Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Dec 2003, p. 32

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834-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 26, 2003 ADVERTORIAL The future looks bright for Ford with the release of their 2004 F- 150 and ail new Freestar j 2004 Fmeestar SE ACCOMMODATING.. - FUMY, FMMI, COS - MMT* LMGI MMU TUIl AIL Freestar meas neye having le liesv anyne or asythîng behinri. Wit coin- fortable sestisg for neyes ari plenfy of roon for averything tsy bling afong, tse ses Fîstai malas tamify lits simple. Andi aten a trip tomte gardes centre or furetai yard is on your scheduf s, Freestar foreis into ose bock et a caset- lest cargo haut er sn just seconds. SE Value Packagle in stock from $255499* 2004 F-150 WHEN Il COMES TO RIDE AND HANDLING... Pidrup ateers have long espected ta trsda coefoit sari cantrol for laad-cariy- i5g capability sari capacity. Wsll, tose tiade-aIfs wnr i t Me ait-ses 2004 F-150. e Mmsm - ms M-Uis bumsowsd Ut i' re Malait The mreable quletess 0f mhesse F-150 - mhe quiefest: pickup anmte pisat - mfay leari saine long-te truc ateer ta tink quiet mas unse rer. But latir, iougti-iunnîng pidp anigines ais a ting ufthme past: mhe ses F- 150h 4.6L ari 5.41 Trifton origines ais uscafreprmisisgly quiet sari capable. 4x2 V-8 Supercabe from L'0 HURRY IN TODAY FOR BEST SELECTION AND BOEST SVOM"SI APPLICABLE LICENCE AND ADMIN. FEE, AND TAXES ABOMONAL. ALL MANUFACTURER'S FIEBATES APPLIED TO ADVEATISED PRICES. 2004F150 Fard's future could be decided on thte success of their new pick-up truck, the 2004 F-1 50. Wifh the addi- ton of more rore, betfer ride, refinement, and han- dling, the future certainy looks brighf indeed. The new and ireproved 2004 F-150 le tougher and sisoother than ever. Staring wit the frame, mhe bock- bone of mhe truck, wftic i n naw stronger because of i being fuly welded and boxed along ifs enifre fength. The new trames s note 50%/ sifffer in bending ta previ- oua F-1 50s and 9 Urnes siffler In torsion. To reet tae demnand otf groyAmg personal use pur- chass, Ford tis incease tse F-150 cabe size of each of the Ragufar and SuperCab trucks in aider fa, meut the demnande of ltse North American familly. In 2004. tae Reguf ai Cab tis been lenIgtheneid by 6 incties and note cames witi a pair of tinged «doorlte wfrict provide accasa ta, an avent grester storage ara. The SuparCai tis aiea bean Ienttined by 6 incties andi sa" avesitbla wflth s dasa exclusive 5.5-foot bos ttiW mokcas if eseer ta put in thesfsmilly garage andi providas more er seait comfort teiith a mre ractlned backreet samafting tat tees s ksy Issus ut exising SupaiCsb custaners. To lnrove lte 2004 F-1l50 for asemooiter ride andi butter tisndfng, Fard te now pramlaing 55e standerds. Key improvaments ara teider te0sf Springs for entisncad lateae sifli nd nr ear attacha mauntsd outbaard on ltse spereg, which eneble mora precisei contra of tse estes movemaent. The new higttfy rigid rack and pmnion stserng, cail-overseic front sus- pensions, wftt lthe addiion ut advanced rubber buish- lngs aiea add toa soffer ride by bsing saifer ericsffy atf rereaining sUiff fatersly The 2004 F-1 50 te aiea lte oltly truck in lte industry ta camas teitti s standard V8. The standard engins e aa V8 Triton 231 tip, 4.6 tite, tiawevar if mora poer te desired, Ford tias affsrad an upgrsded arne opion airici te lthe Triton 5.4 titra Vl whteti deioars 300 hp andi 365 b. FI. wNli enhsncsd fuel efficisncy. Truly ltse onty wsy fa gef ltse futl apprecisifon of lte ait new 2004 F-1 50 te to gat behn ltse wttssl of one for s test driva ta restfy sas tse diffaranca in powier, tisndlteg, camfart and rafinsmant. Thea Ail Ne, 2004 Frasata. Wtft lia 51-nw 2004 Freestar, Fard te naw able ta, play catch up withlita makers of impaltsd minmens. Replscing lie Wlndst, ltae Freestar tis baan made ta ba one of ltse safsst ehidaes on lie road. Deaignari witti reifarcei tiaey stat, and ting nets opions suc s lte canaopy sida sabsg, whlch te dsignied ta, unfoid and protsc aven s sleeping cfttd and te aiea ocanncfd wlt a roltavar sansar attIct MeIf ksap tse bag inflsted for 6 secanda in ltse avent ut tse ele raltlng aver in an accident. Anattiar sfsty opion thet wi b. offsrad te Uts Canadien Ssfsfy Driving Package utsa bargain ut $8oo. me Safuty package teif indtuda Ford's Adeencetrar stabiliy systent, s paic brake enhancentant systere, sari revere senelrlg. Alsa four lerger dar brakes wiltABS brlng systemai tefIl came standard oliti ail Freestar modale. mhe Freester tis aiea many perfarmance featumes aufeide ut sefefy s te. mhe lirst feafore a eils faid flat 3rd raw benci sst. Dese Mii festere beirtg alierad on other campaitors' minivans for somns lime note, Ford's version te battai In a couple of aras. Primerty tae 3rd row bunce seat te made ta faid down wiltut rentaving lis tisadreets and te made in such a wsy tat Uts drivers vew Mli sot ba obetrucfad Motn thare ara rio paseeongers in tae Freestar. Alea tse 3rd rate seat cen be reverssd le face tse opposite direcion tat wauid be useful for picitice and tigate parUies. Onfy ans angine size oUil ba oftered tefth tse 2004 Freestar. mhe 4.2 V6 wil tise 201 tip and 265 b. if. of torque, mhe sdvantage wth mhis enge te tat if tis tisen dssignsd ta mun quiefy and ereoamly aven under tiard accalaraion and aliars M0% ut ils torque et jusf 15Oorpe. Gone le tse heevy truck fest for stsering s teel. Fteplaed wifh s lighter and mors practee staaring sys- tain, tse 2004 Freestar hardes more like s car pre- venU ng sny wsndering wifhmn your drfving lae and on roada designe i ti steep angles. mhe Freestsr is an excellent vetile for tae fareily. Wth ssairtg capacty suitarit f7 people andi 25 ai. fif. ut storage wrm the 3rd raw bencti baing usei. Foid dawtet 3rd rate seat anri tse storege ares snciases ta 69 cu. ht. sari rersave tse 2sd rate benci seat andi you cen store up ta 134 cu. St. mere is no better offsring Fard couid have made le replace te Windstar. The Freestar rAill have na tou- ble kseping up tomth Fard tradition of ssfety, perform- ance, ari family convenience for teir minivans In tse ysars ta cames. lit

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