vNew faces on school boards camle illo cios toi comfort, John McTavish said he'l be looking into a recount today. He Iost the job of Halton District School Board trustee by less than haif a per cent to, Davidi WiIheIm Paul Tate, also a newcomer. the Mr. Tate said hie was surprised the race was so close, aud said hie suc thought he'd do better. lîvi He wants the public to know he's approachable - sud wsuts as much input as possible, hie said. "The strength of dhe wolf is in me F at Ha Paul Tate pack," hie said. Ir. Tate said hie attributes his cess to his more than 20 yeaes ng lu Milton aud his involve- nt with thee different sehools. ather David Wilhelsu, a pastor Holy Rosary Parish, ousted ton Catholic District Sehool votes IPauTate347I J ohn McTavish 3327 vote David Wilhelm--- 1128 erkPresse 979 Board mncumbent Derek Presse, but said hie appreciates the work Mr. Presse did during his tern. 1I hope hie rejoices in the work he's done for the board," hie said, adding, "Mr. Presse is a good man. He's done well, sud 1 hope M'I have bis support." Maibocuf disheartened by loss e from KRANTZ on page 1 cast, or 60 per cent of the~ total vote. Me. Malboeuf placed behind Mr. Krantz, collecting 2,224 votes, or 21 per cent. Rounding out the remaining four candidates were AI Voipe, with 701 votes, Las Poiez with 409 votes, Vito Agozzino with 369 votes sud David Lloyd with 331 votes. Mr. Krsutz sald the next three- yeae terni of counicil wili be domi- nated by growth, the theme msuy lu the other wards sald wouid top the Town's political priority list. "Maklug sure growth is properiy hsudied is su important one," hie said, lu between congratulatory hsudshakes. Fundmng a Town Hall expsusion, a tre are "big ticket" capi- tal projeets counicil - RIck Maibosuf complete witb four new faces - wilI have to wrestle with, hie said. "But first sud foremnost, I always keep in mind taxes," Mr. Krsutz said, noting hie doesn't wsut to tee a tax mecrease rise above the rate of inflation. A disheartened Mr. Malboeuf- who went to, Hugh Foster Hall to, congratulate Mr. Krantz - sald hie was 'shocked at the margin of vie- tory. He sald door-to-door csuvass- ing showed msuy residents were ready for a change lu leadership. "I was surprised at the low turnout," hie said. "The result did not refleet what I was hearing at the doors. The peo- ple who wanted change did not comne out to vote. I thought I was goiug to win." This year's total voter turnout was 35 per cent, down from 38 per cent in the 2000 election. The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, November 11, 2003--5 Winterîz VOUR CAR REQUIRES 1'Safety Checks Bra kes 214 Wheel Alignment L'Cooiing System Service [Englnes SQuaker State 011. Lube& Fram OU1 Filters Computer Anylyui ITue Ups 9Hidden Hlth 9Exhaust 9' suspension Service 9Tire Rotation a Balancing General Tires 1 Transmissions & service OTSO Electricai iMAir Condltioning Accredsted Test* S5hocks & Stnts & Pepair Fscîiliy 4.9%1 appliés ta finance amenai $1000 - $20,1NN. Tani 36-00 anantha OAC. Llmltad tima atter. Othar maSkas end ma0dels avallable. & Serving Milton For Over 3 Generations The sensible way to buy a car or truck M RIcaRDSGN CHEVROLET-OLDSMGBILIE HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON Instali Smolke Alarme ~~1U's The Law. I The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke atarms. MM homluy hom i op' Cotame toil