Racetrack worker killed By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion A Burlmngton womnan who died Thursday night after her SUV struck a tree may have been trying to avoid a ralibit. Captain Doug Shortt of the Milton Pire Department said a dead rabbit was found near the vebicle. "There's somne speculation that she tried to avoid (the rabbit), and tben went off the roadway, (bit) a mnaple tree with the driver's side and tben flipped over," Capt. Shortt said. Halton police said the womnan inside the car, who was pro- nounced dead at thse scene, was 29- year-old Deborah Fowler. The mother of two was travelling soutbbound on Guelphi Lisse - north of Derry Road - home from ber job St Mohawk Racetrack when ber Ford Explorer lefi the road, Capt. Shortt said. Just belote midoiglit, a passing motorist was drivmng nortbbound on Guelph Line when lie noticed a set of headliglits in thse diteli. He found thse SUV rolled over and' called police. Capt. Short said lie doesn't know how long the SUV had been there before il was spotted. It also wasn't clear exactly why thse SUV bad lefi the road, lie said, although roads were wet and there was heavy fog. "When I arrived, there were police on thse road, but I thouglit, 'Wbere's the vehicleT Il was so foggy 1 could just barely make out lIse flash liglits." Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncana- dianchampion.com. By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Kids aren't thse only ones who better watcb out this holiday sea- son, because Santa Claus isn't die only one coming to, town. Yesterday the Halton Regional Police began its annual Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) programi. Itll lie rnmig every niglst this month. Vebicles cao enter a spot check at any lime in any place -you just neyer know where it will lie, Sgt. Trevor Hay said. But most Milton residents don't mind bemng stopped, lie added. "People realize the need for it." Last year in Halton, more tban 34,000 cars were stopped, and 246 drivers were asked for a screen test. Sixty-tbree received 12-bour dri- ver's licence suspensions while five receîved three-montb suspen- sions. Six people were cbarged witb impaired drivmng and five were charged witb baving over 80 mg of alcohol in -their blood. Tbis year, the RIDE programi will continue ils partnersbip with MADD Halton, and wiIl also part- ner witb Canadian Blood Services. Il's a nalural parlnersbip, Sgt. Hay said, because wids less drinking and driving, leas blood will lie needed. "During the holiday season, tbere's always a nced for extra blood with so many people travel- ling," Sgt. Hay said. Canadian Blood Services is dis- tributing infonrsation on Isow and wlsere people cao donate blood. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached ai sthiessen@miltoncana- dianchampion.com. The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, December 2, 2003-3 "RING IN AND WVIN" > w~rinne JO Roncon It's time again or sugar flý1 ,_:I. SAVE5* -wPLUS l ' Ikv ~ - Bananas Peurs JI Blak For l 88! Kousa $49 21 Ue PT 8 M214 [Monsal 99. 2I99M - *.. * 0' S P E C a IA L IN E F E T A M D C M E 2-D C M E S, c m0 b u la S to r H e u rg o O N 2 0 ?JssJ -Holiday season RIDE program launched to curb drunk driving r I I.