2-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11 r.lrrlM i 1 i1r t..dut.t. so '" PPI tu .11 oft6. i.,..fiu trn.dâ . (t.b .u4 tern appl., b~, é,rd ta take We're one off Southern GORRUD111 410 MTEUES AVENUE, IN Ont>ario' 1ares1 ~MILTON used ca.r deaJershlpsl 61R0 905Wi-875-2277 Open Sunclay i iam to 4pm to oerv "o ~tri Can't f mci it kere? Chmk1 out wIww.9 grUdau)togroup.co How many more cars do we have on out lot? A lot. In f'aot we have over 850 automobiles and trucks with more arriving eaoh and every day. 2004 GMC Jionu, 81. 4x4 (oui, 213,M . ku!!) $26S 990K 2004 Toyota Cauuy LE (onU, 14,U87uu!!) $23,495 2003 Chou Silvorado LT X-Cah 4x4 (oui, 63,7231ml! Lauthor) $30 M 990ý dis "" 201 FM ontiac Saunf Ir 2dr * 0Ma.1 2002 Ford Eacape Xii (oui, 95,4421trnl)$199 *h ~aiuèm, 1111101111011,u $9,9951 2002 Honda Accord Coupa EXL (oui, 71,291 kmI loathor, mboouroof) $19,999 2002 Poutiac Soutire <oui, 45,591cm!I auto, air, pw, pi, CO, aiumlum rima)$199 2002 Toyota Rov4 Chili AMO (ouil 27,337ktm!! air, auto, pw, pi)$2 9 2001 Chuv Caalier (oui,49,315km! 5 apuud air&Amore!) 23 Ford Feu E4d a oil 19 bo ubM, CO flc W3 "M 2001 Ford Muatang LX Couvortblu (oui, 59,571 km!! SPR11618 HURE!) $181990 211111 GMC Sierra 9LT Stop Sidu Extoudod Cab (oui, 112,486km!! toamher) $22 2001 Houdu Odyaouy LX (oui, 124,832ktm!!) $17,M 2001 Uucoiu LS (oui, 30,221cm!! isather, power mueuroof) $20lm wpwAMO *XMki a 2001 Oida Awm 4.0 (oui, 911,11cm!! loather, moomoeof, chromoe rima) $17,995OP~m U 1 9 2W01 Pontiac 11rand AM SE 1 (oui, 03,7117km!! auto, air, pw, pi)$1 - 2001 Toyota Slouma CE Plou (oui, 01,143km!!I quads, rom air) $1999 200 Chou Cavaller (oui, 70,7779km!!ul poaa mouproof) $7,9U5 2000 Cfly uon LE (oui, 75,3321rm!! auto, air, aluiomum rima) $ 9 oo 1.9 200 Honde Cicl SE (oui, 47,321kum!! leur mi«o) $11,9 200 Nluuau itim lXi (oui, 73,341lnm!! auMe, air, pu, pi) $12,99 200M oa PFafi.dur XE (oui, 96,3131 km!!l) $17,9%0 X- 4mii -» Toyota Echo (oui, 44,00km!!1) $9,-9%sapuu,.uI 1 9 WITH GUARANTEED VALUE AND QUALITY, 6-MONTH POWERTRAUN AND 30-DAY MECHANICAL WARRANTIES -4 AND- ATONA PMGS?0 111/'Conirnittee Sto assess 1user-fee garbage Ssystem SBy JASON MISNER Yo T/Cha0 have~ to slap a pre-paid ticket I~on your garbage bags, but a user-fee sys- tem isn't off the table. A staff report on a pay-per-garbage-bag Ssyatem was before Halton's planning and public works committee meeting Wednesday following a request from a reinlcuncillor last fail as a means to Sdivertig more waate from Halton's lone landfill on Regional Road 25 in Milton. The report recommended spending $40,000 toretain a consultant to galber Spublic fedback about a user-pay syatemn. Currently garbage-pick-up, coats are paid for enturely through property taxes. ~The report stated 200 Canadian munici- I~palities - big and small - have user-pay and typically charge $1 to $5 per bag. Some have set bag limita. SUser fees are generally used, the report noted, to encourage waate diversion rather Sthan recovering the full coats of garbage Theoeoto however, didn't provide the cots of how the systemr would actually ~Joperate in Halton. But it noted there are critical challenges 10 be considered with %user-pay mncluding enforcement, conven- ience, how industries would be charged an h ipc on the Region's waste col- leto otatset to expire in 2008. lThe committee's Consensus was it's pre- mature to aak people their opinion about a change in garbage collection when they don't have any numbers in front of them. They felt it would be benter t0 have the %Region's waate review committee assets thse menats of a pay-per-bag system and 10 report back later with potential recommen- dtosabout a pay-per-bag system. The committee, comprised of staff, Spoliticians and members of the public, will have ias firat meeting next month as the Region begins a five-year review of ils Swaste management strategy, starting tbis year and fcnishing possibly by next tpring. The public can access the commnittee to ~jprovide comments. 1Ithink it's a broader and integrated view Swith what we're doing in waste manage- ment and 1 think that't the appropriate %place 10 deal with this issue," said Mike Wallace, Burlington regional councillor P~and commnittee chair. I~Regional staff will work to compile a M financial analysis for the waste review commsttee, Rob Rivera, Halton's director r5j of waste management, said after the meet- r5 'Mle financial report will determnine the M1 ipt on taxes with the introduction of Ml user fees. r5u Milton nual resident Bob Beyette told rl the comnsittee that he wants 10 tee a pay- %5j per-bag system replace the tax-assesament M51l rL- systemn for garbage collection only. He said rs he produces about one garbage bag every r5Lj two weeka, and others are as just as envi- r5l rmnentally-conaeientious. rl Curbside garbage pick-up started being Mofféred for the firat tirne in the rural areas of Milton and Bwilington mr February. "I 10hvet live wîtls tis situation of cq haing astepieked up at the end of Our