Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Apr 2004, p. 32

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-r' 71 24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apntl 20, 2004 -4 <auraI h Riie,aaos eýtadaORB(i: 'il eg,isi ss sr iaeoY 6,k of eîs: To appty or tearn more about this and other opportunities, visit our Web site: iqueca reers C I Scalehouse Operator (Backup)/ Container Station Attendant As the insurance speciaisls fur 0011 Finauciai Slroup. Il Insurance» is une of Canada's leadivo insurauce prusies, bringing a mîde range ut ivsurance solutions lu mure than tise million Nurth American cuulumers. Wr beliese Ibal the dreamu, guals and aspirations ut ue îeamn members are as sarîed and unique as rbuse ut oui custumers. Dur goali s lu peuside a wurk ennîîuvrmeul Ibar suppuorts eacb inetisieual's ambitiuns lbugh eunlinuus learnîng, carrer cuachîng and uppurtuniries for adeaucemeul. Rîgbr uuw, me hase rewaedingi pusitions for career-mîvdled prutessîseais aI sur Mississauga lucation. Cume realîse yuur ebeamu mvith ROC. Licensed Insurance Advisors Wurkîng wîthîn sur Missîssauga contact ceerre, ou wîtl belp csumers iv seesicing, seliing, ana renewîng prupety and casaty rhume and auto) insurance pulicies, Ibis insulues adsising curumers su the apprupriate prouues, setlîng prupety and cassalîy insaiance pruductu, and perturming truntl une underwriling of prupeîty and casuaro renewal pulîcies. Full training miii be piusided unsîle. Alung vvilb yuur pust-secundary educalîse, yoii hase une year ut experience iu a custumer service and/or sales essîrurmeni. ou must be able lu ublaîs a eleneral lnuaance Lîceuse tur Ontariu (and urber pruvinces) ru begîn work iv Ibis positiun ut ou bord a carrent Genetal Insurance Liceuse toi Olntai. Bitingnalism ibngiishiFrench, Canruunese se Mandarin)i s an assel. Please search and appiy ondine usîng Position ID# OABE-24060. Wben applying, ptease inclode the ID# in your cuser letrer. W, uIs ,,yý, ..,ossi,,e- orhnsttdhpl,:,ies 5siplvu e.pIoSoýv .:,I r oes ,kpsacr sv os Lplutt t d,ii , ,,,,, Our eustu This 14-month, part-rime (t16 hr/wk) otaportuorty, located iu Milt<on, requies a coltege diplrma in tBusiness, inctuding computer and accoonting courses, soe an equavateor back- groaund. You witl operate and maintaîn a compuirzed tandlt information system, incluetete .0.curare .ollection, screening, input and maintenance eof costumer data, as well as sorting and fiing tickets. Amîsce your taulis sejît be, docsetnting site violations, reconciting daily cash transactins, investigaring ilseoming waste, and ensuring thai lasers are adhering to landfdtl pulictes and regultions. Ymir excetlent custrrmer service skitls witt enabte pou toi respond ru public inqnres conctrning tantifflt services. rates, regiona bp taws andl Minisr of the Envirranment legisltion. tree-plîrs pear orf expeiience, wîîh exposure tu tanetfitt and seaste management, are preferrel. Please frarwaret pour resume quolang Competttion #PP-103-04, by April 30, 2004, tri Human Resource Services, The Regtonl Muoalcipality of Hatton, 1151 Bronte Roali, Oakvtlte, Ocntario, LIM 31. Fax: 905-825-4032. 