The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 20, 2004-23 I mpitw * CLASIFED HOTUN: 905475-3300 I BCINsifie E2Z21asitEd ;IaEar ~.ANNIVERSARY 1 *ý,l,ý11ý,, JUPCOMJNG MARRIAGE 1 Mr &Mrs Marin Van Beek along wlth Mr & Mrs Frankt Reeves of Milteon are pleesed to announce the upcemieg marriage of thear children Mattheu; Paul to Kathemine Uisa Wedding ta take place April 24, 2004 in rlre to 2 storl 45bdmr bnick as acoi home in desaira ACTON 2-bedroxm apaf- naighboarhxad. $334,900., ment, niewiy decxrsted, 626 Seaxysale Ores. Mil- parking/pnivxte an- tan. Oei 905-876-1748. trxxcelsundack. No smok- GORGEOUS Green Park ing/pets. Firat st Rater- sami, thxusaxds in up- ancax/cradit check. grades, close ix cosi $750lmxnih plus atilities, shopping and 401. Cati for 519-853-9109. datails. 905-693-9592. Acta,. Apauimet 1 & 2 bedmoorn aparnimrent aveul- abie Now and for future. Fridge & Slave, laundry faciliteas, No dogs 519-853- 4374 open 7 d iyltr Homnimorkers Wanlad 1semae day appronai. $529,27 Weekly. Proceso CT Mail or Assemble Producta ATN, 1-bedmoom. Aveul At Home. 416-703-5655. abse immediataiy. Fridge, 24hr massage. ww.Th stae utiliSies inciuded. No HomtJob.c Or write to: pets, f irstlst, references Consumer, 599B Yonga requîrad, Oei 519-653- Street, #259-222, Toronto. 3677. M4Y 1 Z4 DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towams 82 Miliside Drive. 1 M Badrl Apts, Close Ix Downiown. Sus S-VA O 5.75%, Also tciefy stop et Front Door 905- moiaga pmgrxmsf g -t 876-1249 www.reastar.ce lassaIf incomne or credri __________ Cai OHRIS 0 1-800-328- GEORGETOWN - Large 2- 7887 or alaft ex at badrxxm in triples suSh claincokbum. se wak-ast ta, patio. Aneilabie Juna lis. No pela. Oei 905-677-2651 aller dpm. GEORGETOWN - Large 2- Sadroxm ix triples wîlh 1-badroom in 7pasx nea se k-Oui ta peso Aneilabie Go Tran. Heet, watt in. June 151. No pets. Oei cloded, hydra extra. 905-877-2651 afier 4pm. $695ml no pets. Aoail able June lst Oul 905- GEORGETOWN 2-bed 877-3761. ACTON 1l-bedraum, $600lmoxth plus hydro. Fîmteasi. Avaîlebie May lut. Oei 519-853-0029 or 905-864-9401 ale dpm. moom apartment, park îke settîxg. $950/moxth plus hydro, parking/iauxdry ix- ciadtd. Oei 905-459-6561. GEORGETOWN naw 2- btdroomn mais tfir large kitchan, liingroom, dack, stase, fridga, isuxdry. Six- gît or coupla. No pets/smoking. $l,00lmlh inclusine. Anailaetimme- diatly. 905-873-0196/905- 460-6158. GEORGETOWN une bed- roum baisement no smik ing/pet, lamait cni May lost. $700lmlh first/iast. 905-877-9180. GEORGETOWN renooeled in Hisloric building. Sachelor $690/m1h plus. Parking, lauzi gas fine- place, dack, ieundry. 416- 399-7440. GEORGETOWN omsi t- badrxom aparimenl $495/month plus hydro.1 Aniliabie immtdiataiy. No pets. Oei 905-873-3355. GEORGETOWN, Large 1- btdroom bauamenl aperi- ment. Close ix shopping. $825ymlh pies utîilies. Firssteot. References No- smoking. Asaîlabia May lut. Oei 905-877-7451. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street South, Milice Wa are nos xcceting applications for 1-1 Stdroum Aveul May 15 Fcr moe Inforaine ani ta make an 905-87&W575 Building Managera Leonir & Penny badrxxmwakut2-r parking, garden, wash- erldryer. Aduits, nx smok- ing, nu pets. $ecurity de- posit & referances. Ail in- clusine $1,l00/mth. 905- 702-8179. GREAT naighbourkood in Milton, soitabie for non- smoking couple with no pets. 2-bdnn fimst leoti of house, large kîtchen and 9 feat caîlingu, iauxdry ix haoement. Aveilebla July lut or sonner $1100/mth plus utîlffrs, referexcex re- quire. Oei 905-878-2737. LIMEHOUSE, pxnvate axe Sadrxom aparlmexi in tht country. Appliaxces and utilito inclusive. Pirsiteost. Oei 519-653-0298. MAY lot, Irg 1-bdrm il parkng beimeen Acton & Rockwoad. $655/mth + hy- dmo. Oei 415-575-1909 or 519-501-6688. MILTON 2 Stdroom aveul- abie. $945. +. Olta and guea building. Oei Jeke 416-918-5913. Avaîlabie immediti MILTON basement apt. for ranI wfth kitchenette, sui abie for ans persan. 