i 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 2, 2004 Zyban, hypnosis seem to be helping the participants from CHALLENGE on page 9 totally 15 rnany of bis triends smoke. Mr. Miller said he sbrsuld have gradually cut back on the number of cigarettes he smoked as the quit day approached, bat he didn't, so it was a big shock t0 bis system. 1I wasn't ready." He said he'u soon set another qut date and try 10 go trom two cigarettes per day t0 zero. As fair as side effects frorn the 7vban, Mr. cd t0 be in a trance. Youire flotIn 1c \ta and xi' Ixxi lilit i î hio t ' , i a 1". à i] linili. since i il ltil p1aý s ',,qiianl, se said this bas been particularly irnitattng. Elizabeth Williams Elizabeth Williams said she was surprised wben she went for ber first bypnosis session at Positive Changes in Georgetownî. "Il wasn't what 1 expected," she said. "1 expert- aiae cif iny surtounidîiigs.'l1 bey casît mnake 01ou art like a chieken or hark like a dog." She said the person doîng the bypnosis makes "suggestions" into a set of headphones surh as, "You don't want 10 srnoke, you want lo be a clean air breather." Ms Williams said she also rereives lips on bow to deal with rravings. such as drinking lots of Ncîw tlst she lias gone Ici Poîsitive Changes 1() times, Ms Williams said sbe's now down 10 two or three cigarettes earb day, dlown from tbe 12 she sîsed t0 smoke daily. She still bas somte crav- ings. but is confident they'lI soon go away. Ms Willtamns said sinre beginning her ses- sions, she's sleeping better and. interestingly doesn't rrave coffee as rnurh as sbe used 10. »March Break Mu - 3--5 years, 6-8 iears Music & Me Enroli now! 0-I1 years of age FLYERSALE N NOe cAA B ICA17 547 Main St. E. Police chief says he has littie or no0 control over some costs like salaries tram CHIEF on page 1 "Tantot even a dime a day," said Mr. Somerville. "Mont people wouldn't have a problem. with that." Member Keiîh Bird, though, reminded the hoard that il was the Region that sent the budget back to it. "This is the easy part," he said. "Now we have to, walk it down the hall (to regional council)." Defending his budget, Chief Algar explained that he han little or no control over many ronts, rangmng front salaries (87.6 per cent of the budget), henefits, deht associated with capital expenditures and provincially-mandated Adequacy Standards. Unknown expenses like homir disasters as well as occurrences sui August's massive hlackout, also impact. The 2004 budget includes fund uniformed officers and Il civiian encompasses a hont of other costn ing $2,5 million for the Ontario NV Employeen Retirement System (0 AIli this in set againnt a hackdrop ing with the impacts of growth, res încreaned calîn for service as well mnal offenses and the crime rate have jumped 12.48 and 8.7 per cen tively. Other statistirs include a rise it crime (2.8 per cent), property cri During Our'A I 44 ~BirthdaB A ~ ~ Celebration ' Join a Wiunner .4B a Wiunner!, Over $1 Million 4 4 in prizes! Yos couîd WIN 1 Of 10 tws-year leases on a Mercedes-Benz C230 Ksmpreooor Sport Coupe. Plas Iliosando of other prizes, iocluding instant wino. (No purchase necessary - see club for details) GoodLike FIT NES S CLUB S Makes it easy coog }14f'ia ai$25 atam e 4piii sWÊwd aa 440w 5i 5 oSM Mm eMP G W alemàg dae To"ây Thu,%wy o idSa.,d. 0ff,or,-Mwh31. 20014 Soo dýog1 i4iopooosn4~n,,4 ~~ oM#eo14d45oo 409 Main St. E. 855 Steeles Ave. E. (905) 878-FIT3 (3483) (905) 876-FIUr (3488) Women OnIy Co-Ed Ca180571FT(34 )o1ii i ai ww .go lfinsscm o a iieayo. per cent), motor vehicle collisions (4.7 per ides and cent). motor vehîcle deatbs 1114 per cent) has last and impaired driving (3.2 percent). At 36.6 have an per cent, Halton's clearance rate is down from 37.5 per cent, a number that's still s for 19 ahove the provincial average. s. It also In addition to growth (Halton's popula- , includ- lion increanes by 12,000 to 15,000 people lunicipal each year), Chief Algar said 2004 budget MERS) challenges include a rine in sophisticated 'of deal- frauds and counterfeiting. *ulting in For board member Joan Lougheed, a an rim- maor cause for concem remamns the polie- which ma Ing conts of Milton's Maplehurst t resper- Correctional Facility, a jail that draws t violent inmates from across Ontario but local offi- mes (9.8 cees have to cope with. A rismng number of incidents - plus deaths that require individ- ual inquests, said Chief Algar - put increas- i ng pressure on the budget. "It almost seems it's become another small division," said Ms Lougheed, who urged Chief Algar to continue his negotia- lions with the Province over funding. Board members Sandy Martin and Jeanne Hay agreed, adding that funding mont aiso, he found to deal with increasing raIls for service at Mohawk Racetrack in i Campbellville. Another nagging problem that needs to be dealt with, explained Chief Algar, 4involven the service's deteriorating facili- Atien like the Oakville police station on White Oaks Boulevard. According to Iim Watson, the service's director of community policing administra- tion, he'n working clonely with the Region to develop a joint facility plan, including ways 10 noften the blow of A construction/renovation conts lhrough S debt-structuring options. One idea being connidered, naid Mr. Watson, in to have the Region pay for the buildings then lease themn back to the serv- iice in order Io npread its costn over 20 years instead of 10. Babytime. Tales for Twos Preschool Storytime Registration March 2-7, 2004 Classes begin April l3th Drop in storytime Th ursdays 6:*45.m beginningAil lh Milton Public Library .(905) 875-2665 JHEREà'S A LITTLE SAM Mme'