Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Oct 2003, p. 6

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6 -Theanadien ChnlioFday Obr 17 203n OF~ IN AOURN +THE CANADIAN C HAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Champion, poltlished evety Tueslay and Friday at 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., LOT 4N9 (Box 248), is ont et The Metroland" Printitg, Publishing & Distributing LI. group of suburban companies which ~ 341 includes: Aax/tPickering Ndews Adetîset, Alliston Hienald/Courie, Bannie (905)8 8- 34 Antuance, Bolteni Entenynise, Brampton Guandian, Bunlington Post Bunlîngton Shopping Niews, City Panent, City ot Yonk Guandien, CollitgwetullWasaga Conniectio, tact Vents Minnon, trn Advocate/Countty Routes Etobicoke Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Guandîse, Flamttonough Reaiew, Foneven Yong, Georgetown S ItdepeedeneiActot Fnee Ptess, Haltort Business imes, Hunonia Business Adsvertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Trnes, Lindsay This'Weei, Manlsham Economiet & Set, Midlatet/Petetaeg- Clasifid: 05-75-300 uishen: Mirnor, Mitee Shopping News, Missîssaoga Business imes, Circulation; 905-878-5947 Ena-Bonniet, Northumberlandl News, North York MirroTOakviittBaver, Oakvlie Shopping Mleus, Oldtimens Hockey News, Onîllia Teday, Ian Oliver Pubisher OshawallNhitby/Cianington/Pot Penny This Wetls, Petenborooght This Week, Picton County Guide, Richmond HitiVThonhilNaughan Litufial, Scarbonough Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Mînnot, StouffvillelOebridge Tribune. Aduentising ns accepted on the condition that, in the avant of a type- Jilt Davis Edtor-m-he geaphical ennon, that pontion et tht adeOisîng space occupitd by the ente- Karen Smith Edjeor neous item, logethen with a neasenable altwanct fon signatue, mili net bn Changed fo, but the balance et the aduetisement miii be pait fon al tht appli- WNendy McNab Adnereising Manager cable note. The publîshen neserves tht ighl te categonîte aduetîsements on Charlene Hall Circulation Manager declîne. Teri Casas Office Manager , Tans Coles Production Manager The Mitenn Canadien Chaemin e sa Rencie Prodact4 Infighting is last thing __ ___________ board needs right now 'ORED sWT I* A M.s a Iionu w~oI O UR RICLLIUI LU bombshetl cati for the replacement of Education Director Dusty Papke by Halton District Schoot Board Trustee Peggy Russell is puzzlmng. It's too early to tell if the next elected board of trustees will back Russelî's desire 10 see botb Papke gone and a full reversal of Use board's policy govemance model. We will have to watt and see who holds the elected ochool board seats after November 10 before we can get an accu- rate barometer of where fellow trustees stand. With atly Drew Currab aspiring to a seat on Oakville's town counicil next month and Trustee Mike Ellis long departed after his own challenge of board policy, Russell could find herself Use taet trustee standing in defiance of Papke's leaderahip. Had she been facing a public challenge for hier trustee seat, we may have ques- tioned if Russeli's sudden public outburst wasn t more of a campaign ploy. However, wiUs an acclamation lin ber pocket, Russelî's impromptu press confer- decide who hier contemporaries will toe - seems ill-timed. With Datton McGuinty's election prom- ises of a brighter future for education, Use last Using Use Halton District School Board needs now is infighting among its trustees and staff. Wbile it's àot unusuat for elected offi- ciais 80 fmnd Usemselves at an impasse wiUs senior staff on epecific issues, a public cati for Use dismissal of Use education director outside Use context of a scbeduled board meeting seeros intentionatly defiant. While Russell appears confident that noUsing sbe oaid in public violated Use con- fidentiality of mn-camera discussions, school board Chair EUsel Gardiner ques- tioned bier fellow trustee's conduct and said a Usorough review of Russeli's actions wilI be conducted. 