.,Portables needed at fHadti eîu Schoot By TIM WHITNELL Special to The Champion Milton's new clementary school is get- ting 10 more classroomns to accommnodate a growing student population. Chris Hadfield Public School on Woodward Avenue will receive a 10 class- room port-a-pack, a collection of portable rons. tu lime for the start of the 2004 05 school year. Halton District School Board trustees hast vreek approved a $1 .4 million contract to TRP Construction 10 bîtild the mnodular addition ai the JK bo grade 7 school. The port-a-pack's design incliides 10 classrooînis a teachers' work toom, wash- rooni lacilittes, space for custodial storage, air- cotîditioning w ith itîdividual classroomn controls and wheelchair accessibilitv for students and visitors. Board Facilities Superintendent Gerry Cullen said the expectation is ihat the port- a-pack will be needed on site for about 10 years. He said the addition is assemhled off site. ht cati be disassensbled and transported to another site in the future il tteccssarv. -We may need 10 place some portables in the short îenn." noird Mr. Cullen. He said utîlike iii tbe past. when nbosi parents would inove their famtly into a tsew borne in the summirer. many are now making the move when the home is ready, svhich is often during the school year. That trend tîsav tigger the need for more porta- bles belère the port-a-park is ready. Hadfteld currently has îwo individual portables on site with one in use. TMe other is expected to be iii use afier the March break. Portables are rated to hold 24.5 full- tinte equivalent (F7TE) students. Hadfield's main building has a capacity for 650 FTE students but with the potable. and considering junior and senior kinder- garten pupils ounit only as haîf studenis. the school bas 719 actual pupils. Hadfield is projected 10 bave 873 FTE students, 1.020) pupils, by this September. Red Cross at GO Monday To launch Match as Red Cross Month, volunteers and staff will bc at the GO Transit station Monday moming to distrib- ute ribbons in exchange for voluntary donations. The donations, which can be given 10 volunteers between 6:30 and 9:30 arn., will go 10 support programas aimed ai help- mng the vulnerable as well as raising aware- ness about the Canadian Red Cross Society in the community. Throughout Canada, thse Red Cross pro- vides many valuable comrnunity services including Meals on Wheels, transportation services and home healtheare equipment loans. In the afterrnath of a bouse tire, flood, tornado, storm or any other emergency, the Red Cross is there 10 provide for basic needs including food, shelter and clothing. i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bulk. barnê South African blanched, roasted,j .hm s n 31 /100g salted or unsalted j.2290 Raisins 3a Pents b original1 , bbq, cheese or salsa ranch Neilson B its .62/1 00g Buk.ets 66/100g Bites 21 lb Chocolate 2. lb I~ ~ 1 I l é , 1 Premium Quality and Freshness Guaranteed *Fresh stock arrives weekly, over 4,000 items including: * 200 types of candies, chocolates, gummies and sugarless sweets * Baking supplies - raisins, prunes, dried fruits, sugars, mixes, nuts, spices, specialty flours " Snacks - over 100 of your favourites, snacking nuts and mixes " Herbai Supplements, Health Foods and Organic Products Franchtise ior-ationsaa-ittîhe in Ontario and Atlantie Cana~da î90'88h 6756 MsprosSe adidentifcat.Eds speias &gbf erSliates.Whie supplesalst Oadvertsediems we seseethrgt iilîqi5es. Milton Mail 55 Ontano SL & (905) 693-9207 Watch for thie Prmier Issue of Your Health Halton Healthcane Sen4ces Coinmunity Repor YOur Iat Distried TODAY with dhis newspaper. www.bulkbarn.ca ty, value and sellection 1 ince 1982 à , .