6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 1, 2004 #Commenut t$een there, done that Pardon our French, but Prime Minister Paul Martins campaign promise of $9 bil- lion more in health care funding feels an awful lot like pre-election déja-vu. A mere two months ago, Martins health minister - Pierre Pettigrew - delivered a federal budget devoid of any significant new spending where the health of Canadians is concemned. The prime minis- ter himself stated there was simply no new money for health care. What has changed? An election caîl, for one. Forgive our cynical outlook toward Martins recent campaign promise, but Ontario residents have just 'been there" and "done that" with Premier Dalton McGuinty and quite frankly we're still feeling a little bit sbell-shocked over that Liberal about-face. Martin s wniting this $9-billion pre- scription for what ails health care in our country - supposedly without the need for higher taxes or health care premiums like those just imposed by McGuinty. Whats that adage about something seeming too good to be true? There's another side to the prime minis- ter's sudden I 80-degree spin on health care funding that seems, well, suspicious. As depicted by Steve Nease in today's Champion cartoon, Martin was the finance minister/surgeon responsible for excising national bealth care spending over most of the Iast decade. Offering to replace what he and Jean Chretien took from us in the first place takes a lot of goto - and nerve. Apparently elections have that kind of effect on our politicians. Its hard to know how to interpret Martins health-related campaign promis- es. Is he simply trying to make votera - especially those in Quebec - forget about the sponsorship scandai and other federal Liberal faux pas, or, has he been borrow- ing election strategies from the example of Ontarios recently elected premier. Either way, 'Dr. Martin' will have to for- give his 'patients' for taking a hard look at his offer of a cure-ail and wondering if al we are really getting is a placebo. * Our Readers Write Overseas trip amazîng,. say soccer players Reader says that parking is a serlous problem Dear Editor: It's been a few weeks now since our retum from Manchester. What an amaz- ing 10-day experience it was. We three local members of the Milton Magic Under- 17 girls rep soccer team were provided with the opportunity to experience top level intemnational soccer competition through our involvement with the Bryst International program. Although we lost handily to Manchester United, Tranmere and Wigan, and were edged by Manchester City - with Teia scoring ber first inter- national goai - we gained so much experience playing against the older and highly-skilledtmains. Our tip aiso included a visit to the shrine of English soccer, Old Trafford Stadium, and the chance to take in two Premiùere Division gaines. It was a great overail experience for bo)th our soccer and personal development. We'd like to thank The Champion for its coverage of our trip. as well as our parents, Magic coach Tony Maduri and Bryst International. We also gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the Town of Milton's Commnunity Fund. Tala Clamant, Shannon Johnston and Sera Mancini Mlton Maglc *The Canadian Champion Box 248, t91 Miltons, On (905) 871 Editorial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver j.II Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNah Tim Coles tl Main Si. E., lThe Canadien Champion, iublshed eveny Tuesday and Fiday ai 191 n. L9T 4N9 Main SI. t , Milon, On., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is oneoniThe Meinaiaîîd Prnniîn Pubishinn & Disiibuiing Lid. gnaup ni subuiban compiarues which inld:Aax/Pickering News Odvanisar, Adiîsian HeaidlCourier, tannie 8 -2 3 4 1 Avance touatenianrpnise, Brampton Guardian, Buringion Posi, turliiogon Shopping News, Ciy Parent, Ciiy oi York Suardian, Coiingwssd/Wasaga 905-878-4943 Connection, tast York Mînnor, tnîn Advncaie/Couniny Rouies, Etobîcake Guandian, Famboraugii Review, Foevei Yung, Georgetown 905-876-2364 IndapandeniiAcîon Fee Press, Hafton Business Timas, Huonoa Business Tmes, Lindsay This Weeii, Makham tconomisi & Sun, Midand/Peneiang- 905-875-3300 isiene Mirr, Miman Shopping News, Mississauga Business Tmes, Mississauga News, Napanae Guide, Nassanameya News, Newmanieildunora 905-878-5947 tra-tannan, Noithumberland News, Naith York Mirror, akailie Beanen, Oakaiie Siiopping News, Odimens Hockey News, Oniiîa Taday, Publisher Osiawa/i5hiiby/CianingianlPori Perry Ths Weak, Peterborough This Waak, icions Couuy Guide, Rchmond HiIifihornhiiiNaughan Lbenai, Scarboraugh Asnouiaie Publis/ier Mrair, Siouiiviiia/Uxbidge Tibune. Edimnna i-aC/ief Sduadîsing is accepied an the condition hatin itheSic antai ityipo- grapiical arroi. ihai prt ion fihe adedîisinspaca accupiad by the ers Maaîagiaig Ediîo nanaus item, ingaihar muS aa easonabie alamwanca ion signatuna, wîll soi Sa Adi'ertisiap< Dir-euîoi chargad io, bu ihe balance oifitheaadtsamani miii Se paîd ion ai the appli- cableiatnanaThe pubishen nsanvssthe ighi in caiaganize adveadîsemenis an Productiona Macageadeclîna. Charlene Hall Di suribîuion Manager Teri Casas Office Manîager The Miton Canaaian Champion is a %ecyclabie Peoduci in new sub-division; issue flot beîng addressed I)ear Editor: I 'm a resident ual ne of the ncw residential suh-divisions. soutb ot Maiin Street near James Snon Tlhe homes on my street were desîigncd au accîninodate so vehicles pKr bousebold -oneC ni the garage and one in the drivcssay. Yeî inany ol the lîouscholds on nov sîreet cither bave nu room n i h, garage, or bave more than twvo vebicles. Onme in panticular bas five vebicles. Tbe result is that vebicles are parked on botb sides of the street ovemight. lt's like trying to negoti- ate an obstacle course to get down the street. If one meets an oncoming vehi- cIe, one of the vehicles bas to find a space to duck into in order to, let the other vehicle pass. I can't imagine svbat would bap- pen if an emergency 'sebicle bad to mnake its svay doîwn ib e street. 'The k Iasv nnandaiing a tbree-hour parking limit is clearly not being enforced. I contacied botb rny councitîor and the Town clerk to sec wbat could bc donc abo)ut the situation. I was directed to Jon Popple. the Town's hytavx enlorceanent officer, wh'o told nie ibat there was no enforcement officer available ovemight. and that patrols were only conducted during the day. 1 was advised thatI 1sbould con- tact the Halton Regional Police Communications Centre and the parking control officer will be dis- patcbed if be's on duty and if not a police constable will be assigned. I was also advised that the Town only bas one parking officer and each street in Milton can*t be patrolled every day. 1 find it bard Ioi betieve ibat in a toss ni the si/e of' Milton there*s no bytaw enlorceinent oficer outsîde ut regular business bours. especial- ly viben most of the offences occur overnigbi. i'm certain that the I-alion Regionat Police are kcept quite busy witbout having ici enforce parking bylaws. In ligbî of the expansion of the residential areas nf Milton. t strong- ly believe that une parking officer is ont enough to adequatcly enforce the bylaws. This issue needs to be reviewed, and I urge the members of towo counicil to act on this as soon as possible. Ronald Bee Sherwood Road E-mail your letters to the editor ta miltoned@&haltonsearch. com. Pud by Steve Nease mmiïw4.l,,,