The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2004 - 23 seln@haltonsearCh.Com Do or die time for IceHawks ýÏ Will look to prevent sweep tonight By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Going, gotng.. Facing gaine-four elimination tonight ai Memonial Arena, Mîlton's juniors will need more than shamrock stickers on their helmets t0 fend off the defending conference champion Raiders. l'I? hHeading ioto a pivotai trip t0 Georgetown Wednesday nîght, the lceHawks donned the four-leaf clover in an atlempt 10 recreate the 1998 'Luck of the Irish' tumaround enjoyed agamnst Oakville. But ail the decals in the world can't erase the fact that they re physîcally outmaîched by Georgetown, and stîli mîssîng impact veterans Jonathan Omnelas and Brett Robinson - both oui wîth mînor injunies. Despile a rather valiani effort, the shori-siatfed and banged up IceHawks slipped past whai mosi would consider the point of no retum -]s- ing 5-2 -and ae now on the verge of being swepi for the firsi lime in more than a decade. That would no doubt be a bitter pili to swallow for veterans lîke Dean Strong, Wes Clark and Andrew Bonello, who helped take Georgetown 10 gamne seven of the conference finals laat year before being vanquished in double overtîme. Back between the pipes afler five straight stants for Jamiùe Flury, Thomas Lee looked a little shaky On the second goal, but was solîd overali to keep things respectable Wednesday. Beatmng him twice on the powerplay was John Wmnstanley, while fellow ail-star Raider Ryan DelMonte returned from a 00e-gaine hiatus -due to intemnal strnfe - t0 record four pointa, mncludmng a laie empty netter. For Milton, Ryan Mclnemney and Jeif Caîster each scored their first of the playoffs inaide the final 12 minutes. Up to that point their teain sputtered with the man-advantage and continue 10 show a big donut in that departinent. The IceHawks' powerplay futility - flow aI a brutal 0-for-16 in round îwo - was particularly evident in the second period, when they failed 10 record a single shot during minor infractions 10 _____________________________ Frank DeAngelis and Ross Smith. Meanwhile, the Raiders have scored key goals withi the extra Dri ~ 1attacker in both of their home-ice victories and have effectively s'- v;j KC C Io w f asserted their physical superiority against their north Halton rivals. They mounted a 2-O lead iin the opening framne and essentially locked up gaine three with Winstanley's second tally, notched with Juve WMntbhwmk Kyl. BunoI gels eight'minutes remaining. mulsdW Md haulsd down by WIndso Wednesday marked the returu of Milton head coach George Spilfre opponont Chris BOUM«r dtirIng Dupont, now back from a I 2-gaine suspension for teain hazing rit- gem. one of OMHA *.*ifitlO play uals earlier in the season. Sstwsy oon rh e miIn psdty Should they slave off elimination tonight, the IceHawks will anW pow.piy led to Mlton1s firtt gal. return 10 Georgetown tomnorrow evening for gaine fîve. Both Fo -u msugý s»p 5 gaines atart a0 :30 p.m. Photos b>' GRAHAM PAINE . In other Westemn Conference action, Oakville also enjoys a 3-0 hainmerlock afler beating Hainilton 5-1 Wednesday. ElCarniage Square Chiropractic Health Centre 1111 ag Sqar 15Nai St nt2 SIi 058698 eNew Patients/Walk-ins Welcome - Registered Massage Therapy TeCamrage Square ~ teCustom Orthotics - Early Momning, Evening & Saturday Appts. leans: Prvdn _______________________________ for: _____________________ Dr. Healher Eveleigh Dr. Shaua Demeri m Jenn GodardRMTBack Pain * Neck Pain - Whiplash - Joint and Muscle Conditions