Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Mar 2004, p. 33

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The Canadia- Chamrpion, Frida March 26, 2004-25 BIRTHDAY 80t Cj ion Dlcky Deumer celebrates lier SOh i-,Rri-hday Sund= pI 4, 2-5 r.0an Open House at4 re a mytenan Church, E. 15 ideroad, east of Guelphr Lin@, Brnooiville. Refrestiments vii Se soi-yod. c We d loue -e se e a i MILTON attractive 1,089 ACTON 2-bedmcom apsdt- ACTON large 2-bedroum sq.ft. office for i-est, 348 ment, avaitable May lot. apamtrent, 5775mOi plus; hi-ast. St. Milon. Spaco 5860mOi. Quiet building, I519-803-0080, 019-803- bas 4 offices, reception vo pets. 519-853-0976. 5352. aiea, ceramic ien, caepet t1-Sd-m plus des, basement i DOWNTOWN MILTON 85d3-dco4te5 . Cai08 apartmevt iv Milon. Sepa- Mitiside Tomeni 82 Mitiside raie entrasce, A/C, and ire- Drive. 1 &2 Bedmom Apts. p lace, parking to- t, ouit Close tvDomntomn. Bs mature single, vo amok- stop ut Front DOci 900- inan pets. inilst, asd 876-1249 roferesces i-equii-ed. GEREON 1bi A Waot5et Homne Job On C900/ inctiig39 ailles ca Osenient aparoseot. Your Computer. Trianirrg Ct906317. No pets/smoking. Avoulable Pmovidei. FIT FIT Code: 1997 Sable LS iouded immediatelp. $750/asatr n4 ~ leatrer monotf. Factry plus sOIfies. Cui 905-838- wwwyHM Cjobcom reniot. stadt. 118,000/ons. 2142. 5,900 cer~c. 905-873-GE GTON2bi 131.n GEORGEpl TO yd2o IrnIla 2 rasa on Guepr, $750/mOi $1000/mth + ulilies. Avait- adalte; asly. No pets, sas- $$MONEY$$ 100% lot ahi. rmmetiatotp. Cui 900- smonasg bulding. 900-490- 2nd and 3rd Mortgages. 901-695. 1350. Bad ci-ail OK<. Cui Onai ACTON Apailmans 1 & 2 GEORGETOWN dams- tOtae 1888-307-7799. botimcm aperirnt avait- taies 2-botii-oo, newip 8-VA 04.3%, Ais. equity ahle Noie anti to- future, pointai, parking, lai-g. perd. aoetgag. pinras reg.aet Fridge & Stove, laundry Heatight lvctudod. No leu of income or ci-ait. fecilfies, No doge 519.883- smatdnglpets. $9751masn. Cui CHRISO @ -980638- 4374 open 7 daps/ieef Cuit 11-800-2631429. 7887 si-violt us ai Sani dap aPProva. - GEORGETOWN sniat 1- ACTON extra large modem hedrasa apartment neetp revavatei 2 bedrasa 5495/montb plus bydro. apurtmnies. Separale en- Avaitabte immediatep. No Pranas, taandry rasm, con-~ sets. Cai 900-73-3350. Pral arr & vac., peakig for 2 1RCWO yPr cars nopet. Avilale 695/mOi inclusive, imme- ACTON 1-bedroani spart- May lot. lstaot, referenc- bed- ment. Avaitabte immeiate- u s reqaireti. 51050/mOi diatet, ncndiin ove ly. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rs sali 51dion (1)85-42 p. Cit 19-03-903 bydo (19)53-402 store/office uvartubte. 019- 856-4900, RanI il today in tha Cattabtan Ctamttwt MILTON Mveadovo, tvo story semi-detachei1 Greevpark 1000+ sq/fit brick borne, 3 betiroom, 3 vush- rasm, 5 apptianceo, arr con- ditroning, fi-opiace and ga- rage. Minutes to Go Train. $tb00 plus diities' Non smoking, availtabte May 1. 905-332-6375. SPACIOUS 4-bdnrn Mette- my, 2 peurs young, lrontrng onto park, fuit ensuite. 01800/mOi + utilisaes, arn.- diste possesion. Cai Les- lie 905-272-31Et 2 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 0raetSteoel, South, Millon We si-e nom scceping applications for 1-1lbed-oom Avait. May 10 Fo- mare Ilnnration andlor ta matle on appoint- ment, 995-878-375 =uldtabMnýagera MILTON 2 bedi-oom avait- ah. 5940n +- Ctesn and quiet bidig. Cai Mary 905- 299-0625 Availabie immediately MILTON condo t-bdrm, O appt., 2 parking spot, co- hie, $1050/mth isctuding alie. Avadlahie May 5th. Cui 905-878-1198. MILTON. Spuctos, ase bedmoom basanent opaen- ment avaitable May fat. Sepa-ate asti-anco. Sait single, matai-e noni-sastrer. S82Olmontb, Firsttast. Relerences reqatreti. Cai 905-878-8073. 