24 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 4. 2003 John Challinor, incumbent John Challinor, 48, afour-term councillar, is a marketing prafessianal. Raised in Milton, he was fornsally educated as a journalist and public relations practitianer. He lias a continuous hista- ry of valunteerismi in the community that dates back ta the mid-1960s. Why are you running? There are tbree signifficant matters tlsat 1 ain currently dealing witb that I'd like ta, fmnally resolve. They include implemnenting best prac- tices at Town Hall for building a new residential community, ensuring continued fiscal responsi- bility - witb s social conscience - is ingrained at Town Hall, and permanently establishing a culture of customer service tbroughout the organization. What are the local issues? There are tbree major issues in this campaigol - managing residential/commnercial/industrial growth, continuing ta, control taxation levels and irnproving municipal services. How wifl you address themn? Managing residential/commercial/industrial growth - The next decade will be the most cnit- ical period in the completion of Milton's con- trolled growth plan. Continuing to attract bigb- quality, job-creasing industrial and commercial developrnent is cntical ta strengtbening aur local ecoomy and keeping taxation levels low. Continuing ta work clasely with tse residential development com- munity is critical to building a healthy living environment that fosters the devel- opinent of future gen- erations of communi- ty volunteers and leaders. Taxation - It is imperative that Milton continues to be managed in a fis- cally responsible manner. Our reputation for hav- mng the lowest residential property tax rate in the Greater Toronto Ares didn't happen by accident. 1 have always said and still believe that there is no reason why property taxes should increase at any rate greater than the rate of inflation. That said, the objective going into budget delibera- fions should always be no property tax increase, wbich is the case for 2004. Municipal services - The Town of Milton must continue to maise the bar when it cornes to the quality, affordability and delivery of munici- pal services. We must ensure that the proper infrastructure is in place ta, support cnntinuing service delivery improvements - like an expanded Town Hall, a new library and an arts and entertainmient centre. Wayne Casson Wayne Casson has been a self-enîployed, Milton-hased businessmîan over thie last 30 years. Hes been a licenced realtor for the last 22 years. Prior to that, lie owned and operated Milton Travel Service. Mr. Casson and his ivife. Anne-Marie, were married in 1973 and have tso daughters, Deanna and Melanie. Why are you running? 1 have been encouraged by rnany Milton residents ta mun for tawn coun- cil over Use years, and last year Coundillor Ron Furik indicated ta, me bis *intention ta challenge Use Wards 2 and 4 regional councillar seat. WiUs tbis *knowledge and Use support of rny family and friends, I decided ta mun for Ward 4 counicillor. What are the local issues? I am concerned about Use rapid growth of aur cammunity and Use necessaty infrastructure improvernients along wiUs creating mare affordable bousing for aur senior population, keeping aur youUs involved and active within aur community and improving aur water quality. How will you address them? 1 will work wiUs Use other elected officiais in a prafessional and busineas-like manner ta address Usese issues. My vision tor Milton invalves Use planned growth of housing and business development ta create mare job opportunities for aur residents, and ta actively wark toward Use culture and arts facilities Usat Usis town desperately needs. As an independent Milton-based businessman, 1 have been able ta appreciate Use great work Usat Use Milton counicil bas dane wiUs rny taxpaying dollar. 1 will continue ta wark toward Usat succesaful track record. Further, my 45 years of living in Use cammunity, along wiUs rny successful business yen- tures, bave afforded me wiUs a wealUs of experience and information ta, make camman-sense deci- sians. Thsis I will bring ta Use table. 1 arn commnitted ta Milton and bave Use desire ta help people get what Usey want and will serve wiUs honesty and integrity. Todd Corradetti is president of management consulting.firm STC Associates International. He preiouslv worked in mnanagementfor Exxon Mobîl-finperial Oul. A third generotion Miltonian, lie lefi îosvn olter high sehool and lited ahroad fôr more thon 20 vears. Believing Milton is a wondeifid place ta raise a family and enjov communitv living, lie returned ta tawn with Jis family of three daugliters. He's alsa invalved in the cammunity witli arganiza- tiare sucli as the Bisliap Reding Secandary and Haly Rasary scliaal cauncils, Miltan Kids af Steel Triathlan and the Miltan Oldstars hackey team. Why are you running? It's time ta lend a hand. My main goal is to support Use cornrunity Usat I was barn and raised in. Our community is in Use Usrows of trasssfonnational change - in size, complexity and culture. This growUs curve demanda atten- tian and Use support of caring individuals wbo have experience in rnanaging change in large corporations, grawing municipalities and in international forums. lIn Usis regard I arn a strong candidate wiUs Use capability ta meet Use chal- lenges Usat lie ahead. What are the local issues? Fundamentally, Use issues are upon us in terrns of rapid growth, planned developmrent and cultural change. Wbile we have a saund basis for development, we lack Usat leadership and management talent ta grow into the large town that we are rapidly mov- ing toward. Those 6' who service the cammunity need ta change. Key issues include maintaining fiscal respansibility tbrougbout the growth and develop- ment phase, devel- oping a praper road and transportation systemn ta respond ta Use demands of a grawing commuter town, installing stase-af-Use art facilities ta, address aur burgeaning population including a centre for Use performing arts, expanding aur library facilities and ensuring policing services keep abreast af Use sbifting community popula- tion. How wilI you address themn? Milton demnanda future solutions now. To deliver Usese results I commit ta leans fast, work freim data (obtained in ward sensing and reai- dential surveys), identify early wina and get counicil rnoving taward decisions Usat can be implernented quickly. Milton requires elected mnembers of Use community wbo have energy, wha psy attention ta planning and detail and wha are committed ta, success. ~beolibays ore nieur! Don't forget to make Vour bolibaV cheer1 A OnIy 7 weeks to Christmas! Labels & Personalized. Presents! Ia Sc I gr t 'i 'Il Todd Corradetti