6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 14, 2003 <~CO MMENT THE CADL4AN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Mton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Jili Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Snsith Editor Wendy McNab Adverti sing Manager Charlene Hall Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tin Coins Production Manager The Canadien Champion, published evtry Tuesduy und Friday at 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont.. L9T 4N9 (Bue 248), is one uf The Metroland Prnting, Puttiishing & Distributing Ltd. gruup ut suburban compaties which includes: Aax/tickering News Advettiser, Altistot Herald/Courier, larrie Advance, Boiter Entenytîse, Brampton Guardian, Burlington Post, Büriington Shopping News, Citny Parent City of Yutre Guardian, CollingwuodASasaga Cunnection, East York Mitent. Etin AdvncateCuntry Boutes, Etehicoke Guardian, Flambonuugh Revie, Farever Young, Geotgetown Independentlhcton Fret Pness, Hailon Busiess imes, Hutonia Business imes, Lindsay This Week, Mathham Econmist & Sun, MidlandlPentang- abshent Mirtor, Mîtun Stttpping Nes, Missîssauga Business limes, Mississuga Necs, Sapante Guide, Nassagawuta Nes, Ntwmaniset/Aurora Ena-Banner, Northoumberiand News, North Yante Mirror, Oakoillt Beaner, Oakiei Shopping Nes, Oitttimtrs Hockey Nes, Orillia Tuday, Oshawa[Whftby/CiatingtunlPot Pttty This Week, Peterbourugh lhis Wtnk, Picton Cuunty Guide, Richmond HiIlltuomhiiiNugoani LiSerai, Scarboogh Mîrrur, StuttiiielUxbridge Tibune. Adotrtîsîng is accepted n tht condition that, rn tht enent ot a typo- graphica errur, tinat portion ut tht adoertising space occupîed by use erto- neos item, tugetter citS a teasunahit alinearce tut signature. eutl tut Su charged ton, but thre balance ut tht adoetsement ciii bu Eaud tut at tht appli- cable rate. Tht publisher resunoun tht right un catugarine adourtisements or decline. The Mone Canaden Chaempion a a Reeyeaabi Ptatuet CA"DNi CQTIZENI TbEDR OF 19WMNE Ward i 's low voter tumnout a real shame ou(R REA DERL, WRITeljyyl- Higher than usual voter tumout in the advance polis showed such promise leading Up to Monday's election. But it was ail for naught as the overail tumout ended Up being 3 per cent lower than the 2000 municipal election. It was particularly disappointing to see the low voter tumnout in the town's fastest-growmng area - Ward 1. As reported elsewhere in this newspaper, only 22 per cent of Ward i 's 6,252 eligible voters cast a ballot on the biggest day Milton's seen m years. Ward 2 experienced the bighest voter tumnout with 37 per cent, and in Wards 3 and 4, 33 per cent of voters cast ballots. Overail, the voter turnout wasn't great at 35 per cent, but Ward 's 22 per cent was dismal. I fact, it was that low figure that pushed the over- ail voter count below the 38 per cent tumnout three years ago. And it begs the question, why was it so low? Could it be that many of the new residents don't feel connected to the community and therefore didn't see the significance of voting? We don't know the answer, but we do know it's a shame that 78 per cent of the voters didn't have a say in electing the representatives who will be making important decisions for the town over the next thre years - decisions that wiil directly affect them. Reauder says man "s thank-you gesture for selling poppies was quite unexpected and heart-warming Dear Editor: Mster a short period of turnie, be one of thern - for their gift of fiee- While aelling Remembrance Day retumed with tbree pretty candies dom. Also, thanka to ail the people poppies recently, a generous for me in appreciation of my voisin- who work for and support the stranger camne up and commented teer service. I was sbocked. Wbat a poppy campaign, and thanks, to a on the fact that he appreciased me toucbing and tboughtful gesture. caring and thoughtful stanger. for taking the turne to stand Usere I want to tbank ail those service . Mitchell and seil poppies. men and womnen - mv father beine Milton Scott Early golf tournament a big success: committee Dear Editor: We wouid like 10 thank ail the goifero, hole sponsors, prize dontors, dinner gueots and especially the volun- teers who generousiy coniributed to the success of tihe fourth annual Scott Early Foundation Golf Toumnament. A speciai tbank-you goes out once again to Jack Manchisi of J&D Tire for bis continued generosity and donations. To date, the Scott Eariy Foundation bas raised $90,600, wbich bas been able 10 assist many individu- ais in our community. Thanks again to ail who helped. Scott Early Foundation Commlttee E-ma#~ ~ ~ ~ ai-or»« oteetrt ifndhfmflc.n My feelings about politics changed Monday night r've neyer been terribiy interested in politicu. Irve aiways done my duty by voting, but poli- tics bas just neyer seemed particuiariy captivating to me. Now, Fmn a cbanged woman. Covering my first election was exciting and amended my view on the word 'poiUs'. Now, instead of envisioning a buncis of byiaws and meetings, I sec Use human draina mvolved. Notbing better illustrates tbat than my time Monday nigbt at Hugb Foster Hall, where moast of tise candidates - as weil as family and friends and some of tise public - waited for tise resuits to corne in. For those of you wbo were there with me, you lmow exactly what went on. For those wbo wemWet, lt me set tie stage for you. Trust me, it was better than any soap opera - although this draina didn't bit you square between tise eyes. You bad 10 look for it. Wben I flrst walked in at about 7:30 pin., peu> pie were just starting to arrive. Twenty-year-old Andrew Garnxt, wbo waa nanning for Ward i counilor, was Usere dressed 10 Use nines. lnstantly I feit proud that Milton was a place where a young peraon feit free to ruas as a candi- date. 1 was proud that my generation was repre- sented on the teain of candidates. I tsink it's just as important to recognize young people who are domng sometbiusg wortbwbile as Usose wbo ail- too-often appear in The Cbamnpion's weekly police blotter. As Use room started Go fill up, il was interesting to note Use attitudes of candidates. Somne saun- tered in, confident of Useir eventual win, wbile others tried. to make Useiselves leas noticeable, fl'eely admitting Useir nervousness. The fact UsathUere was aucb a vast assortinent delay of nearly an bour seemed 10 magnify wbat- eveir il was candidates were feeling. I watched one candidate - who was later etected coundcillor - as she refused 10 accept Use rudmany congratulations she was being given, o A r4 n wantmng 10 count ber cbickens before Usey batcbed, since Use last potling station's votes stili to n weren't in. to n I watcbed anoUser candidate vebemently j:j il q 1 Mlff -tM express bis disappointinent and Use frustration be feit about losing by 50 votes. But be didn't lose. of candidates made my people-watcbing even Wben ail Use votes were in, il was reveaied Usat better. Wben was Use last time you've seen a he bad won Use position for wbicb be was ruas- priest waiting anxiously for Use resuits aiongside ning. a university student? The humain draina Usat enfolded Usrougbout Use Wbile we bad moat of Use resuits et pronto nigbt was Oscar-wortby. And Usougb I wasn't as Usanks Go Use comrputerized systemn Usat tallied Use excited as my fellow reporter Jason Misner - votes, Usere was a delay with Ward 4's numbers wbo looked like a kid on Christinas moming - frein Risbop Reding SecondarY Sebool. The il certainly was a great expenence.