Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Mar 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Match 12, 2004 *Commenut *The Canadian Champion Box 248,.191 Main St. F., The Canadian Champion, published enery Tuesday and Friday ai 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St E. Milton, Ont. [BT 4N9 (Box 248). nu one ut The Metroland Printînsg Publishîng & Distnhbuting LI gnnup ni subunhan companies whicti fl~ le~ 341 inOndes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertisen, Allîston Henald/Cnonien, Bannie (905)8 7 -2 4 Advarnce Boiten Ententrise. Brampton Guandian, Bunlîngion Post, Bolingon Shopping News, City Panent, City ni York Guandian, Collingwood/Shasaga Connection, East York Mitron, hnin Advocate/Coonitny Routes Etobicoke Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Suandian. Piannbonough Revîew, Porenen Yoni, Georgetown Advetissg ax: 05-76-364 Independent/Acton Fiee Press, Halton Business Times, Hunonia Business Advetisig Fa: 90-8762364 Times. Lindsay This Week, Monkham Economist & Sun, Midland/Penetang- Clasiftd: 05-75-300 uiohene Mînnon, Mîton Shopping N'ews, Mississauga Business Times, Classfied 905875-3300 Mîouîsoaugn News, Napanen Gunde, Nassagawtya News, NewmnarkntAunona Circulation: 905-878-5947 Eta-Bannet. Northumberland News, North York Mînnon, Sakoîie Beanen, Sakoîtte Shopping News, Sidtimens Hockey News, Onîttia Poday, Ian Oliver Publishker Oshawaninhity/Carington/Post Penny This Week, Peterborough This Week, Pîcton Coutty Guide, Richmood HtII/ThornhiliNaughan Lîbenal, Scanbonough Neil Oliver Annontate Pub/iter Mîtnon, Stouffvite/Uobriage Tribune, 1111Davs Edroret Ctef ting is accepted on the condition tt in the euent ni a typo- Jill avisEdiro-in-hiefgnaphîcal tenron that portion ot the advertisîng space occupied by the enno- Karen Smith Maetaging Editoe- neous item, together wîti a reatonabe attowance ton signature, wilt nlot Pt changed ton, bot the batance of the adveilisement wîi be paîd ion at the appî- Wnendy McNab Ada'ertisetg Direatr cable rate. Tht publîshen nesenues the nîght to categonize advertîsements on Tim Cotes Prnducotoot Maeinaer declîne, Charlene Hall Djntrbattin Manoager Teri Casas Offin e Matiaiet M5e Mittan Canadin Chamepin ne a Recpntabte Proniact ! i Epidemie proportions Canadians and, dloser t0 home, 1-lIton residents are losing Bhe waistljne war and il's putBing many of us aB greater risk of an early grave. Recently released sîatisBics reveal the naked truth -62 per cent of men and 35 per cent of womcn ils this region are eiîher overweight or obese according 10 their Body Mass Index or BM1. Recognized as a reliable measure of healthy weight ranges, the BM1 scale uses an adult's hcight and weighî go calculaBe whether tbey're- underweighB, a healthy weighî, overweight or GB one of Bhree pro- gressively unhealthy levels of obesity. Combined wiBh poor eating habits, being overweighB or obese increases Bhe risk of heart disease, various cancers and diabetes. In addition to a person's BMI, factors such as lifestyle and fitness level can mul- tiply the risk to health and perhaps even shorten life span. Add smoking and stress Bo the equation and, well, you get the pic- Bure. Think that's frighlening? Consider for a moment Ihat the recent statistical data only accounts for Halton aduits. Factor in a gen- eration thats neyer known a world without PlayStation or the Intemet and society's weigbt problemr isn't limited 10 grown-ups. Since 1981 the number of Caîsadian chul- dren agcd 7 10 13 years considered either overweight or obese han hecto steadily on the frisc. Health officiais point to our rushed lifestyle and the substitution of unhealtby, affordable fast foods and snacks as being a significant contributor 10 the problem. So whaî can wc do about if'*? Unfortunalely there's no quick fix for what bas become a societal health problem of epidemnic proportions. Our enjoy now, worry later attitude is flot only killing us faster. il's also draining our bealth care sysîemr of an estimaîed $1 .8 bil- lion a year in costs associated with our unbcallhy weigbt. Educating ourselves 10 wbich food cboic- es are bealîhiest and trading in TV remoles and gamne controllers for family walks and other recrecational aclivities seem like sim- ple ways 10 sbed somne of the excess weight too many of us are carrying around like licking lime bombs. If you'rc struggling 10 gel back 10 G bealîbier weight and wanl somne advice, consider calling Bbc bealtb department aI (905) 825-6000 for somte helpful lips. Wiîh any luck you will