Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Nov 2003, p. 7

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e r1tracted 'from past issues of' The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Miutons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place thse situation in context. ianuary 1902 Voting as the municipal election for the purchase of the privately owned electric generating plant was 118 for, 39 against. Milton's early closing by-law was repealed by the town counicil on Monday evening. The by-law was repealed because it appeared probable tIsat if it were not it would -be quashed by legal proceedings and the town saddled with heavy coats. 1On Saturday Geo. Lalng, grocer, was summoned to appear before Dr. Robertson, J.P. to answer a charge of violating the by- law. Mr. Hollinrake appeared as counsel for tIse prosecution and Mr. Boyd for the defense. On the case being called Mr. Boyd informed tic court that hie had filed a notice of motion as Toronto for tic quasb- mng of the by-law and that hie considered it advisable under the circuinstances to adjourn the case until the result of the motion was known. The magistrate therefore made an adjoumment for a week. In filing; thc notice of motion Mr. Boyd acted on behalf of Mr. Laing, who deposited $100 for coats. When Mr. Laissg's action becanse known, thc petition for Uic repeal of Uic by-law was circulated. It was signed by Uic following dealers: Metsrs. Hemstreet Bros., Bews and Lawson, bats, caps etc., Hemastreet Bros. and Lawson dry goods; Hemstreet Bros, Wilson and Porchett, boots and shoca; Tock, Conway, Houston and Hematreet Bros. groceries and Tock, pastsy and confectionery. On receiving Uic peti- tion Mayor Dice called Uic special meeting of Uic counicil wbich repealed Uic by-law. The council, by its action, practically admiitted Uiat Uic by-law was faulty and thus becorne hiable for Uic costs of Mr. Laing's notice of motion. The exact amount bas nos been ascertained, but it will be somewherc between $30 and $50. During Uic past year Uic Bell Mountain Union Sabbath School bas enjoyed rcmarkable prospcrisy according to Uic report as Uic end of Uic year. The average attendance bas been Uic larget dating back tome flfty years, alto Uic larget atten- dance and proceeds as anniversary. It bas been Uic custorn in oUier ycars te close during Uic winter months, but this Ul1 Ilams St., Actes 5193853B0201 Mrs. Carrie Nation, wbilc flourisbing a large bascbct as Topeka, Kan., on Saturday, whicb she had rcceived as a presenS froin an castero firin, dropped is, and the keen edge of Uic instrument severed Uic large soc of Uic rigbs fos. This material is assembled on behaff of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, who can be reached Capsules i year, the school so far has flot beencosd (Thse church was located north of Bell School at the corner of Derry Road and Bell School Line.) Fourteen rinks were entered for the bon- spiel which cornmenced here Tuesday aftemnoon. The bonspiel was well managed and there was fine ice, good curling and a large number of spectators throughout. The Brampton rinks played in great form and their feat, winning both first and second places in such fast company, was remark- able and perhaps unprecedented. The play- ers on the winning ink received a gold medal eacb. Archibald McNab of Mono Lake, Cal., arrived here on Monday morning for a visit to bis brother Alex. McNab, 2nd conces- sion Esquesing. Mr. McNab left home for Califomia shirty years ago and bis present visit is bis firat smnce then. Richard Dent, who bas been farnnng near Saniia for about 15 years, ia visiting bis old frienda i Trafalgar. He will go to England shortly to enquire about property which bas been left bim and other mem- bers of the famiy by an uncle who died lately as Barney Castle, Yorksbire. Last spring, at Seattle, Wash., Chas. Ruddy, youngest son of John Ruddy, of Milton passed bis final examination as, a mining engineer and received bis diploma. He is now about to go to California to study the bigber branches of bis profession as Stanford University. Before going west Charley was employed at the Registry Office here. The Canadian Champion, FnÏday, November 7. 