26 -The Canadian Champion, Fnday November 7, 2003 ftu r e i n l Sr. Mustangs suifer quick exit in qurefns playotis are a whole new season. Milton District's senior boys volleyball team nu doubt haa a newfound respect for that age-old adage, afier a quarterfmnal bumbling againat the Nelson Lords Tuesday. MD headed into the aftemnoon show- down as thse clear favourite - having swept its Burlington guests four weeks ear- lier and finished second in Halton's Richardson Division at 6-2. But building on an impressive regular Mustangs, whlo tollosed up on a tnst- round bye with what would most kindly be referred to as a sub-par performance. Hard-core critics would probably choose more disparagmng remnarks to, describe MD's 25-19, 25-11 exit - which featured little in the way of intensity and was over in a mere 40 minutes. Big hitter Cody Williams had trouble executing from, the word go, wlsile a few mental glitches by bis fellow starters and fierce blocking by thse opposition Made the t-lin înlii ,(l VL.L1-ý ,I 1i ýý hole in their do-or-die clash and just could- n't recover. MD had al sorts of difficulty with serves - both delivering their own and returning Nelson's - snd was neyer in any kind Of position to force a tie-breaker. A couple of borderline calîs against themn didn't help matters either. Overail, Andrew McKay was perhaps thse biggest bright spot in the quarterimals with a few nifty spikes. Nelson'o AJex MmW«el Pt t ioepke Me. PM M*t OeWX<It dSfedr0AI*ow MeKey (Jeft> and Cc>dy WUUnW lwt n osqetrfa pa t MD 1undey afht.mm Th l Muti W 26-1% 25-l1t Photo by GRIAAMPAINIE wLong driver just happy to be at worlds This time around, just being there was enuugh. double-knuckuut event, but was bounced in round tbree Mandy De Fabrizio wasn't quite in top form, at thse and failed tu crack thse top-tbird of thse 32-player claas. recent ReMax World Long Drive Cbampionsbips in She wound up somnewhere between l2th and 24tb, Mesquite, Nevada. But a somnewhat tub-par performance although exact placinga weren't made available to non- tuok a back seat tu the excitcmcent of simply being part of fnlss the intemnational festivities. 4ç . "Lt was pretty cold in thse mumning there," the local And that's certainly understandable - given that slong driver recalled of conditions. "Not that tbat's an before titis past summuer thse 25-year-old Miltonian had 'excuse. My efforts jutt weren't exactly what I wanted. neyer even entered any type of officiailmgc pei But it was my first timne out. A lot of the womnen Isad tion. gofg opt-beèn there a few times already." "It was pretty amnazing just tu be there, with ail tbe fans Mny De Fabizio - who sports an individuai record drive and ESPN taping it," said De Fabrizio, who quaiied for De Fabrlzla of 281 yards - Isopes to icueIesl nta esnt the world long drive showcase by virtue of a provincial world-class ftatemnity. And Isaving won both thse ReMax title victory last montb in Ajax. "Lt wtt an incredible experience." and Icemnan provincial tides in ber inaugurai year on thse circuit, Unfortunately, consistent 260-yard driving didn't put ber any- se seema more than capable of duing su. wbere near championsbip contention in Mesquite October 17 sud 'mr definitely gunning to gel back Ibere (world champi- 18. onsbips). 1 was just happy ta be part of it titis tinte. Next year, She managed ta stave off elirnination titrough une stage of tbe hopefully, I can make a real impact." C -&^12 3.4A B C A p«sitive atn'iphere where chiliren can learn anc1 cevelOP a& their Own pace through cucation-al play anc1 have fuin hian enrichecl caring environnien&. a prograing for ail ageg - 9,ulif'ied [JCL Teacherý a Covermnent Licenged - Çubgic1y Available e IntegrateJ w~ith Developrnentally liandicappeci " 1ýK, ÇK, anc1 ÇchooI A4e Trangýportation to ani froni Putlic auJ Çeparate Çchoûhg " Puit auJ 17art-tinie P1aceyhentg Available & fogitive Lnrichel 7ýuturirtg Lnvironniett a liot 7iutritional Ltnchesý auJ Çnackiý 5Locatiort thru4out 2Yilon! (off ft. s) (Offbe Rd.) (Off UWdo 110 Open 7 a.fl'. to p.n. IINoniay thru Friday a O. ÀmmjLme G2 nonthk to Cull auir aJil1njiigratiDon C2ll n Yearý 1ý peda1 011w - it appears parent feel Centre #3 ils tSc far ta drive (Iaated jui off SUe1e Ave. et Peru 1i g 14We are golng ta male it wath the drivel As af November L 2003. ail Mnthy daycare Efee at Centre j 2 *-3 wfil be W% lm. than Our ether c.ntad Th ahoud certalnly aaaiat 'lth an' etr epese your p r_ 3 enta feel waul b. bncrred by registering lour chil at =u Centre located at 8-3rd gideraad, Miltai ~A BC 1&12 3 4A BC 6a1 )ABCéý1 . 23Z 123 A B 2 3 A B 2 3 A B c els23 ZA B Ci^1 234gA BC e123 r"2D-A BC C'123 4A BC6a Sots and Sound Chlldren s Centre nc,. Servlng Milton for over 18 years AB B c 2 3 A B c 2 3 A B c I 'f (âoý) 87Q-Ôââ4 0jay.