The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 2, 2004-21 rReport Cards will he coming home soon, leaving you looking for a quick fix 10 gel your child's grades up for the last term. But few quick fixes last. At Oxford Learning, students are oftered indi- vidual programs that address îheir needs in academics, learning styles and self esteem. lt is a svstem that Oltlers themn the tools 10 succeed lor n0W and lor < Using in-depth assess- ments that idenîiîy how your child ahsorhs information and then gels il back out on paper, Oxford Learning is the leader in helping children gel hetter grades for this report card, and ail report cards 10 come. Oxford Learning's curriculum has heen developed over 20 @years. Il has slayed current with changes in the educaîjonal systemns-acro programs include: Little Readerg Academy 13 - 5 yrs.l A îerrific program for youngsters eager 10 lear children who read earlier do hetter in school fun filleci program gels vour pre-schooler read lenges ut Gracie 1. Smnall classes, indtividualiz an vnihedci tiCuIluni in reading, writing, n) is the onis program of ils kind in North Anieri creatîve. It works! Beyond Tutoring (Grades 1 - 8) Oxford Learning has individualized learning p the specific needs of each student. An initial fies the key areas that may he affecting a sîud learn, as well as the level aI which the studen customized program is then created 10 help y more effective ways of learning, and in the pr greal changes! Better grades. higher self-estes confidence. Regular parent reports keep you step of the way. High School Advantage The challenges of doing well in high school continue 10 mount, with average marks no longer heing enough 10 gel int post-seconda education. Advantage studenîs learn how 10 sludy and work smarter, write hnîlliant essays, and prepare tor tests and exams. Each progra is îailored to the needs of the student 10 hring improved grades, confidence and success. .a safety rope for better grades ss Canada. Our The Key to Success - just a Few Hours a Week! As you are scheduling your child in10 ail of his/her extra curric- ular aclivities iswimming, soccer, music lessons, dance lessons, n. Statistics show camps) this spring and sommer, make sure you leave just 2 andin lite. This hours a week for the most important activity of aIll learning v tor the chai- how to learn. ed progîarns and lust îhink with cmnl\ t hour twice a week, your child (an dlevel- aîh ancd more' It op a love ot learnîng ani hugin lo experiençe soi ess in a.It l l10 . lIls s( 11001 C onfidence! Better Gracies, Suc cess! Il is neye too late t(i start... put this on cour child's rograrns Io meet activity list this Spring. assessment identi- (For more information on ent's ahility Io any of our Oxford pro- l is performing. A grams (pre-school to Gr. our child develop 12) or our summer pro- cms and mpoed Agla Mlaced corntell oessan iou se Aga placed contactl in touch every Myrstol at the Oxford Learning Centre in Milton. ry 0(FoRD. LEARNING.j 917 Nipissing Rd. at Tbompson, Milton 905-693-9978 c~/Ynth cýYPea/ 1O%OFF AI WneKts Avalabetobe made on pemse 342 Bronte St S #2, Milton (905) 876-9463 -ied Stesd Sora - Carriage Square CHRPRACTIC NEALTI CENTRE CHIROPRACTORS REGISTEREO Dr. Heather EveIeigh MASSAGE THERAPIST Dr. Shaun Damansx Jenna Godldard Early morning, evening & Saturday appta. *Offering safe and effective treatment for conditions inciuding back pain. headaches, neck pain, stress and sports reiated injuries 905-876-.9.987 Unit 2 -15 Martin Street Carniage Square Plaza, Miton The Safest and Most Effective Way to a Lighter and Heaithier Future.