2003--7 vMltonîans approve purchase ~O RRA ESWRT of an electrîc generating plant OUR______WIT Dear Editor: t's with great concero that I write tbis lester. What is becorning of Uic jewel of seniors, residences? I have been a retident of Milton since 1985 and.a lifelong resident of Halton. From -an early age 1 knew of this wondcrful place cailed Allendale wbcre grandpar- ents often lived once Uicy had got- ten older and needed tome help with such tbings as feeding thero- selves and medical hclp. AlS I beard wcre good sbings about tbis place where it seerned like a big family. Allendale - often called 'the Manor' - ernerged from a tirne of turmoil i Uic indussry of seniors' care as Uic place to go for Uic best of cars. It offéed a friendly and caring asmosphere, and a lot of Uiat was duc to a professional, compas- sionate staff. Durig Uieir swiligbt years, folks look for consistency and under- standing, and that's what shey un bntmhéip 1, ilt th Diwies ow nl m5 to IV th &les Milto ~ O.Allendale care beîng jeopardîzed: reader Terry Fox Run a major success, say organizers Dear Editor: Wc would like to send a buge thank you out to evcryone wbo participated in Uic 23rd annual Terry Fox Run in Milton. We bad a record-breaking; ycar on two counts - thc number of participants was Uic bigbcst it's cver been as 657, and procccds reacbed an ail-tirne bigh of $55,000. Everyonc who activcly solicitcd pledges and partici- pated should be vcry proud of thernselves. The Terry Fox Foundation ensures Uiat more Uian 89 per cent of cvery dollar goes directiy to cancer research. Tcrry's accomplishinents have weathered Uic test of turne, as do Uic efforts of our participants and volunteers. Together wc belleve in dreanis. Together, wc're detenxsined to realize Tcrry's and our own dream of a world free of cancer. We'd like to send out a few special Uiank-yous to Uic following people wbo made our 2003 mun extra spe- cial. Craig Mitcell was our Terry's Tcamsnatc thit year and wc wcre duiiled Uiat bie could be with us on mun day so kick off Uic event. Subway made Uic incied- ible donation of 600 tubs for our participants, and cveryone was Uirilled wiUi Uic food selection. Liansie at Market Drive and frfan as Main Sucest wcre enthusi- astic and accommodasing for Uhit event. The Waser Depot supplled 25 cases of bottled water for Uic par- ticipants as well. Just For You Balloons arrived in Uic morning and donated a cbeery and fun balloon arch to mark Uic start and finish of Uic race. The arch really brougbt cxtraor- dinary colour and life to Uic day. To properly organize and prepare Uic mun, we requured a donation froro a local business for expens- et. McCuaig Insurance Lsd. gcncrously supplied tbis donation, and for that we are tnsly Uiankful. Unique Sounds Dise Jockey Services was an integral part of our 'fun mun' once again, donating its full DJ service. Thank you Samn. Ansd we can't forge about E.C. Dmury for Uic use of its sebool as Uic race location - rated one of Uic top venues in Canada. To evcryonc cîse wbo belped out .- our volunteer comsnittcc, Uic firc departient, phosographers, The Champion and our corporate challenge teama - we ssy thaniks. We couldn't have donc it wiUiout you. .We alto want to tend out a special Uiank-you to Sonia Larton, wbo's in grade 8 and participatcd with unbreakablc spirit on mun day and spread bier joy and bier strenglis to ail that cncountered bier. Wc bave a new Milton Tcrry Fox Wcb site - donat- cd by Sunny Oasis - for retidcnts to check out Tcrry Fox ncws. It's located at Isttp://www.nltonterry- or Thank you to evcryonc once again, and wc can't wait to sec you next year. Mellsa Janjevlch and Chriatîna Godbolt Milton Terry Fox Run organlzers ZOOM zoom C4 LX2.M Th NI Xkkd tudeU u lmwwwetwuid equ 214 qWed Er9s /Aalosalt ffsIwt 1Air Ccdlomn A/Ml CD Stoem DM Fni NrtM le Who*~ w«Ê6 wlgmaep ITËSbew /Tats su I64OeSos aNchsuUW ? or Fnanc From For 48 Mos. maintenance and janitorial employeca, and perbaps oUiers, with contract workers. Many of Uic folks Uicy're salldng of replacing are folks Uiat chose Milton and Halson as a place so live and work - folks that have belped make Allendale a jewel witbin Uic industry. Should Uiey be forced to leave a syssern that bas stood Uic test of time and be replaced with consract workers? I tbink we nced to find ways within the presens systero to streamfline and improve services to meet Uic demands of soday and Uic future. 1 for one say perbaps a sune-up of a fine engine of Aliendale is need- cd radicr Uian a replacement. 1 hope shas Uic powers Uiat be will reconsider disrupting things and take a look at lest disruptive action Uian replacing Uic Allendale fansily. Don Fendley Milton found as Allendale. To thit day, Allendale bas many long-terni employees who offer that special touch, making Uic lives of our loved ones a llttle more tpe- cial. I've seen frienda and family members that becarne Allcndale residents get to sec their final years on a positive note. I myself attend- cd the adult day care, Milton Place/Friends Landing prograin during Mny recovery fromn a series of strokes. It's one of Uic main res- tons I've corne along as well as 1 have. Allendale bas bcd plenty of car- ing staff mcmbers - froin Yolanda Leblanc, wbo did foot care, to Uic ladies who cut my hair, to Uic kitchen staff who ensured wc bad Uic proper food, to Uic caregivers wbo tsaw to our daily needa and entertainrnen. However, I wonder if thit is becorning a sbing of Uic past. First foot care was cut and now it's Uic hairdressers. I'vc alto heard

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