ew alOi n boxes. Coul $11,000. Sacrifice $2,M0. 905-567-9459 A IIngPillowtop Mattres Set. New fi plastic. Coul $1600. 905-567-9459 BED, Anazing barga/i, queeri otsopedc pillowto Set non nn plastic, aarranty $150 905-567-4042 atîl de- ile Bedroam Cherryaood, Bed, chont, dresser, 2 jCnet $8000. Sacrifice $2600. 905-567-4042 j BEDROOM stie wilh denk, hutch, dresser, chest, 2 mighl teblon & hondboaid $225. Glana colle table ual $75. Wmdow air cofidiioner $55. Ca/I 905-878-8758. 1 CARPE! I have sevorul 1,000 yrds. 0f fle Stint- master & 1009!,. nylon car- pet. Wil/ do livingroont & ha/I for $389. ncludos car- pet, pad &ifl, tallatont(30 yards) Stove, 905-639-2902 CONGRATULATIONS, 'VU'RE APPROVED. Gel a MDG Horizon PC for only $899 or onst .81 conta/day. Free Leomrt 3 i I Prinlr, Free Digital Camora, Free CD Borner, Freo Microsoft Word, Free 17' Samsung Monior. No Moriey dont, Ca/I Todayi 1-800-510- 4042. GE, an ta aer 0fterier, brand rien, nil/ in pndiag- ig. $550.00. Plonne cal 905-878-5338. Hot 1Tb-2004 ailtion-, onle«, Oa III 64- woad cabinet, neer used, sf111I In wrapper. Coot $$,m0. soli38,000 416-6197. POND Somdl: Ir Ram-, bon Troul, .99 eacft (nin 100). Specicleif & Bon Trout specials 100/ Koenders 16" aeralifg wndmil or Otterbinea 1/6 hp (120 gal/mn). nentor $749.99. Cail Silver Cne 519-8332559. Trout ont moaqufloa. Ut J<me 11, 1004- Lion CIub-Thompmo ArM& MdtmWANTED A/i China, SII- ' UMRIonver, Crystal, Ton Cupa Roy- TICKETS: aiDOaa/ton, Sarovaki, $10Glana Jenery 04ou ys, $10. ATrTHE DOOR cailecaut esaaten. Cal uquoMl, FOOD, DooR Jo/tri/racyý 905-331-2477. PRIZES, CAMES- NOTIE OF ANWUAL NMIG Nole is heroly gWon ha thie annual meeltg 0f Mlfon Mlennium Contnunly Residerios (MMCR) w)) be hed at Marlfoale Gadana, 45 Mardn Streel Mfon, on Thutuday Âne 24,2004 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of rcmw lg Repofts and Fmtai SWaenoe" for the pe- riod endin Decen4ko 31, 2003, alacffo f the Board of Diraclra and ay *0busktof f t kAituimeet- ing. Si#18etaIMMlln, lhtIs Sd dey 0f Ame2004. Lanry mManasoeetry CASH pai for astiques and collactslea, china, fig- urintes, jewveltery, fumniture, coins, etc. 905-878-3145 ceH 905-876-7950. 1991 Fard Taur Wagon, metaii lbue, 2' hltch, îç- graded altocia, apringa. New betlery, g004 ire, en- -kw Regeatyseraloed, $1000. or oflier as la. Cal 906-73-2711 emnrgs ESTATE AUCI'ON SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 12,2004 AT 9-30 AIL. FOR THE ESTATE 0F THE IÀTE ELEANOR ROBINSON 10271 FifiaLi ne, HhHiltb1 Sale consiting of the contents of a four generation family farn honte including, Antique Fumilure, Glna, China, Primitves, Whie Roae Gas Pump, Crocka, Lampa and sone Farm Relateci Rema. TERMS: Cashi or choque wit proper ID. Oater and Auctioneer are flot reeponsible for accidenta or prop- erly kmaaday of aale. DIRECTIOS: Rom Steelen Ave. N. on th Une paat 1lOth Sideroad on rght hand aide. Watch for aigis. Previen from 800 A.M. dey of sale. Luncht Analaute. DOHERTY'S AUCFION SERVICE (905) 878-9602 (905) 854-3577 AUcT1ONEER- PATRICK A. DOHERIY Sec fil LWat: WnW.AUonfioemlidohercy CLOSING OtUT SALE 60%e OFF DISPLAY MODELS Coder Garden Fumiture Svvinga, Chairs, Tables Snturday Jue 121h - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm NOWRIEE TE WOODWORKS 2154 # S Sie Rond (North of 401 -East 0f Hwy 25 botween 3rd and 4th Une) 905-87"-131 1993 Mrcury Grand Mar- qus, 156,000 ins. $2,400. Ca/I Chrin aI 905-73-7567. 1996 Vovo 940 345 km. AJI power, flne bras, grey very dlean $3995. Kevifi 905- 878-7928. 1999 Cavalier, 4-door, auto, 9meaI on gan, 105,000 kifs. $6,700. Contact aller 5:OOprnt95-877-4803. 199 Chevy Cavalier, 99,OOOlcmn, bact nted airdown, upgaded aound, A/C, power alodnsloclis, great condition. $6,600. CM 905-854-3654. 199 Ford F/air cab xs112. Fully loaded, V8, nlatural gas equiped. Excellant shape. Crifiedleteted. $7500. Call 519-853-2142. TUTORING AVALABLE Grades 1-5, Reading, Writ- ig and More. For infrma- lion please cail Patridla ai 905-693-06. GUITAR LESSONS Pn«vategudtar teaorre avaîlable front an ex- peenec, rn onal boaItfée, reanttaflie rates. Ric (905) 875-4601 ol l' Lf 'Il ak Do't oi e th dedine D di nes: Moa Cc fo usa I io foiia' MI " la lba rart"an Câtmvminn- Tumdavhmâ R- gnftd--« b

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