06e Rr'5enal Municipaity uf Haitun qff.0ir a soku'fre neiekplace. Pre tieno aU candidatesfue rbeieî'nreresr. Hcneren. unir r/ose seuseai for anis î,rt, ua ur be cntactrra - - - www.haletopm.mvrd Survey Technician This is an exerting opportunity for a srrong communicutor who cars deal effectively writh members uf the public, consultants and conoraceors. Fo0lowing sound surveying practices, y.ou seil cofUect base information for utilization by the Engineering Dtesign staff, and provide construction tayaut on capital projectsu You are a Certified Survey Teehniejan with a CST designation, 5 yeats of ruperience in a civil engineering environment, and a 2-seat Civil Techoician diploma or equivalent. A valid drivers licence with a clean abstract, and knowledge of total station software are required. You have knowiedge ot provincial standards relating tu engineerinsg applications, and the abilirv ru read and luterpret engineering drawings, legal survey plans and specificatioos. Tire affluaI salaru rauge for this position is S41,605 ru $49,625. We offr a highlv professional, progressive and supportive miseS envirsnuen. Tii be au inregral part of ont grawiug comorunity, pie ast send a derailcd resuin, unciuding references and a covr leerer, iluoting Pestaeg Ne. 200413, by 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aprit 28, 2004, ta: Ms. Jacqeline Beretes, Manager of Humain Resoceces, Town cf Hatton His, 1 Haten Huis Drive, Hala-on His, ON L7G 5G2. Fax: 905-873-1430. E-mail: huarsucs)hlohlsc W taanka//aduse co apply, but adse tat nlitse appicas s îOend/ ran ,inî,iewc :0e/ ,svoacs'd. Pesna/ informoation es ,solved under the asthueit -ftbedhîînipalAr 2001 rUý (O r20î1, c25) and wilde sed t slcta candidate. iVe aie ai; Equa/UppunitjsLv,/s tI& Wc m quai cc ril en ns dowoWmakno m mm o idcci WC neprIldof ointeaicsreccae coenird the pîcccrvcao of nau lilt te i rioge and misent cecmmcic, ieeccdiig the Niagcrc Ecnaqrcrca, ihe Orne Teclanddthe CeItrIleVatry HALTON HILLS Classife~d urs IMonday RD Friday 19am to 5pm Tire Huitain Régienal Police SIno (HRPS) os dedicated tu providivg pruoacbve, reocliv and preventative pobicîog strategies tbat oubance thre quel#cof lite in tire growing commuvîbieu uf Oakille, Burlingtsn, Milles and HuSton Hiise, vna région chat teaturea Bruvte t.reek Provincial Park avd severai conservation oreao. Corporate Communications Specialiet In thîs excîtîvg rote, yuu mutl proside public relatîions and cemmuvîcation support chat pramates and eubanceu the image ut the petite service iv bath the local avd global commanîties. Peu brîog a mivimum ut 5 years ut progressive corparate cormunications eeperience, includîng mricing, edîtîng and design layot, production ut prînt communications, and eoent ca-ordination in a gootromenit envîoment or large organîzation. A degrele in Joarnaiism, Public Relatins, Communications Marketing or a reiated discipline is reqaîred: a protesuîana accreditaciomdeaignacian (APRt a an auset. Expérience prouîding crîtîcai incident and ennergeocy communiques is preierred. Salua-y range: $56,8019 -$63,01 7. Please tend yoa resume, qotîso Competition #64-C-09, by April 2l, 2894, ta: Hume. Rlesoua-ce Ser-vices, Natten fogional Police SeriCc 1151 laraite Rend, RP..x20 lesIOcUkwiIleOn tario, LII 2C7. Thre Haltes Régional Police Service la commü£td to thte pedeciplea of eqoal upportooil We tbauk ail opplicauto, howsever, onill candidates nelecceel for an interview wiRl be contacteS, wmww. hrps.-on.