24-The Canadien Champion, Fniday, November 14, 2003 --Mffý GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS We're Hîrîngi Whsni a corpany le experisncing succesa, ths people that ars part 0f thst company ara groaing ns asil. Thars exaci> aliate happening ai ths Guardian Industris, Erin fecility. Our employsss enjoy dms stability or thsir joibs and worh for one 0f ths very basf flbsrglass manutacturing business. Ars you a dependahis, de<ilcated and safety conadlous pamson? Would yoa sqjoy working in asfast paced pro- duction enidronreent? Guerdsan bas an immsdlats nssd for good people llks you to ioin our TEAMI If you ors nager fn loin a winnng team ws would llks you to corna in and comploe an applicstion: Monday Novembor 3 thru Fridaey Novembor 14, 2003 7:00 am -5:00 pin Guardian Industries Canada 300 Main Street Erln, Ontario (112 heur seat of Gusph on Hswy 24/Ceun>' Abat 124) No lelepirne calls pisse. 0rity lioe selactet for n inteta a5l ha contd COMMUNITV LIVING NORTH HALTON Resource Conaultant: Fuli-Time tom- porary from November 2003 t0 May 2003 with possibility of extension. ECE dipioma and RIT certificate (or aquivaient) required. Teschlng Assistent: Pari-Time perma- nent. ECE dipioma and experienca working with cildren with special neede strongiy recommended. Support Worksr: Part-lime aeekends, 16 or 24 hours par week. PSW Certificete and/or experience. vaiid Ontario Drivers Li- cenise. Fax resume f0 905-878-5413 UNICCO FACILITY SERVICES sa loaking for light/heavy duty cleaners and iaundry personnel tai work et the Extandi- care Faclity - e Lindsay Ct. Please fax a resume f0: 416-369-1418 or contact Joe da Caste 416-369-0137 Ext. #1 87 Auo otv flexiberouud o etne healh nita planins S dctialortunmitie y 905-hor 8up7v 3-65supo 0 M peetrhppgrM 199 w.tbaysho aBrlinca baeis for faiy praecenMls MusIde bea bespeied planPcrtd Muatinal GarnRtiraat eidne Milcton ip înlg fsdiam aaladpr tirientSatiocrntrgtrinadmd yu e cuert uificatos wt u Wear iaod ossre se n rume ta muit Atm: Huan Raorce (enta phisan eqi catis pa im A NEW Telephone Directory in the Halton Region requires SALES REPRESENTATIVES -Salary +ceQmm + car alilsaanctis Sales îxpînîtnce rîquînîd Ssnd resumoe ta: c/a Dakylle Saver, Box 2140, 467 Speeru Rd., OakvIIIe, ON LSK 3S4 ATTENTION SALES PEOPLEI THE âEMAKVILLE CD lu looking te pst togethar the right sales feami We're looking for sas cnnsuitants with sels- motiv lyses backtground bel ai also considen training the righf candidats. Is 1his youl DOYOU HAVE WHAT ITTAKES TM BECONE SUCCESSFUL? Forard your resume AfIn: Jim Ringen oskniliekia@bellnef.ca Fax: 905-827-1564 PULL TIME SALES ASSOCIATE NEEDED Cellular expenience is an asset however training ai be provided. Please drop off resume la persan at Bell Wordd 377 Main Street East, Mitton A FOOT IN THE Doon Gain experience in ads.I marketing. We ce eepanded, se 25 f ntry lovel oenings nfed ta be tilled with adv, te mgml. We specisiofin cutting-edge proma- tiens for tbf meut pop- ular names, aith strsng laces on sales/ market- ing/ cul. service. Fl, paîd train"n Cmli Miranda 0105-338-66ie No te/erearketing/ Designs Positions Li1VE - in Nans y/Ho a sekss par roquired for 2 yoang chul- dren. Prefer Tagalog and Engili spsahlng. il Cour deys. Milaon. Cali (US8) ais-mi NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER requlred for childears & hoasecare le e Mattamy subdivision. 90547&-2664 Telemarketers EVENIN SHIFTS Eeperience pretonred willIng ts train qeaitied applicant. Cempetitîve stuntîng age plus excellent bonus pkgs. Fax: 905480 or cuit 90548-8103 *8K FOR ROSE CLEANER REQUIRED Milan commercil buildingaskyohi asskly belnling 2004. Rapiv te: C/O Box 1002 Canadien Champion 191 Main Si. E Miton, Ontario LT4N9 CRYSTAL Clean- Cail t0- day fors I res quota on your horei 905-209409 EXPERIENCED cisaning lady bioog for houss & smail basîneases. Mary 905-878-2781 À& MOUMAi BOOKYOUR CHRISTMAS CLEANS NOWI Prenides a fatl resideetial cleassng service. Oe lime cleas available. Let as take core of ail yoar clrameng seeds. For a no cout, ns obligation, in homc esimale, piems cai 90-87-3443 More affordab/le than youfthink! Guardian has an immedialo naed for a gooli parsor like you to loin our TEAM! If you ara eoger to loin a winning team in a growth position, we would lika you tai came ln and complote an application. mis is a 'hands on" position that provides support