4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 20, 2004 Committee recommends $4.1 million tederal GSI rebate go into reserves But some want rebate ta knock down tax increase By JASON MISNER The Champion How does a $4 residential tax rebate sound? A couple of Milton residents and a Burlingson regional counicillor want part of the Liberal feder- al govemment's GST rebate to go to taxpayera this year for somte sort of savinga. But Halton's administration and finance coin- mittee recommended at its Wednesday meeting tbat the Region's $4.1 million GST tax rebate announced by Prime Minister Paul Martin in Febniary be put into reserves. It wiil go before regional coundil for ratification tomorrow. The meeting will be beld at tbe Bronte Road beadquarters at 9:30 a.m. Tbe Region approved its tax levy - a 1.6 per cent increase for 2004 or an average bike of $13.50 per year - in January before the rebate was announced. Financial staff felt it was better to put thse extra rooney into reserves witb thse intention tbat it bu used if otber budgeted projecta tbiis year need more money for wbatever reason. T'he remainder would bu put toward next year's budget. Tbe Region's GST componens is pald out a cou- ple of ways - one for tax-supported services like its garbage contract and tbe other for water andI wastewater requirements. A staff report sbowed tse GST rebate would yield $800,000 in savinga on Use operating tax levy aide. Jane MacCaskill, Halton's treasurer and comn- missioner of con>orate services, said in an inter- view tbat if the $800,000 was put into tbis year's budget, it would amounit to, approximately $4 in savings for an average bouselaold assessed at $250,000. lIs other words, Use tax bike would drop on aver- age froro $1 3.50 to about $9 per bousebold. The prospect of a savmngs fueled residents and Burlingson Regional Coundillor Jack Dennison to urge Use committee to inject at lest part of Use rebate into Usis year's approved bike. Milton resident Gary Ellis sald a tax decrease, no matter bow small, is a tax decrease. "Rehate thse surplus to your taxpayers," be sald. "You know whose money it is and you know wbere it aboultI go." Mr. Dennison wants Use surplus injected into Usis year's budget to ligbten Use tax loatI. "It sbould bu a windfall so Use taxpayer, not to reserves," be sald. "We bave an extra revenue, bowever you want to look at it." Ms MacCaskill said that, wbile she underasanda taxpayers appreciate every tax dollar, to put the entire $4. 1 million mnto the approved 2004 budget would prove difficuit becaute thse flnancing of var- ious capital projects would bave to be reviewed by counicil. "It becomes much more complicated." Tbe majority of tbe committee wanted tbe GST rebate kept in reserves. Halton Chair Joyce Savolmne asaured taxpayers will benefit from the rebate, wbetber to balance projects this year or to be allocated in next year's budget. Mayor Gord Krantz ecboed Ms Savoline's tbougbts. "TMe real big impact we can make on tbe tax- payer is in tbe next budget," be said. Total regional taxes for 2004 are proposed to jump by aligbtly more than 5 per cent. Thbis year'a Halton police budget, tbe last piece of tbe local tax pie thse Region controls, wilI go for ratification tomorrow. Education taxes aren't included as tbe Province sets tbem. The regional budget must be officially fmnalized by the end of April. Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@mil- toncanadianchampioncom. Piûirpose NQ toi reduce garbage &iveway mu» " Cfelit dm. a pssspery aesmei tus pay for ts Service," b0 Wi, "In Sociey we hava py e foolodg- mg~ ansd for ilities, so wsy asç4 for wa*te4lpsf Csusiltte membebm aknowl- e4dged ti irportance of recychtsg addver8wam dd HaiUs m is bein proctive. A Isorsat report showed Halmos divrint o seli5 l ly fros3.6 pet ent ina 2002 to040.9 per cent ins 2003, helppotwct is ins4 site. *"I w to o mae it cear tt Hats bu flot been Sitting ona ils duO,'" Milton Regional CounellS Barry Lee told thse coenmittee. For more Wnonsxafon about Haltoa's waste review straitegy, visit www.oegionhaton.ca. Jasson Mimer can b. reached atr jmisner@miltoncanadianchampio.c amn. MORE THAN THE WEATHER IS CHANGING. THERE WILL BE SOME CHANGES M GO BUS SERVICE STARTING APRIL 249 2004. On the toute t1hat serves Milton, Meadowvaie, Streetsville, Erindale. Square One, Cooksville. Dixie & DLindýis. and the Union Station GO Bus Terminal vve're changing some týmes and adffing sorne new trips too. On the route thal operates belween Milton and the Finch GO Bus Terminal sorne of the eastboutid niorning trip times are changing. Plus we're adding two new niorning eastbound trips and tvvo new afternoon vvestbound trips. fhis route will no longer serve the York Mffls subway station and the number of trips that serve Financial Dr. at Syntex has been reduced. Ail trips will now operate along Hwy. 407 between Meadowvale and Toronto and custoniers niay board or exit the bus at varjous locaÛons along Mississauga Rd. between Hwys. 401 ai-id 407 and aiong Yonge St. between Hwy. 401 and Finch. FOR MORE DETAILS VISIT WWW.GOTRANSIT.COM OR JUST GIVE US A CALL. 01* :k* : Al Il Milton MIlIe nias c Empoyment QppQrtunity Arena Maintenance Communlty Services Department Positon summery The Comsnunlty Services Department has a vacated fulI-time position in Arena Maintenance Io perform facilitly maintenance and arena operational du"es. Appltcants must be wllling to work shifts, inciudlng weekends. R.ponslblltle " lice maintenance andI operation of ai refrigoration equipment " Mechanical and tschnical maintenance of the Olympia ice resurfaclng machines andI refrigeration systema " Maintain, repair and dlean communlty facitles " Ensure maintenance of ail facility safety systems " Facllity operation support as required Educatio n ud experilence * Clas "B Refrigeration certilfication " Certifled I ce Technician (CIT) designation " Operational experience associated wlth ice resurfacing equipment " Effective communication siis " Meci'anlcaflly lnctined " Possess skilis and knowlsedge in carpentry, plumibing, mechanicai and electri disciplines - Cufrnt Flrst Aid andI CPR training Suary Rang: $33,64 to $39,586 bad on a140 heur work week lntarSBl appllcant ehouki subhotta resuota by April 26, 2004 te: Town eftolls, Dupertirnent of Corporel.e Srvls, 43 Broun SL, Milton, Ontarle L9T 614 Attention. Coordntr HuanR»u Fax: (U808-423lor by E-mali hussuwir.ourco.@ngllon.oa liacrac wlth the Fre r mof lIn ra andI Privaoy leglslation, appdl. cant inora kp i olecd undor tthe xty of the Muntolpl Act anid wiIl Open Air BunMis not prnitte i hm rbn ao f teTown f Mltn. Bunn i ernte nrr Mtn rvitdte1nxw« a urn Il