-ce W. offer: You hoye: * full & pare-lime - thre. years of " marning & evening shifts aivaillable verifiable AZ " permacnent schedlules experience * compc-elhenuive benels a clean (pnrcu4>iffla & dchcl abstract/CVOR t c ~7PqDrî vers- Ads in the classifieds have the.........Advantage potenIalw to be seen by 30,000 peo pie rg fý>I A,, L~~ A leritage of Qoa0ity, eaili One Home ai a lime Since 1978 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL ESTIMATOR - INTERMEDIATE The Reid's Heritoge Grssp ot Comparues is ove sft ho largasl bnmebuildîng and deoolspmenl operations in South Western Ontario, wrtb projecîs aclîoely underway at a riamber ut sitos in Guelph. Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Colt ugwood and Huntssville The Grsup also bas Divisions inolved in Renoualions, Roai Entais, hi-atin and Air Csnditinng. Prsperly Management, Eocasating and Landscoping. We boas an irriiediale speriiil forsa Resdential/Csimercial Estimatsr.i Ib iis pssi- tionr you wiii be in a toam siispnere, murkîng un qusntiry lake-ostts prîcîog sud pur- chasîng, Suai ng hith building trudes, poducI suppioers, Silo Suporuisurs, Accounis Payable, Sals ars Marketinîg soIti, Pinînci Cnsrdinatnrs. and tho Design Dopailment, Respnn-sîbiiies mii iclule, * Prodsce uccurale quanlily iako olis fositho phiin outure projects " Pi cis ut change urders snd cuslomer rosuonts " Creulo aird manage un onlmne spreudshee tsi change urders und silo instructions " Manage tho tiiug systir anS tlow ut inormation " Mainloin the shup drowîng log " UpOate the un site moster pises and spociticalisos as changes are mode This is o chaiienging anS rewsardîng opporlunîty tsr an indrordool with aI boust fie years ooperience on rosidenlial/commercia constructin. Psu wîil penueus eocolleni cnmpuler, urganizotisnal, înlerperrnnal and communicaion kilis, and basa the abr- îty oe work well undor pressure Pleaxe fax a coverinu ImIter and raisonne Il April 301/04, ta 519-654-9746 Attention: Human Rlessua-ces Departunent Peuse, nu pone carils Oniy Ihone appiicunls seiecled for an interview ii ho conlacted. OPIENINS SGDl! Appleby & Dundias H/ring al poaitions Fuit & Pars-urne Drop off reoume Te Subwa ai: 3505 Uppet Middle Rd (Walkers Place Pisaia or Email borcl5" ROONW jLABOURER IFull-time posi-I tion. Metro Tor-I Ionto area. LocalI fj1emaj epartj ing irom George- town daiy. Cal David 416-684-1738 Requiros Mature person required for fuli-time & part-time midnight store front. We off er Benef ils and csmpetbvs sturtîng wags 2355 Trafalgar Rd Cali 905-257-1294 ouxan ser TeCleeaAplied Linisl s feing a 5-day Certificate Course, June 2nd-l ai Sheridan College, To regioler for the Open lieuse, April 27th, 7 m. Cal X-Ray and/or Ultrasound lech Reg'd for expanding Hamilton & Huilas clin- ics. Great job oppoflu- nily, CME & hovretls. Why commuta- yso cas work dloser so home! Fax resume ta: 905-572-6800 PRODUCTION WORK on the MILTON aroa. $11$1 2/hr Al shits asailable. Start immediatey. Fao reaumo tai: 11CR 416-622-7258 or Toi: 1-888-411-1660 Be tecoguized fur yow onnuibution to Rdtcm% awcontiý. P«Nkling services in public hoalth, &ocial and cSnnumity seý Md pil Md public wodul, d- R*gionall Municipzil of ibbon is a dy-nùc orp-iz*ý in au omt-dmuckg îù4 gmwiag -11-il Ar Hal we mine om mnpkn"el. es it is ordy libirougl dudr tonIr dut we om " to nuet VÈ* 'IL S 0 N IUCKLINESLIMITEID, AZ Drivers te Clty Gr«ery Delivery Shunt Drivers a C I as Oe Po e 87-34o of 509 DMVM 7ill m Ddvffl

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