The Canadian Champion, Friday, Navember 7, 2003--31 ELECTRONICS SFR9/ICÇ7 F rCNqCfIiwatrorii hernieg ý.a(1ad. 1-111110U a sidiary of the world's largest Industrial Rem- ate Cantrols manufacturer is lootsing for a self-motivated persan tn, service aur cus- tomnera and vast praduct lines. The suc- caful candidate will be servicing micro- processor based UHFNVHF radio remote contrat producta. Experience wlth troubla shooting and repair ta component aevai is required. Some travel to cuatomer sites across Canada sa necessary. therefore a valid drivers license and strang commu- nication/peoIple sitilis la an asset. Applcants will be required ta write an electranics test. Please forward resumne with salary expec- tations confidlentially ta: Cattran-Thelmeg Canada Ltd. 150 Armstrong Ave. Unit 5&6 Georgetown, Ont. L7G 5G8 Email: spriceý FULL TIME LICENSED TEOMNICIAN Needed for ali-make car and traiter dealership, will consider 4th or 5th year apprentice. Benefit plan. Competitive wages. Fax resume tai Carl et: 905-877-0380 ELECTRICIANS For service and construction work. Muat have PLC, Motor Contrai and Canadien Industriel experlence. Excellant wages, benefits. truck & uniforms. Fax resumne tai: 905-846-1722 or emeil: B RUC KWO RKS CCOMMUI CAIN CINC M Administrative Coordinator e Pratessianal and triandly "tiret contact with clients and suppliera *Administrative support e Assistance with timakeeping/accauntE payroll Mature, anargetic, wdling tai participate in avarietyaoftasks with a minimum 3 yaars related experience - jain us. Please send your resumé tai: careers@bickwarcsonline.canl or 429 Elizabeth Street, Butlington, ON, LUR 2L8 Qakvilte based restigiaus international campa y is Iaaking tar individuas wfth excellent cammunicatian skills and personaity. Must be capable at working in a tast paced enviranment and handling ditterent tasks simultaneausly. Experience with customs and shipping is an asset. Company otters tull benefts and appartunity for advanoement. Fareign languages are ant asset. Fax resume ta: (905) 336&9428 We are aaekîng.. MORTIGAGE SPECIALIST who ls highly motivated, selt atarter tar aur Burtîngton ottice Muat have aucceastuty completed FSU.1aI and have wortcing knowledge ot IMAC/LSS aottware. Please fax reaumne ta: 905-6814300 Attention: Martgage Departelnt CRIEDIT DEPT CLERK Busy Dep, Bank depashas, sonne cat. benietits. must have 5yrs+ experienole Fax: CR MGR Wajax Industries 905-693-8127 AMR MANAGEMENT Peel Lumwe is a buflg aacta suppiwe locae in Mioand Sc @,r legelr reiere of acounts, meocUMwrfiav«idc*oectFom.3+ yrs expertefice sn collectiong meerdKao"eg il construction lens prefemed USId aniV*o t abl"ty to Enait: rcounting Contrat Posiin Responsibilites include: invocing general Iedger account reconciliation ana analysis: prolect budget reo=sn Excel; support in oüier accoanito areas as Cualtcatsong Minimam 3 years acconiting esperience or copltion of a Business or Accousing diploma; knowledge of Eocai; expenience witt tGreat Plains Dynamis an asset. Please torward yaer resumne 10 Accoantîng Manage, Adcullers Oroep lac., 775 Matn sirest Eut Milon, Ontario LOT MZ or fax le 900476-301 We tiran afit a*, weverooiy m tasoeded for an Sales Professionals Wanted Burlimgton Area Locations " Are you an experienced tales consultant in a retail setting? " Can you contrubute ta, the WOW factor for aur custamners? " Can yau ensure total satisfaction & loyalty ot aur customers? " Are yau interested in a besO in clats compensation package? Tien we want ta seak with you about a mewarding caer with Bell Watld. Please forward yaur resume ASAP ta A NEW Telephone Direciory in the Halton Region requines SALES REPRESENTATIVES - Salary +comm + car allowancts -Salts experitoce requirtd Send resumne ta: c/o Oakvie beaver, Box 2140, 467 Speers Rd., OakvIIle, ON L6K 3S4 Saturday, November 8, 8am 786 Frobisher BIvd. Saothinu for evaryonal Raindata, Sunday, Novamber 9 CARRERSo NEDED FOR DOOR TO DOOR DEUVERY TUES"-DAYS am FRAYS OM MH FOLOU~GREShIMTAL STRESU Roberi SI. January 2-4, 2004 National Tradle Centre, Exhibition Place Name [ Address 1 I City _________Postal Code-______ Wedding Date_________________ Fax ______Erait ______ s s' Send to: National Bridai Shows * o c/o Premier Consumer Shows * I*I 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON * ' ' L6 3S4. Fax: 905-33337-5571 ADIVISION OF METROLAND PRINTIfIG, PUBLISMIINO & DISTRIBUTINS ~~1 i iý 1 Imm > 'l ol"i )\'r( ) ý"1 \1ý 1