Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Nov 2003, p. 8

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YOUJNG DRMVRS is the one you've heard amazing ' 3. Anyone can turn teens loose wit licences. We go way things about. farther, way deeper. Our grads learn their license to survive. p.V re me-[ faafalinur l xxvasv Here's why: i. Dur copyrighted program teaches notbing less than the secrets and sills of ifetime collision-free driving. 2. We teach our Iife-saving emergency maneuvers behind the wheel, flot just in a classroom AYOUNG DRIVERS"of canada N~~Yur lcenc tosurvive. mo oe v F ~~grads in 30 years. There 's only one YD. e "TEE ROYAL REPORT" MMS Preston MeoNl Llano-Daris Presé DISUOP REINOm sien SCIGOL1 November commenced with rainy skies and solemn hearts after a week filled with fun festivities. Students and staff have gotten back to work and retuened to the homework and stresses that are customary during the school year. Last week ended with the halls of Bishop Reding filled with holiday spirit. On Wednesday, the Fine Arts Council, with the aid of Student govemment, hosted the first Haunted House seen ai Bishop Reding. With admission only $1 and great sets, props, and costumes, thc Haunted bouse was a great succesa. On Friday, the annuat costume and Pumpkin-Carving conteats were held. Some of thc moat extravagast cos- tumes could be seen as Bishop Reding, including thc Flintstones, fac trio from fac Matrix, etephants, doils, hobbita, characters from the Simpsons and X-Men, and even a Care Bear called Tendeeheart. A ramn cloud, char- actera froin Monty Python, "Florida", and a fireman werc some of fac costumes found on fae list of winners. The creativity evident in the pumpkins was no less. Entries tike the Oive detailed psimpkins wifa the faces from Pirates of thc Caribbcan, fac "Smashing Pumpkins", as well as zombies, vampires, andi other ghstly imagea wcre a few examples of fae artistac talents Bishop Reding has to offer. Mr. Jonker, Mr. Mazer, andi Mr. MacDonald's bomeroomn classes took fac bonours foc fac beat pump- kins in fae competition. The classes were rewarded for facir imagination and originality wifa prizes on Monday momning. Spcaking of bonour, fac annual Academie Awards Banquet was held on Thursday night. Students who obtained an avcrage of above 86%v last year were allowed to wcar faeir civies clothes. Thc day startcd off wîfa an Honours breakfast given to students on fac Honour Roll, couetesy of fac cafetcria. During fac evening, fac cafeteria was tumned insu an audi- torium for fac awards ceremony. Wifa members froin fac R.C.D. Board antending and perfonnances by fac Senior Concert Band, face nigbt was tnsly magical. Congratulations to aIl studcnts who wcrc recognized for facir acadcmic efforts, and to all who receivcd awards, including Matt Mastranigelo, who was namced fac Student of the '<car. Last Thursday marked fac end of fac Boys' Varsity Volleyball regular season. Througbont fac season, fac boys maintained an excellent stand- ing; unfortunately, facy came up short againat Burlington Central during fac gaine. Sean Mafac consistently showed bis determination, farough bis fantastic offensive and defensive skills. The boys ended faeir regular season wifa pridc and admiration fromn fac scbool; bowcver, facy bave been granted a second chance, whcre a gamne againsi St. Thomas Aquinas will decide wbcfacr or not fac boys can continue on. The Boys' Varsity Footbal tcamn competcd last Friday and gaincd a 25- 16 win, faereby allowing facmn to advance to fac semi-final round. Marcas Gray, Jon Ram, andi Dave Wynne cach scored points and once again astounded spectators and fans. Their ncxt game will be fais aftcr- noon. Congratulations andi good luck to bofa teams. Tlyouts for bofa Varsity Boys' Vollcybail and Junior Girls' voleybail will be held fais weck aftcr sebool to ail students intercstcd in playing. 'fle acta for fac Talent show bave been finalized and postcd, wifa four ncw pmomising bonts. Thc show ta set to be beld next Thursday on November 13, wifa singing, dancing and an entertaininig video to be viewed. Tickets will bc availabte next weck. Come out and support fac perforiners. Quoatlln of the Weelk: "Mine honaur la my lfe; bath grow in one; take hanaur from mei and my 11fe Is done." Wliams Shakeapear Alidac Visconti John PeWsson E.C. DitUY BIe SCUGOL3 "Salut tout le monde' Cette semaine, dans I'espnit du bitinguisme, nous avons décidé d"ecnire notre rapport es francaîs, et en anglais. "Well donc John! I can understand you but why are you spcakmng French?" "Alors Alicia, vous savez que les 'mîd-terns sont presque ici." "So yos're using your French 10 practice for mid-termns?" "Oui, Ils sont très important stte année. "Yes, for