5600/miS utilities includtd. Oei 905-878-8223. MILTON Derry & Trudeau aria new 1 -bdan bsmt api. own wauhsr & dryar, non- smokem, immediele occu- pancy, ovîtubie for single pemson $750/mth includes utilites. Culi 905-875-0952. camer unit"'S, W oiew. 2- 5drm, 2 under ground perk-~ îng spots. Amenities, oi-~ abie May lxi. 647-292- 4351. SPOTLESS Milton for- nîsheri 1-bdrm epi. wîlh shered entrence in quiet home close ix mail, kîtchen- ile ANO, 3 pic. baih, eux- dry, f-lce large U/R, pni- sale parking, cahie, aveul abie MN 8 N mk ing/petslchiidrea $750/mth, raferences require Oei 905-875-083-6. TWO bedrom downlown Milton. Newar building. Resemved parking, 51005, fngl central air, videa ut- curlt systers, no pets. Firslt references. 5i895/mth plus hydro. 505- 6ý78-6123ý ACTON, 3 bedroom, nîce streel. gax heat. Aneilahîs February lot. $lOSOlmth + utililies. Culi (519) 853- 5658. TOWNHOUSE. 3-bdnn Mil- ton, $tlsSlmth, firsillasi. Avaîlahie May lot. Deve (905) 678-5444. TWfO STOREY selv-e tael Grsenpark in Miitl t WsOuqIf i hck home, 3 bedllim 3 weshrolm h appienceo, air conditîxnîng, lîrepiece and garage. Minutes lu Go Train. $1500 plus utiities. Non smoking. Availabie July 1. 905-332- 6375. LARGE 2-badroom, May/Juna 1. Herdwood fixors, 4 eppiiences, famiiy romi pera setting. Ar- lingian Slnd., Burlingixa. 905-661-0070, ww.pmon- line/ OAKVILLE - 2,3M4 bed- room lownhouses evaliable îmmediaely thrxugh Merch. 4 eppliencex. Ho- pedele Mail area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876-3336. ranI, oxaru bath. $451 678t-8862oz ROOM fc kîtchen, an lits iclr Oeali 905-8: housa. Pt Oei 905-8 MILTON si dation, cde Close to G ities ilcu tub. $5O 7243, evai ly. WILSON - Amy and Orew of Millon are pleased to annoance the hiri ai their daughler Kathertne Marie Maud, weighing 6 Ibs, 14 oz at Milton Distict Houpital on Monday March 15th, 2004. Kate sl weicomed by prud grandiparenlu Carol and Murray Wilson, Jan and Mike O'Grady andrill11 and Jane Byrick. Thanks ta Dr. Rajasingham and ail abstetrics nurses, espe- cially Decil ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Milton Evergreen Cemetery Board of Directors will be held at Hugh Foster Hall Tueaday Apnl 20, 2004 Beginning ait 7:30 p.m. Interment Rights Holders Are invited ta attend For more information cali 905-875-1404 FETrER: Winnifred C. "Wlnflie" (ne. Whethm) Peaceuly, surrounded by hen iamily on Fidy April 16, 2004 at Millon Distrnct Hospital. Lovng wife of 59 years of William "Bill" Fetter. Loving mother of Gary and his wiie Alice, Gail (1974) and Wayne. Remem- hered by her grandchildren Jennier Karen, Sarah and Billy and by het great-grandchildren Megan and Andel Also remembered by Susan, Richard and Andrew. Surived by han brorkers Floyd, Harry, Ron and Bruce and her sisier Mary. A pnivate service was held from the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St, Milicn (905) 678-2669. As espres- sions of sympathy, donations may be made to the Ca- nadien Cancer Society of the Milton District Hospital Foundcation. FIGH11NG tralhic tickets No points xxri ansuance xncreese and w. arn fat aeso Fret consuatlon. Cel 905-257-1789. EXPERIENCED hom core provider. Nutritious meailsnacks. 0FR (infa nt & chîldl Please coui 905- cunlr roim for 878-5626. ci kîCeni 9ax RAINBOW Village Daycere lmhCal95 has spaces uvailabie for chiidren 18 monthu iv 6 r rani, shared yeam 905-876-7552. Vîsit dbath, NO, autih- us et rainbowniiiageday- il $5OOlmth. 75-4703. 