live long enougb flot 10 regret lil. * Our RaesWrite Reader says fluo'rîdation a good move, ho we ver... Dear Editor: Having expericnced many dental cavilies as a cbild, I endorse the proposcd fluoridation of Milton's drinking waler. The Cbampion's Fehruary 27 article about il sIGles Halton Medical Officer of Healîh Dr. Bob Nosal requesîs Ibat residents be consultcd before a decision is made regarding fluoridation? Councillor Roti Furik adds that "public consultation is a moust before making a contenîious dcci- sion about water fluoridation." Sounds good. But 1 rccalled that only a tcw years ago, afler a total of two inci- dents of possible dangerous bacte- ria levels in our waîer in 75 ycars, vie were faced witb tbc proposai of eblorination of the town's water. Meetings and discussions were planned. but before lbey took place mnaning cold walcr into the sink suddenly had an odd smell. Chlorine was already being added. Weil Dr. Nosal, you losI a substantial amnount of public trust wiîh that one. So wby tbc differ- ence this lime around? Hank Orsel Milton Was suspension story really newsworthy?. asks reader Dear Editor: l'mr lrying 10 figure out wby Bbc story in The Cbampion's Marcb 2 sports section about Hurricane coacb Chris Brennan's suspension is even newswortby. Il seems wc bave a coacb bere wbo broke mIles and got caugbî. Why is bie using Bbc press te, wbinc about tbe facî îbaî Milton Minor Hockey did a good job of following proper miles. Regarding Bbc boy who decided 10 play for Bbc AAA leamn instcad of Bbc îeam bie signcd wilb, whcrc's Bbc commilment factor? Your firsI commilment sbould always be to tbc leara you sign witb. Tbe mIles are in place t0 be followed. Don't whinc because you gol caugbl. . Webber Milton Isay there's room for both Wal-Mart and Zellers There are a lot of opinions going around about tbc future amrval of Wal-Ma-t in Milton, soi I thought this wcck I would put in my own two cents' worth. My perspective is purely front a consumer's point of view. To gel straight 10 Bbc point, my belief is Bbat there's room for boîb ZeIlerB and Wal-Mant in Bbis lown. Tbat's Bbc caae in many other commufnities, including north of us in Halton Hilîs. I myseif welcomce Bbc arrival of Wal-Mant and plan 10 sbop aI boBb stores. Anyone wbo bas sbopped aI Wal-Mart would fmdi il bard te, argue Bbal Bbc retail giant's prices are bard 10 beat, Bbc shelves are wclI-stocked and Bbc selection is plentiful. Witb Bbc way we're taxed in this counnry especially Bbc brutal 15 per cent we pay on mool everything we buy - any cbance for a lower price rules, no marter whether or not Bbc store's Canadian owned. Thanks 10 former PM Brian Mulroney, wben we buy a big item in Bbis country and we sec bow much PST and GST ils tackcd on, we ainsost need a nurse. And Bbc litIle Bings like savig on papier prod- ucîs and toiletries, wbich mie ail necd 10 keep stockcd up on especially those of us wbo bave big fanilies, cana add up and leave us wiBb extra moncy for other Bbings we otherwise migbt not be able 10 afford. With interesî rates low and more people being able 10 buy homes, Iow prices on necessities are essenlial for making ends meel. 1 lbink Zellers' prices are aiso, compietitive, but for a white there I found shopping GB the store frustrating as oflen il was out of Bbe product I wanted and I bad 10 go elscwbere. But Iatcly that From the editor's desk basn't been Bbc case and I've been quite satisfied wben shopping there. The one àdvantage Zellers bas beside HBC Rcwards is ils location at Ontario and Main streets - Bbc centre of town and aI Bbc maIl. And tbc sooner Zellers and Milton MaIl cxpand Bbc benter. TMat's a nobrainér. Righî now, Bbc new residenîs in Bbc Mattamy subdivisions in Bbc cast only bave 10 drive 10 minutes along Dcnry Road or Hwy. 40110o gel 10 Bbc busy Wal-Mart on Winston Churchill Boulevard in Mfississauga. A Wal-Mant here will keep those shoppers in town and possibly sway Bbemn from, any other shopping tbey'rc doing clscwhere. What wc want is for Bbc Bbousands of new res- idents arriving here te0 shop in Milton for most cverything. I don't wanl 10 sec Wal-Manl edge out Bbc Canadian-owned Zellers, but I also want more choice locally wben shopping. That's wby I will support both stores. Now if wc could only get a major lowcr-priced groccry store we could keep people from leaving town 10 sbop aI Price Choppers, Food Basies and No Frilîs. Tbcy don't offer as much selection, but lbcy provide another break on Bbc pocketbooks. I ~. t

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