Tourney for Deidre foundation The Canadien Champion, Fnidair May 21, 2004-21 There's still time and varous ways ta participate in the Deidre and Fiends Foundation's annual Cbarity Golf Tournament. 'I'Iie ~ 0 h'îrn dl. 9503 Dublin Line. It's a four-per- son scramble format. From 10 to 10:45 a.m., golfers will check in et thse registration table. Tee off wil be at il arn., and at about 5 p.m. there will be a char- ity putting contest. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. with Father Mark Curtis act- ing as thse evening's master of cer- emomies. There will be prizes for special to the pin. There's even a chance to win a car courtesy of Milton Chrysler Dodge Jeep for putting a Iole-in- one. This year's officiai tournent sponsor is the Kinsmen Club of Milton. Corporate sponsorsbip opportu- nities include hole sponsor for $400, picture sponsor for $500 and tee sponsor for $300. playci. lournamcîît rules arc avail- able by, request and on the day of the toumnament. Cheques should be made payable to Deidre and Friends Foundation. For more information, call (905) 878-3401 or e-mail ticoca. FNATURALLY GREEN, SW E NATURIL PesticideExb g. ~Mon. May 31lst through Sat Jun. Sth, 2004 (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) l Clean out the shed or garage & turn in your old or unused pesticides in exchange for a FREE pesticide reduction ACTION KIT, WHERE: at the Hausehald Hazardaus Waste Depat, at Haltans Waste Management Site, 5400 Reg. Rd. #25 Miltan (apprax. 7 kms N. af Dundas St. & 1.5 kms S. of Britannia Rd.) If yaure unable ta attend this event, yau are invited ta bring yaur pesticides and/ar other househald hazardaus waste ta Sheridan Callege, 1430 Trafalgar Raad, Oakville far: ENVIRONMVENT DAY Sat. June 12,2004 (9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.) s,. " FREE AMrON KITS (whle quantitles tast) " FREE LAWN &GARDEN PRIZESTM EVERY 1Oth VEHICLE (while quantities Iast) GRAND PRIZE e WAGON OF LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIESI 2003 Grand Prize WlnnersI ACCEPTED PESTICIDES: herbicides (awn/garden praducts), insecticides >AV E (bug/grub contrai products), fungicides (disease cantrol products), and any other pesticides (flea/tick sprays etc.) Maximum 20 Litres per visit. This event is sponsored by the Halton Partners for Naturally Green as part of a public education and awareness-raising program developed ta inform the public about the potential risks of pesticide use and alternatives that are available. Partners for Naturally Green include Haton Region, the City of Burlington, and the Towns of Halton His, Milton, and Oakville. For more information, visit -- -- -- ------------------------ draw for a wagon FUo PLEDGE TO BE NATUML I pledge to reduce pesticide use on my propertyto b. awar. of alternatives to pesticides, and to encourage my neighbours te do thek sam.. Please take a moment ta answer a few questions: irst Namne:------------1. Sa far this year, have you used pesticides ip on yaur lawn ar garden? Last Namne:-----------------------[Yes []No Address: Phone: If yes, was this ta treat individual weeds, or did you apply the pesticide ta the whole Iawn? * DIndividual weeds C Both Email:--------------------------.... Whole Iawn Bring your completed ballot to one of the following locations: Halton Waste Management Site, 5400 Reg. Rd. #25 (Milton), during Pesticide Exchange Week May 31 through June 5, or Sheridan College, 1430 Trafalgar Road (Oakville) for Environment Day June 12 or mail ta Halton Region Health Dept., 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, L6M 3Ll no later than June 30,2004.