-ýMan charged after A personî surreii- dered ta Milton P lc l te police lait Frîday in P o i e M t r connection wt February 14 colli- sioni that involved a pedestnian. The incident took place shortly afier 1:3(0 a.m. at Main Street East and comnmercial Street when a vehicle pulled out of a drive- way onto the road and ran over the foot of a I 9-year-old Miltoni man.'The driver fled befare police arrived. A 21 -year-ald mn of Middleton Crescent bas been cbaeged wiîh dangerous driving causing bodily bano and failing ta reisiain at the scene af an accidenat. Mischief charge laid Police toak a man ta, the bospital aftee hie was found lying at the side of Derry Road eaely Sunday momning. Just after 6:30 a.m., police found a man they suspected was intoxicated and took himt ta Milton District Hospital for possible bypothermia. After hie was released and was being transported several bours later ta the police station, the man becamne aggressive, spitting in the car and bitting its interior, police said. A 19-year-old Mississauga man bas been cbarged wiîh mischief. Plywood stolen A stack of plywood was stolen Saturday from a lot under con- struction an Mitchell Place. The 80 pieces of plywood were stolen by unkmmown suspects sonietime between 2 aid 4 a.m. and were îîoticed missing by a security guard. The estimated value of the stolen property is $1.600. Company broken into A Harrop Drive business was broken into sometîme between 8 p.m. February 19 and 7 a.ni. February 20. Unknown suspects broke ia Roxul and moved a TV, VCR and fiai screen computer monitor autside the building, hiding tbem amang somne plastic bags. TIse items were found the nexi day by employees. Crie We'ofHa1îo Break-ins related? Halion Regional Police ave investigattng a resîdential break-in. Betweeni 1:30 and 3 a.m. February 15. suspects entered a home on No. 20 Sideroad through the unlocked basement door. Once inside, thieves reînoved the resident's purse and two sets of car keys. hivestigators believe ihis incident may be related to two other occurrences that happened around the saine time. The firsi involved the ihefi of a brown leather purse from an auto on Fourtb Line West and ai the sanie location a second vehicle was stolen but later recovered. 1s'ou have ans in/o, morion r/lot leadis ta an ourest in this ai ansv at/ic niatir. van nias he e/igih/e.lfoi a tcush reiîaid. Yoit xill/ nes ci hase ta gis e vot name ai testif ,.n urt.a Ci ie Stopper ai Ha/toit des îlot siîhscibe to caI d/i s- play. Pîease ta/I 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800-222-8477) oi t/hec/k aut Cime Stoppe> s' We site ar w4wsu ltati- s> imestappers.topnt "WALK IN CLINIC"" Open Saturdays and Sundays 2-5 pm 311 Commercial St. Suite 205, Milton MEET THE DFG TEAM rietena uonaiason, u-, ULu, uriru Thomas Tamblyn, BSÇ, CFP Nelda Crilly, Karen Manuel, Diane Kilkenny COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL AND ESTATE PLANNING FOR YOU AND VOUR FAMILY THROUGH RRSP SEASON AND BEVONDI th e FI1N ANCI1A L GCROU P AOWISING CLIENTS SINCE 1978 Cai for your complimentary consultation 101-310 Main St. East, Milton 905-875-3366 Fax: 905-875-3574 info @donaldsonfinancial.com Mutual Funds é RRSP's * RRIF's e RESP's é Lite, Term & Disability Insurance * Critical Illness Insurance & Long Term Care Insurance MUTUAL FUNDS SPONSORED BY FUNOTRADE FINANCIAL CORP. This Woman Found Our Simple Weight-Loss Plan Works! Hi M naine is Meegan Vatidei-Bui-,li. I was a pack-a-day snioker.ftôr 16 vears and an ovei-wei glu srnoker.for 8 long v«Uî N. Thanks to Positive C/han ges Hypnosis, I lost 43 lbs. in 4 înonthis and Ini smnoke-fr-ee! 1 was a nonsmoker after rny first session. 1 lost 71 lbs. before 1 even started my weight-loss program. Once I started. I lost -3 lbs. rny first week! Losing weight with hypnosis was far easier than counting calories or starving myseif. My behaviors changed and my weight melted off. Using hypnosis, there are: *No Diets *No Drugs @No Shots *No Weigh-ins *No Supplements It is an ail-natural method. You use your own mind for safe, sensible permanent weight lossl Positive Changes Hypnosis Centres Stress Management Stop Smoking Alcohol Free ( 35 Main St., South, Olde Downtown Georgetown 1>ositixve(U1i;jiges, (Two dsors south of the TD Bank) ______________ (905) 877-2077 "Where Resu/ns Happen'" The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2004-9 AnTErrrON 1 AIL MOI1HU< - PORT PARTUM NIALTI4 CLA9[_ rOR MOTI-ERg & exercise program 10 restore slrength & control of your back and pelvic mus- A preventative approach to reduce the risk of low back and pelvic pain, and ît long-term problems such as uterine prolapse and bladder incontinence. Every womnan who has given birth ban benefit from these classes, regardless ot age! TUEMY9 PMAU-9PM * STARTING MARCH 9TH l lm Program maybe covered l under your extended health OIJLY 10 MUM9 PER CLA-9! ALI CLASSES CONDUCTED BY A REGISTERED PHYSIOTHERAPISI CALL TODAY TO tziev IMP& RESERVE YOUR SPOT ~II$4T~IQ?4 905-693-8852 311 Commercial St. L 1dbb Suite 105 PITCH UN SCANADAI