14-Champion Country, Tuesday, March 2, 2004 Do you know someone who's i If you know someone who has donc a good deed or action that enhanced the environment last year, Conservation Halton wants to hear about it. Since 1982, Conservation Halton (CH) bas been recognizing people and organizations that have made significant contributions te, conservation in the Halton watershed. Nominees have included groups such as teacher associations and federations, Scout and Guide organi- zations, naturalist clubs, corporations, government agencies and private landowners. There are six categories in the program: citizen, community, education, stewardship, corporate and the bonour roll award. Winners' names are placed on a plaque and displayed in the lobby of CH's office and mndividual plaques are presented to the recipients. Nominations for the 2003 conservation awards cao be submitted until March 3 1. Last year, more than 30 people and groupa were rec- ogntzed from ail areas of the watersbed inciuding Milton, Oakviile, Bsriington, Haiton His, Flamborougb, Mississauga, Dundas and Pusiincb. Conservation actions bave included activities sucb as tree pianting, stream rebabilitation and dlean-up, scbool yard naturalization projects, environmental education activities, wildlife improvement projecta and fundraising for conservation. Residens of the watersbed have inberited a rich, nat- ural legacy encomnpasýing such features as the Niagara Escarpmens, abundant wetiands, streama and many environmentaiiy-sensitive areas. One of the reasons these areas have been preserved and maintaincd is that many groupa and individuals are doing good conservation deeds. For more information and nomination forma, rail CH at (905) 336-1158 or visit www.conservaîionbal- ton.on.ca. ./Lots of items to be up for grabs at museum 's Hearthside event 90e 7874 's ,MaS. E.wwmloi 1 lo -n ni MILTO fÔLer MINDS 1 By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special ta The Champion "Going once, gomng twice, soid" are the renowned words at auctions as people vie for the chance to, get good deala on a wide variety of items. Sucb will be the acene at tic Haiton Region Museumas Hearthaide Auction and Open House Sasurday, May 8. "There will be a sulent auction on items up to about $100," said museum directoir Paul Attack. "There will also be a live auction for the bigher priced items. TIhe preview and aise tour wii be from noon to, i p.m. and thc auction will be from 1 to, 4 p.m.- Items are donated from members of Uic community and local buaineases and cao be anyUiing from art and muga to, gift certiftcates and vacations. "We are trying 10 establish thia as an annual event. We are ini a beautiful location (Keiso Conservation Area) wiUi Uic lake on one aide of us and Uic Niagara Escaepment on Uic oUier. I1 la a wonderfui place to apend an aftemnoon," said Mr. Attack Laat year's auction raiaed $î.1,000 to, go 10 Uic Halton Foundation Museum Building Fund. TMis year's goal is to double that amounit. "TMe Halton Foundation Museum Building Fund wii be uaed so fuand Uic building of an artifacta centre (an addition 10 Uic existing building) Uiat will bouse many items that have been stored off site," said Mr. Attack, "We wiil be able to, bring the items back wbere Uiey will be dispiayed and properiy iooked after." Mr. Attack conftrmed that Uiere wili be musical enteetamrment at Uic auction and open bouse as weil as food available for purchase. Tickets coat $ 10 per person and are available by con- tacting Uic Halton Region Museum at (905) 875-2200, ext. 2 1. «Rehearsals are 110W u nderway for'Brookville Sch.ool production By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special ta The Champion Broadway is coming back te, Brookville Public Sebool in May for the school's performance of 'the Emperoras New Ciothes'. "This year's production is a junior musical (grades 4-6)," aaid Melanie Goncalvea, a co-director of the play and a grade 4/5 teacher at Brookvilie. "We have about 48 studens involved and it's nice to sec the jun- ior atudents get a chance 10, do Ibis." Ellen Froernmei, the achool's junior French teacher, la aiso directing the production witb Ms Goncalves and rebearsals are juat beginning. "TMe atudens are baving lunebsime rebearsais as weIi as after achool," aaid Ms Goncalves. "Altbougb we baven'l quite gosien into ail the details about cos- tumes and propa, we believe that moat of the work will be donc by the teachers, parents, and the achool.com- mincee. Any donations from the community in way of propa and sucb wiil be greatly appreciased." WttheUi evening performance dates set for May 12 and 13, ticket sales won't begin until mid te, late-April at the achool. "The production is a comedie interpretation of the traditional fairy tale," aaid Ma Goncalvea. "The king la very mucb into fashion. He gets swindled by two scoundrels wbo take advantage of bts 'passion for fashion' and make bim an invisible outftt." flic production of 'the Emperoras New Clothea' promises some good laugbs and entertainment for Uic wboie famiiy. Productions as Bmookvilie in Uic paat, aucb as 'The Wizard of Oz' and 'Annie', bave aoid out ao buy your tickets eariy once tbey go on sale, oe - - - - / e C. c. . . e, th. ai- dnc pl- 1 d~- h- ~e., 1 inc t.d -_ -n-_iý .li.tý i . t- th. ti .2~, th derht"y f f " 7 .-y~ eCI -l =-k - -la 1--1 - an ý n u t ý t . - 1 t1ý IJ , .i - . l h - . iltQ sira1- s ialb1 matA ,u c h th-~t* fý- _n t,~ie~203 V~l.49 32 1