4-bdrm townbouse, end unit, nemiy decoreted, Oin- iseti bsment ith gas fireptaco. Appliasces, pli- vate fenceti yard, avutlabie immetiiatety $1200/mtr + sOlfies. Cai 900-870-1 966 or 050-878-9741. ACTON, 3 betiraom, nice street, gas bast. Avaitabie Feb-oary lot. 51000/mt + uitilibeo. Cai (010) 853- FIRST TIME BU VERS Why reot .0ev pou cao own widO zemo down? Fi-ee lot of bornes avaitabte widO ns movep dams under SllOOImntb in Milaon, Geor-getown & Ositte. siti 11-81118-266-3496 Reaa Baue Sprins FURNISHED room near Milton Mai, parking, taon- dry etc. SîltweeS. Pleuve cai 905-878-0882. LARGE room for rent iv nea bouse, Thornson Rd.> and Oerry Rd. ares. $425/aOr, phone uSter Opm. 416-731-8333. ROON for rent in Milon loanhouse, fiait use of irouse. $llO/week, cai Jack 905-693-0782. ROOM to- rent, $3SOImOr, ait inclusive. Private i-on, sha-eti Outh, kitchen etc. Lrg proipeity, Cadis,. ares 10 ais N of dOalerdoan. Cai 905-690-0286. le meroofa ou- dear Mothai- ond None Temes Rigo W. woaid tike to exp-ess oui-sincoie titnks to the nurs- on, iteaith coi-e wsvtcem, palliative coi-e volunteers, esd lb. many ftrenda Teresa made dsning ber stoy at Allen- data. lbey wer. traly wond"fl. Thank pou ta te many friands and reltives for theïr imd voais flswems, and doaion. Thank poolso Or. staff et Milton District Hospital and Mct<ersie-Koahe- Fanera t-lme. A big thonk pou ta Father Javier and Father David miro con- soied us and kept Teresa in tiroir prayeis. May Gai blesa pou ail. The fatniy ofth Or. te Sybil Shields isO to express titeir sincere thanko and apprecisoion to relatives, trierais an-d neighbours for their expressions of sym- patby, flo-si tributeo and memorisi donaions. Specia tiianus to Re. Genry Hofstetter for bis kind and comfort- ing mo-do, the ladies of St. Paul's United Chorch, Mc- Kemsie-Kocher Fanerai Home, 2nd flasi- numsing staffait Milton District Hopital and everpone .00 was pa of ou- Mother's long fte. Bill and Gloria Shielda Jean and Ken Harthi andf Fashily 1MILTON sbar.d accommo- dation for quiet, clea, non- 1smoking femae. Parking & utilities iocluded. Clase to Mal&G.$dOOlmtr. Cai 905-878-49T7. TOWNHOUSE in Georgetown, close ta GO. Own bedmoom, sisting rovm, 4 plae bath, A/C. Sbsi-ed kitcben, iaundry, ait ap- ptianceo. No pets. $650lmonth plus t/2 utii- tien. 000s and tout. 905-873- 0101. immni nnaî Meeting. Keleh - Jody and Joontifer (nee Heath) of Milton are Sauiday, Apri 3, 2004. 12- pteased t0 anasunce Oie bu-tir of tber daugbler Aspen Bpm Student Centre, Pi-o- Kathleen. weigiring 4 Ou., 4 oz aI Milon DitPlat Hospi- greso Campas, Cash, Priz- tal on Sundap, Marcb 14Or, 2004. A Ot.e sisterforAdam ies, Rlefreshments. anti Arden. Pi-sai grandparents are Cis and Shirley wwefenwlg.a Heath of Milaon and Elgin Kevir of Cai-dova and Oie talte RSVP 416-289-5218 Carmen Kathlen Kuinir. SpoalthOanks to althOe do- GOOD FRIDAY BAEAK- lamsai tire Wamos's HeuObh Car. Centre and tie Milton FAST - Edes Miii. Preshp- Disti Hospiali OB Nurses. laitoin Cirurcr as Apil 9Or taom 8:00 as - 10:30 as. Adulte$500. Cindren 3-6 peani $3.00 or 2 asti under FREE. Jensie Kiddle and Rab Cavwe of Milon are pleasai to CHILDCARE oîfered bp anasunce lb. bu-r 0f tiroir daugirter Amnelle Anse ECC and MoOrner. JK, SK Croise, veigbing 7 Ous anti 9 oz at Milton District Enricirment. Piesse col Hospitai on Match 131, 2004. Pi-oas fias liaa goand- 1Brenda 905-876-3326. parents are David anti Elizabeth Kddle anti Cale and EXPERIENCED coi-e avail Ba-b Ci-ove of MilSon. Special tiranks ta Or ahle for ifnt totitie, pre- Rajasingiram asti tire oursing staff.i ocloo in nurtaning envirnv ment. Nutritisus mes fescadi n yard, bordesing park CC CPR. Csl 905- 876-4596. LARGE 2-bedrmam, imme- diate/Map t. Hardwood fluors, 4 appliances, park- titre setting. Allivgtas Bivri., Burtisgtav. 