for the maintenance and operatian of electri- cal/etectronio equipmsnt on a continuous flow proceas lins. Good work experience and background or education sa necessary in order ta assiat and quickty iesm instaling, tmoubieshoating and main- taining equipment in an industriel manufacturng envlronment. mis position requires a mechanica aptitude, experiance in eiectrica schematic design using CAD and hand drafting, goad work refer- ences, a "cen do* attitude, ablity ta effectiveiy work with maintenance and production, and a under- standing af production urgency. Praisci management and mechanical engineering experience are definits assests. Dur employes enjoy the stabiity of their jobs and work for mne of the very basf in the fibergise mani- ufacturing business. Are you a dependabie, dedicated and safety conscious porson? Send resume with reference information and saiary requiraments f0: Guardian Industries Canada 300 Main Street ErIn, Ontario NOB 1TO Fan: i1-519-833-9749 Emal: cjahnston@guardian.com (112 hou, .001 t o Guelph on Hwy. 24/Coun>, Road 124) No talephone catit pisas. Oniy ihose netectail for an Interview wib conisctad. WIIcox Bodies Ltd., a leading cusfom fruce body mnanufacturer has immediate opportunlf les for experienced workers ia the foilowing positions: Clean & Prep 1(Truck Bodies) Clean & Prep / Painter (Truck Bodies) Install Finîsher <Automoive wiring & installation of parts) F081Idons roquire: " minimum 3 yesrs experience in Automo- tive lndustry " ability f0i use and maintain shop tools/ macfinery required for job Qualified individuals "sel please.. Please send resume 10: WiIcox Bodies 3 Alpha Mille Rd. Mîsalamauga, ON L5N 1 H4 Fax: <905) 826-8426 Email: dave@awiIcoxbodies.com On/y candidates se/ecf ed for an inferview wl// be confacfed. PLN ELC RCA The incumbeaf will install, maintain, test, froubleshoot and repair electrical equipreent and associstsd controls. You must have fhorough knowledge of electrical systerres. Fîve to fen years' ln- dusfrial elecirical experience. You will need fa possess inter provincial Electrical License plus courses ln mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatîc systereis would be as asset. lnterested candidates may send their resumne fa: Human Resources Hanson Brick Ltd. PO Box 668, 2170OTorquay mews Streetsvllle, ON LSM 2C3 Fax: (905)821-2754 FULL TIME LICENSED TECHNICIAN Naadad for ail-maka car and traler deaiarship, wiii considar 4th or 5th yaar apprantice. Benafit plan. Competitive seagas. Fax resumae ta Cari et: 905-877-0380 -fl - Nom acceptlnýaphctins for lArinox. 20 - 40 hms.lwk,l Address Resume tu Laon or Kevin: 189 MiII St., Milon, On OPENING SOON LOWVILLE GENERAL STORE Hlring for bartsedes, kitchen staff, hacer & aie stal. FuIl-tme or Part-fao positons avaflabis. Saturday, 5 &snday, Nov. 16 1:0Opm - 4:00pm 6179 Gulph Une, LovMiIs BRUNELLO'S RESTAURANT Full time Dishwasher wanted. Ask for Cosmo 905-875-3305 ELECTRONICS SERVICE TECHNICIAN Cattron-Theimeg Canada Limited; a sub- sidiary of the manlde largest Industriai Rem- ote Contrais manufacturer la Ioaking for a self-motlvated persan ta service aur oua- tomers and vat product Unes, The suc- cessful candidate wlI be servicing micro- proceesor based UHFNVHF radia remots contrai products. Experience with trouble shaotng and repair ta companent leveil s required. Some travai ta customer sites across Canada je necessary, therefore a vaid drivers license and strong commu- nicatian/people skilis is an asset. Applicants Pleauseforwardrtsu dgitalr Opeor Expeenced n e H M ad eForpmnt, nuty Oanissai Faue fax (905-878-04058 WELDERIFITTER Required for both field and shop work. Weekend work required. Fax (905) 335-6881 V OntanoOntario Early Years Centre u -i rtinon Fainli Ramare Centra Part-Tisas and suppi, positions *ECE, CIPR and Firsi Aid certification "Minimum 2 years axperience -Able toi wark flexible hours, including some eveninge and Saturdsys. Send Romumes ta: 5353 Lakeshore Rd. E. #8 Burlînglon, ON L7L 108S or aycburllngton@belnet.cm On/ly qua//f/d applicants wlI be confacfied for interviews. Make a ~ off your new Make and nwrapped foy Difference for fhe Christimas Bureau Fund eit he in a child's Canabtan (bampion lîe 191 Main Sf. E Th teg etýùa Aiees A Igal Otesl fing s 5-aTESOL Csrificats Course De- lOUe-l4th (Evninga & assitent) ai Sheridan Cotlege, eA igr Campus ()P mgo1 NOM 23r 7 .m.C V- 1 -