.,Carriage- School board budget ,ýquare jpiocesS is eXjJected to clear to be delayed this ye*2 bridge By TIM WITEL By JASON MISNER The school board budget process in "Wte mbearing the grai The Champion Haiton and across Ontario might be siight- ma corne in April or evi The stormy issue about a snowed- lydeiayed tits year due so fiscal con- unde brdgeiiningconomiium straints dogging the new Libersi govem- MaIy as the governmen tneat anide dwnto co remiiu ment, indicatcd a local public school board ~ ~ g u s. tenants and th downtown cote officiai. 1 w u e ihte$. Rpeasdets had been mompiamuiger Caria Kisko, the superinsendens of huai- billion detlcit." Re etht hea -id b d opann n est services with the Halton District ...... ............. recentiy tat nh eaesdbige School Board, toid trustees recently that cULA U that spans Sixteen Mile Creek, east of informtionaoutth______________tiv atn hadree a odnerous - sor grants from the Ministry of Education will impossi be frome - to rous T-er probabiy be released a littie later than "We've had a budget procesa in pl~ demsdibe tor knw wh the Trown. eft ususi, meaming annusi school board budg- the last few years. With or wit isuemaed. The now has the bn een et deliberations could begmn a littie later motion we are going to do that. ' removed by a Good Samnaritan. thnnra.gomng to take a lot of your time,"i After receiving complaints, Paul The provincial education grants, called trustees. Crippa, Milton's director of engineer- GLGt, are the many funding envelopes Ms Kiako proposed that three ing, spoke to the owner of Carniage that ail boards receive and use for vanious budget sessions, tihe saine as lat y Square shopping plaza, whose proper- responsihilities like teacher compensation, hcld around the region for residents ty abuts the small bridge. Me. Crippa classrobm spending and special educatton. to-enthuhiiorclyhy said hie wtt told the plaza had cleared Ms Kisko said the board typically t vntog itrclyte the snow from the bridge for a number reviews its school staffmrg needs in March wl tedd of years. A change in personnel titis and titat GLG information usuaily arrives Lots oft' ime for talk year saw the bridge get inisîakenly in March or April. halositerwl bpe forgotten. 'We are hearing the grants may come in ieat adthr ilb I Mr. Cripps said hie was assureti April or even May as the goverrnnn opportunities for trustees so talk Carniage Square wiîî assumne snow- wrestles with the $5.6 billion deficit.' said about ihe budget. clearing duties next winîer. In tbe Ms Kisko. 'im quite cxcited about boring meantime, thse Town wili look after Ai a receni board mneeting. new death with budgets." Ms Kisk snow-shoveling responsibilities of tite Burlingson Trustee Wes Pulling asked his trustees. bridge te rest of this nearly-complet- coileagues to make a formai requesi to Halton His Trustee Ethel Gardine cd winîer season. require board officials to waik trustees - pathized with the concern of thý -I think it's great Carniage Square four of whom are new - through the trustees. has taken initiative to look after tome- budget procets at committre meetings mn 'l understand the angst of new shing like that. It benefits their eus- March and April. surrounding budget because if's ah tomers and the general public," Me. He alto wanted trustees to have budgets dous thing to go through." Cnipps taid..- and fiancial statements for the last three M. Puiiingts rcquest, supported He added the Town wiil check next years by ibis past Wednesday. treohrnwtute n winter to tee the bridge is being 'Il don't stik titis requtres a motion. It is hc te ewtute n cieared. a very transparent procets. I've sas on ste Burlington Trustee Peggy Russell, le "We'll keep an eye on it, for sure." audit commrittee," rcmarked Buriington 6-5 vote. Signs were posted at the bridge car- Truttee Debbie Downs. Ms Kisko noted the Halton publie lier tits mont informing residents thte Education Director Dusty Pspke agrecd is "tracking to a balanced budget po, bridge isn't maintained in thte winter. that a formal request for budget back- for thte current scitool year. Thei It wasn't clear what wiii become of ground and otiter fmnancial details wasn's budget for 2003-04 is about $310. the signas given thse liest information. necessary. lion. .Carol Snow, a superintendent of the condominium at 100 Miliside Dr., is delighted to hear tite bridge wiii beI cleared regularly. Site ssid many sen- iors use that bridge and it's vital that it's looked after by somebody. "Titis shouid case cverybody's mind G / and will hopefsîlly make people feel e better. It makes accets so mucit easier for thse elderly people. I'm happy." eP Ward 2 Councilior Mike Bougitton, witose ward includes te core area, is comnforted to itear thte bridge will getun attention. But he's nos thrilicd thse Sizes 34AA - 42DD snow-elearing duties of te bridge feul'xie ac 10 nSoksye nY titrougt te cracks. To ensure it docs- EprtMth3/4nSsi tlssi n't happen again, he said ite will talk to, Town staff to tee witat could be Y R S done to have ste bridge inciuded in B IA BO TQ E4 c Uic Town'a annually approved winter [ sidcwalk/walkway clearing routes. SnMnCoe usFi16-Sa9:046 c -What is one more added to it," lie said. 11M i t . itn9 56 30 3 M. Crippa said titis is entireiy up to8c couincil. "If counicil is conscemred about making sure public walkways and Cn public roadways are keps as adequate (iti~o/r? *Con, levels of service and maintenance, councii's gos to decide if thcy'rc atis- 'Yr~/zÇc>s 9 499 fied with it being donc by somcebody 17rk4'eMczfl/ Irom -2O - '99 cite and nos under Town forces." $7~ oû~ Y, 25 - $99 Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@milboncanadianchampion.cd. C'4C.,9S/5!A,! am. www.cypressbridai.com s t se for tout a Ve arc se told public ear be to go Ire not nty of to iter you to )told r sym- rnew rustees torren- by ste eteran st by a board sition" board's 5 mil- The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, March 2, 2004-7 Fil. NS-Sp. Sut. lO.Ipm Son. lSIpmi For information cali: Financing Available O.A.C. CONCERNED $%WOFFABOUT YOUR jHIIr AVI11011 NETFILE TAXWIDE.NET * ~ 1e .4.e aee le va gwý - - ffDEum .;L TAXvwww TAX IV j MW JIIIII ki ÎS 69 1à Î.7kwa fil -Mi ON THE SPOT OPEN 7 DAYS 1 -866-TAXWIDE MILTON MALL 905-875-3726 GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE 905-877-5884 HEAD OFFICE: MISSISSAUGA: 905-949-2222 e Brake Service nemUp * Steering & Suspension yl.am$ra e MOT Safety Inspection yI.69 Computer diagnostics YI ...$7 995 eTires * Auto Electric & YI .. $9 Charging Systems