Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 2003, p. 28

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211110-The Caneadieer Champion, Fr/day, December 12, 2003 tFREE Estimafes. Got wob- Beaven, John Arthur, ageal 91, al/sc Docembor 11, 2003 o! cmpl/cat/ono b/y chairs, lirval looking jarP:snq fromn a on, ,,ruqqle with h.oart J;dr, Hoft-, iq , ~rhýhlj ot. pr - Ft o:.iï pLe!ivý1e, o: tar )iv1argarei MVie.nee) et Loindon and Pot/tp (Mainr Lilioî) o! Wooior, grandchîidren Sean (Karen Add/son), Courtney, Lyndsey, Christ/ne, Keir, Kafhar/no and grest-grandch/idrsn Joremy anal Jamie Lee. Ha te surviveal as watt b y his nisces, Disns Beaven of Winnipeg, Susan Hardy (Ano Watt) of Pembroke and Anne Whitaey (her husbanal Bob anal son Dillon) anal fhrough marriage Mrs. June McFarlans anal tamity of Ottawa. John mas bom in Ottama in 1912, the youngest chilal of Herbert Francis Beaven and Susan Eftis Butter, ha evsntuaty follomel sn h/s fathers foot- stepa as a travelling satesman, e vocation et mhich he excelîsal ail/is Ide. In 1937, ha maniad Marguerite et St. Gites Presbyterran Church. In 1946, ha rnovad tris oung fatnBy to Toronto whers ha f/rat solal flatwsrs for -cIsa Umk o Lriteal and Ihl in 1952 took a salas position with Oneicla Canada, Uimitea. Ha mas a star salesman frora the beginning snd helpeal maka Donaida the dominant tabletop supplier t0 hotels acros Canada until tas retirament in 1977. In 1979, ha anal hie mite Marguerite saparatel. (They neyer divorceal). John raconstructel hie Ideain retirament mith a renaeald tocus on lite in Milton, Ontario, cloaer ta sons John anal Philip anal their tamaitias. Thera ha indulgad in hie other 9meai Ita passion, gerdening. Ha won several local amards for his beautiful gardens. Hie omo sterling ha8h anal constitution suffereal initial troubling aetbacks in 1995. John mainteineal hie intractabla inalepandenca in has Miton tomnhousa until July 2003 mhen ha moveal juat domo the straat to Allendala long taorn cars to. Thanka to the staff in Pattit Houseaie Allandale, fhe nursing staff of Mlas District Hospital anal ta Kathy, Phil andl John mho hava actad on his beaei ovar so meny yaars. A meoral aervice mili ba heldal e McKersle Kodme Fun"rs Home, 114 Me/n Street, Miton, Ontario, et 2pmn on Dacamber 15, 2003 (905-878-4452). Private interment mill accur ai Pinecreat Cematary in Ottama. Riande anal temily are inviteal ta mae a remambrance fhrough the Heat anal Stroka Foundation or the Alzheimer Society. - - - RAINBOW VILLAGE Day- The tamily of the late Elso Bassa wish f0 convay cors fias spaces aveilble our sîncere gratitude to our relatives anal toanrda for ch idren 2 1'2 yms ta 5 mho coraforteal us in many maya. Our spaciai yms 90ffl75-7952. isi as theoke to Fathar Damian anal Scott Early et tmanoMlga Funarat Home for thaîr guidance anal conoem. cae.coso The Ousso andlGfbe fantly - HORSES for sais. 3 yesr -oldTBhiy by Kiradash. Eti 1 gi~blats race in2004 ses- sos. $3,500. Dispemesl of62 NOTICE TC CREOITORS AND OTHERS good-lookOimgTB brood- imrs utbeorridtsng. Att dlaims agaînot the state of Liv/o Dat Sella, lais Reasonabia. Evening calta of9the Toms of Mitas. Ontaria, mha died on or 15191 853-3569. about the 27th day of Augaît, 2003, must be f/lsd mfth the undesigned personat representatve on or before the 1716 day af Jasssry, 2004 afser mhîch date the esfate miii ba diatribateal haviog regard A /gFlOtpMtrs anly to the daims af mhich the Estate Traste 165 e t NA K n plaahc aesi ohai have sot/ce. Set ewo S lat e. $450 Datea e Milton, this 3rd day of December, 2003 905-567-9459 cas daliver. Des/ste Dai Bello BABY laeme- cherry oak Estats Trustee mith a Wîill baby csib and mettrasa, Nichais and Servos $160:. Beige basainatta Barristers and Solicitors $90.; Frant carrier 207 Mary Street, Box 249 *Snaggiay" $45.; strollar- Mitas, Ontario wintar, $55.; Assorfinant L9T 4IN9 baby ciothes. 