8f Use people responsible for belping shape Use quaiity of education in Haiton can't work togeUser, we question how effec- tive Usey're likely to be in making reatly tough decisions. Malboeuf -s e-mail toi mayor sleazy, says Furik Dear Editor: t don't gel angry very often wiUs my fellow counicil members. tn fact, 1 pride myself on being a team player in order 80 get Use job done. However, Use front page story in the October 10 Champion bas made me angry indeed. After working atongside Mayor Gord Krantz for 12 years, t found it appalling 80 read Use vague allega- tions and between Use lies accusa- tions Usat were burled at one of Use longest-serving civil servants in Canada. Mr. Krantz bas eansed Use admi- ration and respect froro friend and for alike Usroughout Use province. Franly, bie deserves mucb better Usan to be treated wiUs sleazy polit- icat accusations. Surely Use citizens of Milton wii not believe Use nonsense in Councillor Rick Malboeuf's e- mail, wbich bie sent to Use mrayor. Surely Use citizens of Milton will not believe that he's trying to pro- tect Olive Krantz by askiosg bier husband to pull out of Use mayoral race. Surely Use voters of Milton won't believe Usat -Mr. Matboeuf bas Use beet interests of Use Kraastz famity at heart. Surely Use citizene of Milton will sbow Useir diogust at Usis brand of electioneering. t know that the oUser members of counicil are indeed disgusted at Use approach taken by Mr. Malboeuf. I would nincerely hope Usat Use oUser candidates rnning for office in Usis campaign will not stoop toi Usis low. Mr. Krantz certainly does- n't need Ron Furik to defend bim. However, as a mrembler of counicil - who even Mr. Malboeuf will admit bas neyer belonged ta any perceived 'Old Boys Club' - t feel t must strenuously object to dragging political oppontente Usrough Use mud. This type of campaigning dors- n't belong in Milton. Mr. Krantz was boro and raised in Milton, and bas oerved Uhs com- munity wiUs integrity for 30 years. tI fact, Mr. Krantz is Milton. As for Use Furik family, we don't believe in a 'New Mayor for a New Milton'. We believe in Gord - a 'Better Mayor for a Better Milton'. Ron Furlk Ward 4 Councillor Lost ring just one of many 'surprises'at wedding I have a new bero. I've neyer met ber before, and Usere's no reason I ever will. But any bride or bride-to-be (like myscîf) will understand wbat t mean by Use end of Ustis col- umin. -Sonry guys, on Use heels of my columos last monUs - which taiked in great detail about my upeomning wedding ait Country Heritage Park - I know we're developing a bit of a matrimonial Useme bere. But wben I heard about Usis story, t juat couldn't pass it up. Lets cati deis Use wedding from Hades. It ail started a few weeks ago wben 1 received a pbone cati from Sandy French, wbom many would, recognize as a camera persan for Cogeco 14.- Park. Unfortunately, somnetime between grabbing a bite 80 eat and the ceremony, Use best man inad- vertently re-located Use ring. Okay, hie lost it - plain and simple. The groorosmen searcbed at Wendy's with no success, and now, almost two weeks later, Use ring - a two-toned gold wedding band - is still missing. If anyone bas seen it or located it, they can cati Sandy at (905) 878-9306. But Usat's not Use only unfortuasate incident of Use day. There were no hair stylista due to a planning problero, and someone else bat 8 filt in. To make matters worse, Use minister was involved in a car accident on Use way to Use cere- mony aud bier husband - aiso a missister - had to take bier place before nsbing off to Use bospi-, flic day before, bie bad becas part of bis little tal. sister Robyn's wedding at Country Heuitage There's more. One of Use bridesmaids appar- mncident as it came. That's 'why she's my hero. As Sandy said, 'She just kept Usinking about Use bot tub Usat would be in Use botel. Il was Use hot tub Usat got bier through.' Around Fortunately, Sandy pointed out, many people commented on the excellent emcee of Use day. 0f toncurse, it was none oUser Usan Sandy hmef Also, hie said, the photos and reception went just a fine. Whew. At least someUsing went as expected. tIn my opinion, Usis bride is a gemt. Bill, 1 hope entty wasn't clear on where Use wedding party you realize what a unique woman you've mar- was meeting, and caused some panic wben sbe ried. A woman who can witbstand Use pressure of wasn't found uastil five minutes before Use start of a wedding-gone-wrong is bound 80 be able to Use ceremony. handie anyUsing wiUs ease and grace. It's a good Using Robyn isn't superstitious, The fact Usat this bride took aill Use misbaps of because she surely wouid bave seen Usese events Use day in solide is a reminder Usat a wedding cer- as bad omrens. emony really is juat one day. lis Use life-long fasstead, Robyn rernained cali and took eacb mamrage Usat gives cause for celebration.

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