2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 2, 2003 LOOK AT BUVUNO CARS IN A WHOLE NEW WAY. itu1 2011a AMNUIIL Bit! S4tA US ON NOW. Ilcrc' just à lew ol our fine mnotor vehicles. 203 810U,«r8L 25H K.O.4X4 1018$210095 2»38 huiac Suifir 10W 8 1290os 203 houiac Moutau EKI MOI $21,905 2003 T aCflSE New SU IN, '_44c423 n maNUV $10 995 2M Ibysfr MM LE M1 SOUS 2002010 h" L U4X4 New $1705 M02 Ford Ezphrur &MMs NoV 1 S905 21 i Ford s M un m "W MOIS0 2001 Mmii X 101810 0 m01ila Mmi Prixo M $10 81905 ~~~.~~ For 200 1 5 Volv X-W Brui SUr MlAD 10 00 2001UazoeL44 $19 m100 A00 eoa jeoil PE Bro7o9' 6 ê1u Bib s018090 Wthe o of Southern M ORU' %du S11EU AVNIE IN »WI$5JDo Mnaî~ yar"s AUT1 cm05w875xiw22Nu77' use ca relershîps' 2M <N'E SIIIIY 11:AI 4X4 P1596 2M For *W - S£ ô e mTro -uC i$e M. &earch con tiniues for man By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Although nothing so, far points to foui play in the disappearance of Milton resident Giuseppe 'Joseph' Manchisi, 20, police said they're concemned for his well- being as the search continues. "There's nothing to (suggest) be's flot ini a safe place, but we have to find bis where- abouts," said Det. Sgt. Don Couaena Friday aflemoon, addmng police are hopeful be'l be found safe. Police. are stili asking for the public's help in locating Mr. Manchisi, who was reported misaing by bis mother on November 1l. He baan't been heard from bY friends or family since then, police said. "If the public bas information about bis whereabouts, they should contact police so we cas let bis famnily know and resolve tbis," Det. Sgt. Cousens said. Investigasors believe Mr. Manchisi may be with 22-year-old Robert Grewal of Misaissauga who, according 10 Peel police, is a friend of Mr. Manchisi. Botb were reported snissing by their famn- ilies at dse same time, Peel police said. Il's possible Mr. Manchisi willissgly left bis family's Milton home tbree weeka ago, Det. Sgt. Cousens said. "He may have gone for whalever reason on bis own notion. That's another avenue we're checking," he said. Police are conducisg an extensive inves- tigation, checkisg spots where Mr. Manchisi was st seen and talking with people who saw him just before Ise went mnissing, Det. Sgt. Cousens said. An aunt of Mr. Mancbisi said Use family isn't oeadY to speak to Use media at Ibis titre. She said they had to 'deal wiUs one thing asa time." Mr. Mancbisi is described as white, five- foot-nine, 144 pounds with short dark bair, brown eyes and a aisi build. Mr. Grewal is South Asian, five-foot-1 11 and 160 pounda wiUs a tIbm build. He bas short black bair in a box-cul style. Mr. Mancisi and Mr. Grewal may be drivissg Use Mancbisi family's blue 1992 Honda Civic two-door sedan wiUs licence APTL 644, police said. Anyone with information is asked to cail Halton police at (905) 825-4747, ext. 2410. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at .sthiessen@miltoncanadianchampion.com. -,,Man's leg run over A mas was run over by bis own truck Sunday nighl after be forgot 10 put Use vebicle in park. Chris Burke, acting captain with the Milton Fire Departmnent, said Use mas had been drivmng a pick-up truck pullmng a camping traiter eastbound on Hwy. 401, east of James Snow Parkway. The driver parked Use vebicle on Use shoulder at the weigh scales and gol ouI. The truck, wbicb wasn'î in Use park posi- tion, begas rolling asd Use man altemptel 10 re-enter. But he slipped on somne ice asd Use vebicle ras over bis leg, Acting Captain Burke said. The driver masaged to gel back inside Use moving vehîcle jual as il rolled into a ditch. The mas was lreated for non-life Usreatening injuries 10 bis leg.