905-693- 8185 NOTIE T CE ITOR LS DÎERS BED Amaz/ns bargais, NOTIE TCCROTOU U OTERS qaeen orthopailic potawtop Ail dlaims againnt the estats of Jahn W/lfr/il Wilfrid set, sei 905a57ac4 w5s55f Hardy cammosiy, knam as Jack Wiitrid Hardy, lais deivr.90-7442mi tif the Toms of M/ltan, Ontario, mho died on or about the 28t6 day of May, 2003, must 666/iled mith BEDROOM set. Bpce cher- the andersigneil persasal represestative on or t'jwood. Bail, Cheelt, dress- befare the 1766 day of Jasaary, 2004 afier mhich ar, mirror, night stands. date the astate miii be disiribalsil havisg regard Dveai construction. Nav- osiy to the clims nf mhich the Estats Trustes ihes er opanail.. Cost $8000. shal hav notce.Sacrfica $2400. 905-567- Dateil at M/lton, this 3ril day of December, 2003 CAE04 votgeA.h Garry Wayne Hardy Pestaxsapoafmtic SLR. Eotate Trustes w/th a W/lt M/st tondflan. Casa, m/de Nichats andl Servos angle sand talephoto lasses. Barristers asnd Solicitors $250. 080 905-876-2483 207 Mary Street, Bas 249CA ETthv svra Mitas, OntarioaAPT1hv eea L9T 4N9 1,000 yrls. of oea Ste/s- meafar & 100% nylon car- paf; itt de livtsgroorn & - hall for $389. salades car- paf, pail & instataion 130 yars)93ee, 08209 REI1RED lady wili houssi 2902 Hsiton ChIlal or dog watts In Drury Pear HERkaih 4"7 Youth Services ares. Phase9069180 CER uh-4"W Pissa. nota that our base, glosa doara top $800. maik et CLINICS wl cait 905-875-9898 b. cencaiiad on: Dac.24, Burtingon. DECEMBER Saper Spa- Dec. 24, in Milton. DAYCARE spaca avalobla oiail Uphderarr 2 livingroorn Dec. 30, Oatavilie baginning Janoary 5. Fait or occasiosai thoirsmdii a Dec. 31, Burtington tiîma for infant. J.M beashisl RaieI tabsic anil Dec. 31, Miton Danys ares hoars e-spot recasve 30% off second (or Waik In dca I7vysars asperine lomer pice)caithr Fids resumne meek of Faits, trne checks, CPR customa U.photaterins, 9 Jan5/4 ooasraferasces evet-, att. - 9 f115 905-632- Marry Christ/mas abla Contact Sos 9os-878- &Happy Hem Yser 5154 DINING ROOM l3pce. Cherry 8 chairs, buffeft OUAIJTY thililarea 0085k hatch, server, dovatait ton- a1bla stadtsng Janaaty 5ti. sîmaltios. Stil in buses. $Expariante, ECE iliplomea Coaf $11,000. Sacrifice andl CR, mtraive activi- $3,000. 905-567-9459 tue nutritiaia snacks a n KE anttMf iascss na nrhjng trasa Fada. 1 Ousan, massant refereces an $65090 1 Te/s, $350.00. 1 reelt gises, tait 905- domo 2W, $250900. Pisse 870-4596 caI 905-9681. ECE Instructors Part-c/me opportun/t/es ex/st in our Recreation and Parks Departmneofs 'Preschool Playshop' progruex in Actoo. A creative, caring individual w/ch esper/ence work/ng w/ch children in a preschool or nurser setng, you w/il provide a varie>' of preschoot activit/es, /nctod/ng crafts, gaines, songos, learning and special events, for children hetween 2 '/2 and 5 years of age. Current ECE qualifications or equivalenr, and first-a/d train/ng are preferred. You w/ill work 14 houso per week, Monday ro Tharoda>' morningo. The hour>' wage range for rh/s posic/on is 515.64 c $18.62, consaensurace w/ch qualificacions and exper/ence. Plesse scnd a resurne, /nclud/ng referenres and a cover lecter, by 4-.30 pon., Wededay, Deceebse 17,2003, to: Mis.Jacqueline Saisies, Maeageeof Hua ResoucesTown of Hton 8110e, t Halton s. Delv, Haleon Hins1, Ontario, L7G 5G2. Fait 905-873-1431. E-mail hunsanresouee(!tîonlDsca OVe thank ail tfose ouho apply, but adv/se tSat onlytose applicants selertedfore an interview =1ulbe contacted Personal infohrmatian is collected under te authority of the Msnicoeal Act 2001 (S.O. 2001 . 25), and wdl be used to select a candidate. