16-Champion Country, Tuesday, Apnil 20, 200 Efforts to build museum continue fotrm MUSEUM on page 13 Visions Canaoda Visions Canada is a schotastic awards programn through the Hatton District School Board and the Halton Cathotic Schoot Board. Students submit projecta that reflect some part of Canada and are judged by the boards accordmng to grade levet. 'he projects can be in the fan of modets, essays, or even more unique items such as quilta. An awards evening is hetd in June and winners from each grade levet are awarded Canadian coin sets. Estabtished in 1979, the programn is a favourite with sou- dents. One of the current exhibits is titled 'Behind the Scenes: Collections Storage' and is set Up onl the third floor of the Alexander Bans. The artifacts needed to be moved to, a safe location when renovations began for Pbase 1. The museui deeided to, make the most of thse situation and bas suc- ceeded in giving thse public s rare glimpse of what goes on when items are in storage. The exhibit demonstrates the importance of factors such as temperature, humidity, tight and cleantineas in storage environ- ments. It also emphasizes the museum's need for the artifact centre, which is Phase 2. Phases of development Fundraising for Phase 2, the building of thc artifact centre that wilt house the col- lection of 35,000 pieces of history, is cur- rently underway. The collection is presently stored in three off-site buildings and the goal is to unite the items, thse first time since thse 1970s, under one roof where tbey can be viewed by visitors and be properly displayed and cared for "TMe artifact centre will be a showcase for Halton's collection," said Ms Twitchel. "We are hoping to have it completed with- in three years and then Phase 3 will be the restoration of tse Alexander Famohouse witb Phase 4 being Use renovations to Use 'Piggery Building'." Att of these projects cost millions of dol- tara (Phase 1 cost $1.87 million) and, ini order to rasse funds, the annual auction and open house is scheduled for Saturday, May 8. There will be both silent and live suc- tions, a barbecue lunch, wine taating and tours of the musetsm. The auction items vary greatly from din- ners for two at local restaurants and gifo certificates to decorative items tike vases and artwork. Anyone cas donate items and tax receipta will be issued. "We would appreciate anything people would like to donate," sald Ms Twitchel. "We accept mostly new items like books, children's toys, landscape plants and shrubs, gift baskets and artwork. TIse dead- line for donations is May 4 because Use items need to be added to, Use catalogue." The Halton Region Museum is open daily from noon to 5 p.m. frons Victoria Day weekend in May to Thanksgiving weekend. Admission costs $4, or $2.75 for chitdren five ta 14 years of age and $3.25 for children. Children four years of age and under are admitted frec. For more information about Halton Region Museum, call (905) 8t75-2200. CAS dcadline extended to June The fedetal snd Ontario govensmets have exteosded thse Onstario 2003 ansd 2004 Catosoian Agricultural loscomn Stabilization (CAlS) prograns desoline to Jsue 30, * "TIse deadlise extenision Etesans tIsaS fataners now have ans opportunity to obtoli masgin coverage for 2003 and 2004, ansd Le access govemmest prograins dIat requare etto9ollent in tIse CAlS programu» suid Ontario Federation of Agriculture Presient Ro Bossosc. 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