27 Panasonic Sterto Con- soit TV, excellant condition. tSesi oSfer. Place ii 985- Xi00 sqi Il. ilwn !7-81 amson & Main S$. A Dînîng Room Cherry- 75-4875. wocd, double pedestat haed accommo- table, 8 chairs, buffet, xx, xxx smoking. Sutch, dovetail construc- s. Parking & utl lion, tiew sSii in boxes. lad, outdoor hot Coul $11.000. Sacrifice i/mth. 905-699- $2,68. 905-567-9459 laSie immadîste- A King PiiiowIop Mathreso Set. New in plasi Coul 905-567-9459 BED, Amazirng borgain, qutel ufthopd piiiostop set, new ix plastic, sananty $150 905-567-4042 ai de- n5earoom uxsrywxe Bed. chasl, dresser, 2 nightstads. Doattail Con- strucion. Nanan apenati CaxI $8,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567-4042 CARPET 1 have sevesel 1,000 yrds. of xew Stiximaoter & 100% ny- lxn carpel.' Wiii do living- rvo & hall for $389. In- cludes cernai, pad & in- otallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 COLEMAN 1850 Fa/table Generator "0" hS on te- buiid. Consîder trade for Turkey Gun. Oei 905-693- 9839. Hot Tub: 2884 ail optons, wataral, Ozanator, Redi- waad cabinet, caser uaed, el In wrapper. Coet $9,995. Sali 55,000. 416-95l517 POOL Table siata, 4x8t, ail accessoires încluded. $1750. total. Oei 905-875- 3260. $5555 WANTED -Ail Chi- na, Silver, Oryxtal, Tee Oupu, Royal Doultox, Swar- ovskî, Glass, Jewellery, Ol4 ivys, Coliectibies, Estatex. Oei John/Tracy, 905-331- 2477. Rent lt today in the (Anaban (janpion BLUE HERON WOODWORKS Custoaner Apprecatos Days 25% OFF Fri. April 23rd 1Oam - 6pm Sat. Apnil 24th 9am - 5pm. 11998 Wlneton Churchill Blvd., Georgetown, 1 1/2 Mlles N. of Mayfield Rd./Rlver Or., Georgetown Naew ready ta finish handcrafted furni- lure: Dresseas night tables, armoire, wardrobes, blanket box, bookcaaes, col- tee and end tables, hervest table, TV ar- moire, hutch & buffet, cuio cabinets, corner cabineta, sofa tables, plant stands, magazine tables, jeiiy cabineta. pary, deacon benchea, microseavea standa, dry sink. iam cupboerd. deaka, dressing vanil qult rack, magazine recks and much. muc more. Bulng a TRUCK and Sake lt wlith yen! Order. welcoee T M INTERNETWORKING Looking for Work? [earn to use the Internet. nternetWorking5 lis e ftee 2-wesk program esigned to teach unemployed people how o use the internet to oearch for jobs. osîlIemr how 10i: Accets hsndreds of local job listings Sexd yosr resumne sing e-mail Find and resta rch conipanies online. Clattes stant every 2rd week at the YMCA Carter Developosent & Learning Centre in Burlington. For info cal): 905-681-1140 or 1 -866-244-7244 tohl free. Y* D=9= 2= Lisbcm'? T.Therepeutic C lCol lege Dental Hyglons Diploma Program Dental Assistant Lovol 1, Lovel Il1 Cali 905-63-3200 Burlinglon Square, 760 Brant St., Buolingon Fînancial Assistance Available lIf Etîgiblel CASH paid for antiques 1998 Saturs SOl -standard, and collectiblau, china, Ig- 155,OOOkms. $6,500 oSa. urinas, îewellery tumiiore Also 1987 Jeep YJ. Make ceins, etc. 90587-34 an aifaîl Cai 905-877- caîl: 905-676-7950. 2957. 2000 Grand Caranan, 4- doar 7-passenger, excellent condition. 125,OOOlkms, e- testedcertified. Na G5T $10,900. Cali 519-853- 2953. 1967 Ohen Oelebrity, rabuift ane, too many ne arts 2888 Toyota 4 Runner, ta lot. $500 osa. Cali 9os- SR5, V6t, automatic, 4- 569-1415 Bob. wheel dins leyless, power Windows, Ils mîrrors, 1990 Toyota SR-s aubinaI- croise, 5/,10 ic, 2-door coups, white AM/FM/OD/Casset1e New aible itenr, 0w ilege, tires, green wîth tan intenor. goodu conenon lo oSlerg 106 O00kms Will cenity goo coditon.Bes ofer and'e-test. $22.500, Cali 905-677-7929 or416-604- 905-877-3427. 0153. JPCOMING MARRIA GE fini and Karen Kettie of Miltem aleng w/lb S/e and Calby Cooeper ef7=aa/sauga are tbrilld te anance tbe upcem/n niarriage ef ibleir cblldren Matt and Railn Weddiag Io raie place in Milieu on September 27, 20304