-Police searching for three suspects after a fight breaks out Police are looking for three suspects after a fight broke out in front of an Ontario Street apartmnent building last Friday. At about 1 1 p.m., a retident of Use apart- ment asked two maies and a femnaie to leave Use property. Police said Use Usree suspects surrounded Use man and knocked bis cel phone out of bis bands when be tried to phone for help. Two more .apartment residenîs approached Use group, attempting to assist Use man, and a fight broke out. There were no ijuries. By Use time police an-îved, Use tbree sus- pects bad flcd. TIse tirst suspect is described as a white maie, 5-foot-lO wiUs faciai hair, wearixig blue pants and a dark jacket. The second suspect is a white male, shorter Usan Use oUser suspect, wearing a dark jacket and a black winter hat with a white stripe. The third suspect is a white femaie about 17 years old, five-foot-eight 10 five-foot- ie. She was wearing a beige jacket and a white bat. Police lay assault charge Police cbarged a Milton maxi with assault Sunday evening. At about 10:30 p.m., a resident of a low- nise apartmnent on Regionai Road 25 ailegedly went 10, Use upatairs apartmnent armed wiUs a four-foot metal pipe and tried 10 force his way in. He was pbysicaily restrained by anoUser resident until police arrived. A 36-year-old man of Regionai Road 25 was charged wiUs assault wiUs a weapon, uttering deaUs Usseats and break and enter wiUs intent. Senior ripped off Police are looking for a man wbo stole money from a senior citizenfs apartment. At about 3 p.m., Use man sbowed up at an Ontario Street apartment building and buzzed a random resident, who let bim in, police said. The man kxiocked on an apartment door Police Blotter and told the resident he was there to check the curtais lin the residence. After being let in, he entered the resi- dent's bedroomn and took a small quaxitity of cash and a portable phone battery, police said. The suspect is a white maie, about five- foot-lO0, 175 to, 200 pounds with dark hair. He was dlean shaven and was wearing a black t-shirt and black pants. Anyone with information is asked to, cail Crime Stoppers or police at (905) 825- 4777, ext. 2415. Man performs obscene act A girl walkixig to school observed a man committing an obscene act in front of John Tondlli Sports Centre December 19. The girl passed a car parked beaide the arena at 9 a.m. and a man who was mas- turbating inside roiled dlown the window and called to the girl, who ran away, police said. The suspect is white, maie, 25 to 30 with a akixiny build, a shaved head and big eyes. He was wearing a black sweater and blue jeans and drove a purpie 2002 four-door Ford Focus. Police are inveatigatixig. Boy's backpaick stolen Police are searcbissg for a suspect after an 11 -year-old boy's backpack was stolen December 19. According to police, the boy was walk- mng bome ftomi sclsool at about 1:45 p.m. in tse ares of Woodward Avenue and Lome Scots Drive. Wben be bent down 10 tie bis slsoelaces, bis green and white Point Zero backpack was grabbed. The suspect it described as white wiUs an average build, between 168 and 178 cm tail. He was wearing black pants and a black sweatshirt. The Canadia Champion, Fniday, December 26, 2003-g BOMAR B ARG eAtINÈ BAN You nover know what might be there.,. Yen ALWAYS know you'II SAVE! A very happy New Yectr rom the eomar Gtaf f Bagi Ban Reg. Hours start Jan 2/04 Corne visit us at sur Furniture Depot at the former La Rose Bakery on Bronte St. (905) 878-1939 FUNTR EO E OR - STEELIES AVE. We ,Th r, r 1- MAINS. 311 STEEES AVE., MILTON III01 (905) 876-3185 DERff RD. Pat go. Lcwry'9 Chc g.-î,i Sip eso gti '/House under construction ransacked for $27,000 loss Haiton Regionai Police is investigat- ing a Useft from a bouse under con- struction in Milton. Ovemight December 9, thieves kicked in Use front door of a bouse, located on Pineview Trait, and remnoved ail of Use new appliances. Stolen items include two refrigetators, a stove, a disbwasber, a washer, a dryer and a wine cooler. The total lois is $27,000. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other matter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You will neyer have to give your name or tesnfy in court. Crime Stoppers of Haiton does not subscribe to cal! display. Please cal! J-800-222-TIPS (1-800- 222-8477) or check out Crime Stoppers' Web site at www.halton- crimestoppers.com. 'No serious injuries in bus collision A smail scbool bus canrying thiree stu- dents was involved in a collision at Appleby'Line and Dersy Road last Friday aftemoon. The incident, wbicb involved Use bus and anoUser vebicle, bappened at about 2:45 p.m., slowing traffic: in Use ares. There were no serious injuries 10 Use drivers or cbildren. .No furtber information was available. We haven't had a Grand Opening yet (too buay>, but we are open. We ripped apart and rebuilt what was called the Hopa 'N' Malt in White Oaks Plaza just a few stores down from Multon's well-know.n La Rose Bakery For our old patrons we think you wilI be peasantly surpriaed flot juat by the new décor but also with the considerable changea made in the offeringa of top quality dinners and lunches at reasonable prices. This la our first real piece of advertising and Il la primarily to teil you that we are flot juat open, but we are also planning a special New years Dinner. Five courses that include: soup, salad and appetizer; and a great selection of entrées such aa Beef Wellington, Rack of Lamb, and Dame of Fresh Atlantic Salmon, Scallops & Tiger Shrimp or Breast of Chicken Stuffed with Camambert Peaches in a Grand Mamier Cream Sauce. Plus fabuloua desserts! AUl inclusive la $55 per person and includes a midnight sandwich bar and your New Vears Champagne toast. Individual entrée pricing la also available and bar patrons can join us for our Midnight Sandwich Bar and Toast for $1 0.00 per person. For Reservations cail (905) 693-0523 If you can't join us for New Years at least stop by and give Chasers a Merry Christmas & have a great Holiday Season! r IIIIIIII - a