900-691-0070, MILTON 3-bdrm toron- bouse, excellent condition. 371 Bmonta St. avattafli' Apri lot. $120/mOi + ahi.i Oaes. Cui 905-878-4781.. OAKVILLE - 2,3&4 beti- monm toeniroses availablei iamedfiatelp trougo MamOh. 4 appliances. Ho- pedate Malt area. Lakeabore Management, 905-876-3336. "NEW MILTON TOWN- HOUSE" - 1650 asq. Ot. 3 betimom, 2.5Obth, garage, 5 appliasces, close ta scbasis, shopping and Oata ostos park. Askis9 $1400.00 par montb, finstast. Minimum ove peur leus., ubies eas. Avaitubte May lot. Cai Rick or Frances (905)-854- 3435. 100% NATURAL BEEF No ChemiCals No Hormones No Animal By Products Sides & Quarter 519-853-4334 198 Terry Taurus Traiter, 29 I. exceptionialy dlean, fi-ont Silcites, aing, screen mmn, new tiOs & b-akes, $10,000. brnn. Cai 900-878-T788. 27" Panasassi Stereo Cas- sole TV, excellent conditon $250. Fluas Cai 905- 878-861. A Dinirrg Raca, Cherry waad, double podestat table, 8 chairs, buffet, butcb, dovetai consPrua- bion. Noew stit in bcxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 90-567-9459 A King Pitlaloop Mantresu Set. Nov nv pis.a Cot $1600. 905-567-9459 8ED, Amazing bai-gain, queen ortbopedic pittomtvp set, new in plasti, warrsnty $500-567-4042 ii de- tivar. Buy il today in the Canafttu (tigmuron CUSSIIEI HOUM: 9057530 m pton e LSSIFED HOURS: Nonday te Friday Il900 am - S:00 prn r ARSENEAU (delyi) Big sioter Caroline 10 happy to aninounca the bu-tir of ber baby bi-oiher Nathan, on Februsry 8th, 2004. Praod parents are C.J. and Dan-en Arsnnau. Pmoud grand- parents a-e Margaret deRyk of Hamilton' Bob and Put detyk of London, Donso and Henry Arsesesu of Oshawa. DISTRESS SALES B3 a n k Foreclosures18. Free littof Foreclasure pi-sp- ertles on Milton, Georgetown, & Oakvitte. Receive a fre. complerizèti pdint- sut. Fi-en recordai mesage 1 -888- 266 -3 496 ID61042 or go ta hot- tonforecloeureacomr Reaa Bue Spilgsu LARGE Greenpark, open concept hoe, pi-enisa ltI Oucking osto pond. 4- bdrsn, 3 bah, 2 cor garage, AIC, enauite Wsuzi, bard- vooti, & ay acre up- grades. Coceilenit loaoion aimas fOaa leisar. centre in Milon. Suanier ctoatng $389,000. Ptens Colt 905- 875-8073. SMALL office space for leus, 300 sqt. 0t. profus- sionat building, avaitabte rmmedfiatep. Cati Gary Thomas Remus 905-878- 7777. ~1 4 BOB TONELU (St11 the H4ead at our Famîly) March 26,1994 There is a face tbat baunts us ever, And a voice whicr bmought us cheer, And a sie wel forever remember nihen in silence we dry every tear AiWays Loved & Never Forgotten Doris Tonelli Vour Chitdron: Andy (Cindy), Sharon, (Don), Marlon., (Barry), Andra, (Peter). our Grandchildren: Kyawnoe, Jody, Lina, Grog, Ryan, Adiin, Anthony. Vour Groatgrandchildren: Memiphis. Jakob, Kody. Aiena fleena» Imagining your soit vorce Your poise and style lbe impression pou teave Of your effervescent smile lb. glimmer in pour epes Runs rapid in ou- mind Eaci day Orat passes ithus far Romnains painful foraus leSt behind Vour birthdap - sweot blrtiday Han many memories of ysa New yssr spirit confisses Witb thte sanis rays and moming dew Love your Aunt Kobe, Moniba le In ln moai- af my Dow Wllo, Daughter, Lovleg Mother, aed Nori, isho Ilefil us on Mai-ah 22, 283. A hous s baili of lags and stase, Of ies and ponts and paors, A home ls boiSt ot loing deeda That stand a tbouand ponni. Yen ai-e ady mlsaed ond afly romimboi-ed. Wlth Love Heln4 POSTO, Brandy (John, Klmborly, Chelea, Sabie (Glenn, Krlsttnl In Mamoras in the form of donattons 10 Tha Canadian Cancer Society ara deepiy apprecialad.

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