~1 lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 31, 2003 Art Melanson, incumbent Art Melanson, a resident of Milton for more r/ian 50 years. is a mens From 1970 ta 1990, he o 'ned and operated Knighr s Mens Wear on Main Street. Why are you running? I arn running to continue my lifetimne of community involvemnent in the Town of Milton since my arrivai here from Cape Breton back in 1947. Havmng spent 42 years on Main Street at Knight's Mens Wear, 1 realized what a great town I chose to live in and raise a family. With major growth happening in Milton, I wasst to be involved in decisions on -issues affect- ing Milton, its growth and lifestyle. What are the local issues? Certainly with unprecedenîed growth many important issues arise. A. The key issues facing council are the completion of the Iibrary and the arts and cultural centre and Town Hail expansion. B. Partnership with the Region of Haiton regarding the Transportation Master Plan study for Haiton. C. To preserve and encourage more retallers int the Centrai Business District and make downtown accessible for people with disabililies. How will you address them? A. Due to the growth-relaîed project 1 will ask staff 10 seek somne alternative funding. 1 will aiso work with the arts and cultural commuittee with their fundraising projects. 1 will ask staff to conduct a fuit review of this project and miove it ahead. B. 1 will be involved in the Haiton Master Plan for transit so that the Town of Milton can provide a transit system. to meet the needs of the residents of Milton. C. With the reconstruction of Main Street Est (Main to Ontario streets) slated for 2004, Milton will have one of the fineat main streets in Ontario. The Milton Downtown Business Iniprovemnent Ares and economnic development will encourage new business 10 locate in the Central Business District. Colin Best Colin Best, 46, a life-long resident of Milton and a long-time property appraiser, founded Best Appraisals in March, 1994 for residential and rural appraisal services in Halton, Peel, west Toronto and Hamilton. He served as a town councillorfrom 1980 to 1994 and regional coun- cillor from 1994 to 1997. His long list of commîttee and community involvement includes chair of the Halton Regional Solid Waste Management Committee (1994-97), chair of Milton LA.C .A.C. (1991-94) andfounding member of the Milton United Way (1982). Over thte last three years he has been involved with the Martin St. Parents Council, Milton Chamber of Commerce, RAIL. and other groups. Why are you running? Because I believe that 1 have the experience, ability and knowledge as a former councillor and involved citizen in many organizations to help lead Milton into the future. As a resident of both urban and rurai areas 1 have a perspective of the chailenges both areas face i the growth of our conmunity. I believe a local counicillor should informi and involve residents in the future plana of the area, and I believe that I have the initiative t0 serve and fmnd solutions 10 the chal- lenges thal Milton is facing. What are the local issues? Through active memnbership in local organizationa and canvassing many residents I found that the biggesî concerna people have are residentiai growth with the lack of planning, transit, services and sehools to meet those needs. The lack of enforcement of Town bylaws, parking and information of what is happening 10 the lown. How will you address them? By co-ordinating growth lhrough Town departiments and other agencies s0 the ncedcd services, facilities and transportation improvemnents; are built wiUi a minum of borrowing. By havig a review of Town bylaws, enforement and service delivery 10 find and iniplemnent policies on who is Uic besl deliverer of those services. Also by having thc Town change thc way il informas residents on plainning and other maltera lhrough the use of newsleltcrs similar 10 Oakvilie and Burlington so resi- dents can understand Uic changes Milton is going through and be involved in Uic procesa before dcci- sions ate made, not afler Mike Boughton Mike Boughron, 58, has owned Mikes Barber Shop on Main Street for 33 years.L A resident of Milton since 1955, he's been chair of the Golfing 4 Cancer fuéndraising golf tournamentfor the bast 10 years. He was named 2000 Citizen of the Vear and 1995 Business Person of the Year. Why are you running? MIlton is experiencing rapid growUi and decisions have lo be made Uiat are 10 Uic henefit of ail people in Uiis community - bolh Uic newly- arrived and Uic origînals who founded Ibis great town. I sec tbese people and talk wiUi Uhim every day and iî's thia - Uic people of Milton have truly been good 10 me and my family and t want 10 give somneUiing back. tt's also a limne in my life where I arn fortunate t0 he able to devote boUi Uic lime and resources required to do a good job for us ail. Whal are the local issues? Wby have washroomns and Town facilities and parka if you can't use Uiem? At) sports and recre- ation facilities necd to be maintained aI a level of which we can be proud. The downtown core always needa lo be kept clear of snow and garbage, so Uiat young moUicrs wiUi children and seniors can ail move about frecly. AIl Miltonians need a public transit syslem and a co-ordinated, flexible and prudent parking plan. Milton needa an arts and leisure centre and it's limne for revenue from Mohawk aloIs 10 address more Uian juat sports. I betieve affordable seniors' housing requires a bel- ter strategy for Uic future. How will you address them? I will establish myself as a watchdog for responsible fiscal management and developmnen. There is oniy one taxpayer and 1 know Uiat. I arn accessible. WheUier il's through my customners or my involvemnent in many activities, people know wiUi whom, Uiey can talk. aI fact, it's Uiese associations and friendahipa that have asked me to mun for office. They've known my track record and operating style wiUi basebail and Gotfmng 4 Cancer for years. I arn boUi a listener and, I believe because of Uiaî, a leader as well. t will ask Uic lough questions. I nced your vote 10 go 10 work for you. SALON GROU P àA plea" to announc Ufey are now booking Mor Holidy Hcur Appointnt6