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. ru.lltue iepats.t e-q 632-9090. GAMEBOY color w/tIi 12 gamnes, $90. ask for Kim. 905-878-5654 or leave message MOVING SALE. Variety of sofas. Cali 905-826-9486, ask for Angola. $$$$ Waotad- Ail China Sitvet, Crystal, e Caps Royal Doulton, avsd Glass, Jewalnj, otd tsys, collectiblas, estfes. Cali John/Tracy, 905-331-2477. FIREWOOD $250 a bush- toril delivared, $130 for hatf. AU herdwood, mostly aplit. Ros Nemai 909475- PURE1URED Sltf-Tzu pup- pies for sale. Homes boarded. FPastue board ais ave/table. (hwy 25, Spayelda) 519-853-4256 1986 CHEVY Blazer 404, seado worc. $700.060 Chris 905-702-3932 1989 FORD Thunderbird LX, V6, 3.8L, Fuît power eqa/pment car starter needo esg/ne & body worr. Great minIer 60x-r-sp pmo- ject. $750. obo AI/son 905- 873-3966 1992 Nissan Mas/ma, V-6, aufomalo, 4dr, ose sener, new brakes, very clean, good condition. As /0 $2500. obo 905-877-1951 2001 Black 2-door Acura Infagra GS W/tan leafther masuai, watt mainfatnad. Asing $19.900. 905-878- 9281 AZ OWNER OPE-RATrORS Wanted for local Ontario work Ciean Abstract 1-888-468-4629 or 416-435-2480 Ask for Ter SHUlTIE - PRIVER forltruck dalivay & rolisit mtrk + genara! l ITl A shopduulas. A iceose NIRAL & c/con absiracl raq. Mature Persan/ Caeple F'ae ni reqstred for b9ght dsiy, 1~al tI5n., t JOBS AVAILABLE Production mark in6te MILTON ares. $1 1-12/hr. Ail shifts avaitabie. Fax rosmme 60: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel- 1-808-411-196M .1. : VO '-e F: ý1p ceek. Transportation /5 required. Fsx Resm: 1 (905)637-7033 Paper PARTr-TIM E MEAT CUTTER For Counter and Freezer Orders TOLL FREE 1-877-218-2448 QulItSource Canada Requires an ORDER PROCESSOR Responsibiitie/QuaIfcations: *Genara production duties *Pictsing orders andl insuring eccurecy *Meinteining the showroom and iight maintenance dutias Liftng upto 40Ib. *Ciimbing an encioeed ledaler t0 rach product HOURS OF WORK Mondey through Fridey 9:00 amn - 5:00 Pm Saiary commensurete with experiance. Please send e deteileal resumae including three (3) referencea t0: OulltSource Canada 1 Rosette Street, Unit 8H Georgetowan, Ontario L7G 3P1 LOOKING FOR WORK? We need to titi these positions ASAP: *ClerIcal 1 Customer Service *Shlpplng/ R.celvlng *Chlldcare lnternshlp * Restaurant Services nRatait Sales If you sre 16-24 and out of schooltmork, the Job Cossect Program cas connect You ta rea jobs. Cai the YMCA at 906-681-1140 Nee a Job? Are you 16-24 years aid? WE CAN HELPI Cali JOB CONNECT ait SHERIDAN 905-878-4956 PART-lIME CURVES Words largest fitness organîzation is looking for a part t)me employet ta train A.S.A.P. If you are a people persan, self-mati- vated, energetic and flexible mih daytime, evening, w elend hours, Please fax you resume ta 905-875-3512. Perfect opportunity for someane retumn ta the waorce. Wt are Iookiog for people who are ambitiaus aod ssjoy working mith oCher people. We are a gromiog compaoy witb great career opportunities. Competitive mages and benefits available. Gel p aid wbiis you trais! Come jo/o ose Little Caesars Management team. tJow hklinu Fufl-lime and Pari-lime Assistant Mafinagers Apply at Lite Caesars 511 Maplegrove Dr. Oakjille, Ontario L6J 6X8 Cal!: 905-842-1114 Fax: 319-1648 Email: HELP WANTED Loaiing for sat-moivatel individuel ta daliver Farts as wal as perform gaveralinvavtory ostrl dalias. Msst proide a drivers abstrace If interastad plueas appy fa: Jos Dl Fade Parts manager ph-905-876-608 or Fas-905-693-1208 KENNEL STAFF required for Redwood Pet Resort based in Milton. Must be flexible for day/evening shiffe anal have expenience or a love of clogs and cats. Please send resumne to 905-878-4396 or email loi Main etreet Muse, Mute. 905-878-2341 School Bus Drivers Needed For the Milton Area For more information cali (905) 877-2251 Laidlaw is an Equal Opportunity Employer ,,,ttlRSINGER-S TREE p- *Christmas Tree Season Sisuts Nos. 22, 200 Des. 23, 2003 We& bar iWr ee wdkteet w," &r gleriO esrarisbu for 5837 3ed Lise (Northi of 22sd Sideesadi Hillsbeeg j- -- 14e554-7554 (519) 85566 Wo are MEN 7Days of t Wee9 axm-5 .m. ' 2.OFF8sthe ocuse o àtree --- - - - - - - - - - - - for a mup ffsi

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