many of our senior students mid-terms arc very important. Thc guidance departinent bas been busy preparing senior students in fac application proccss to University and College. A proccîs wbich must be completcd hefore Christnas Break. Are you applying to Qucbc scbonls, John?" "Oui, ca c'est pourquoi je pratique mon francais." "Wow! '<ou're a nerd! That's ok, John, wc stilI love you." "0k, avez vous entendu les nouvelles au sujet de l'équipe de basket- bail?" "'<caa! I did bear about fac baskctball team, or hopefully fha's what you're talking about. lu any case, on November faird, faey walloped cross town rivals Milton District Mustangs 50 - 30, flnishing wifa a league record of 6 and 4, and an overali record of 16 and 6." "Wow! C'est formidable!" "Yeah, no kidding! I bct fac successes won't stop bere. The girls ice hockey teamn beld ita first practice on November 5fa ai Tbompson arena. The tcamn is made up of only a few retuming players, many ncw players to fac sport, and even 2 figure skaters! Don't underestimate what facse girls can do, if you've scen fac movie "Mîgbty Ducks" you'll know cxactly wbat we're talking abouti" "Bonne chance, filles! Je ne peux pas antendre le commuencement des matchs." "It secins that even fac music dcpartaent wants to get in on fac sports action. On November 26fa, fac music deparment will bold fac second ever marathon. Only, fais marafaon bas nofaing to do wifa running, andi everytbing to do wifa music." "Tu as raison, Alicia! Les etudiantes de musique va jouer leurs instru- ments pendant toute la joumnée." "Su yon guys are going tu be playing al day?" "O0ui, Alicia" "ta there any way that ofaers can get involved, because I faink that sounda fini!" "Oui, bien sur. Les membres du communauté peuvent donner de l'ar- gent aux membres du dépannment de musique pour encourager les musi- ciens 'a jouer." "0k! Su, if I wanted to, as a member of fac community I could sponser music students to encourage tbemn to continue to play ail day?" "'C'est ca, Alicda!" "Weil faat's it for fais wcck, wc hope you found fais wceks offcrings culturally enricbing, and we'Ul write you again next wcek!" "'Et maintenant le trivia!" Lat Week's Question: Wbat play was performed in 1987? Aiawer: Anytbing Goes! Ibis Week's Question: Wbat are fac firat four hunes of E.C. Dnsry's seboul song? Laey DaSilvi Seth Fefguson MILTON DISTRICT 111 SCIGOL The stars were shiig and the decorative lights that were conspicuouin l the sky cast a mild hue on those milling below. Such was thae very impressive sight at thia year's Starry, Starry Night MDHS sulent suction fundraiser which was held last Saturday at the Leisure Centre. It was a night enjoyed by ail, full of bidding, outlandish amnging and wonderful music. Thaaak you to ahl who helped make it a terrific event, If one looks up the word 'terrifie' la a thesaurus, a picture of our Sr Football teamn won't be fousid on the page, but close enough. 'Very good', 'marvellous' and 'brillsant' are a few words that you'll fmnd, and it s no colacidence that those very same worda are often used to describe our football tearu. Having made il to the HSSAA semi- finals, the buds have shown what they can do, and are expected to exceed those boundaries this afternoon when they face Burlington Central on Milton turf at 2:00. This is the last step before the final gaine at Ivor Wynne sta- dium - where victory was dersied laat year. Paint your face blue, write 'Mustangs' on your stomach or just come out and support your team,. On the home front, our cafeteria has had a major makeover, complete with new tables and chairs. This ncw look is a big improvement over the beiat, twisted wrecks of the old fumiture. The new rule banishing food from hallways has been met with mixed emotions. Regardless, the refurbished café gives students an alter- native hideout to the super over-excessively heated hall- way upstasrs. For this, students are thankful. Speaking of food, the French Departanent went on a little excursion Tuesday, heading to l'Auberge du Pomnier la Toronto. The delicious French cuisine, blended wita the warm atmosphere left the student's palates watering for more. Thouga none of the students are food critica, it is safe to say that the best food they had ever tasted scas savoured that day. Bon appetite! lI anticipation of the Sr Football team's victory this afler- noon, may we say "Go 'Stangs Go!" Be sure t0 get out and inake sure il happens. Collisionfef957548 ww. y oung driv er s. c omi -The Canadien Champion, Friday, November 7, 2003 HGHH SCHOOL RPORT NOVEMBER DECEMBER 4 WEEK COURSE 4 DAY Nov. 11 COURSE Tue-s. & Thurs. Evenings Dec.20,21,22,23 (6:00pm-9:15pm) 1 (9:30am-4:15pm)_,

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