l'S.nlns ~nerfn T. morion, rrnhar là gnnql-1 7 It you have any questions these "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 SHOPPERS- ZDRUG MARE Open 10 midnight, 7 days a week 9 Carrnage Square, 265 Main St. E. MICHAEL WONG 905-878-492 Q: I have difl'iculty diitinguiahing hetween efficacy and potency of a drog, can you explain? A: Efficacy and potenry are the two important fundmental con- cepts of drug tiseory. To anderstand these concepts, il is convenient t0 use an asalogy. Lot us imagine tisai there arc thrcc airplanes. Plane A can always reach a higher altitude thon Planes B and C. Incidentally, hoth Planes B and C atîsin an identical altitude. The faci foot Plane A is a isigher-flying plane foan Planes B and C is parallel t0 tise situation foot Drug A is a more efficacious drug foan Drugs B and C. Efficacy of a drug is analagous te foc altitude of an air plane. At foc saine lime, while hofo planes cas attain tise saine maximum altitude, Plane B is more fuel-effi- cient tisas Plane C. This is tikened t0 sayng usai altisoogi bots drogs have tise saine efficacy, Drug B is more potent foan Ding C. A more potent drug, therefore, requires o lesser qoantity t0 achieve a dcsired focropeutir offert. Understanding fois, a pharmacist knows when you talk about a "strooger" drug, un effort you imply o drug with botter efficacy and, not necessarily, isigiser potcncy. bn general, potency (effico- cy) is sot a problcm for an oral drog, il is efficacy (altitudo/effectiveness) tisai should ho of more concen. A rase in point: Acetaminophen, even ai a vcry higis dose, rarely gives relief for severe pain; bot a more et'ficacioos mor- phine cas doly do so. Is fort, a more patent pain-killer woald make little difference. Nexi lime, wifo confidence, yoo cootd request your doctors or pisoriacisîs for a more EFFICACIQUS drug! Michael Woag, Heo.lhwo.Ich Pharacist Shoppers Drmg Mart, Carniage Square W r m Paint - Wallcoverings Lq Sowroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Genildlne Healteth 845 A" . . ML k. 878-4280 In tise past we have talked about moal flooringa; laminate, wood ttce etc. We ail tend 10 want what we tee in glossy magazines or hear about wich la fine. However it ia not juat tise product 10 consider but tise applica- tion alto, so ho willing to diversify. For instance click laminate it a bot item but remember, it requires a good level surface. So if your roomn is like a ski stope, then a lot of preparation is unvolved and sometimea an altemnative choice mayho necessary and wîfo thia in mid, you won't ho ao disappointed wisen your contracter pots you off. With cerairi tices, remember heigist problema ini some aitua- tions may occur and you may have t0 remove your existing floor te allow for tisis, by sisaving doora and baseboarda. 3/4" isardwood if being nailed, needs a good. pîywood or tise nails can pop out and your floor sounds like tise mating cry of a large mouse ... SQUEEK!!! Anytising is possible, so long as we know ahead of time. There may ho some pilfalîs. but we accept this and usually we are happier knowing wc mode foc right choice for tise right remnous. On the ofoor hand, don't always think yoo are limited cîther. "Oh I can't have fois look or floor." We have choices and designs, you have nos even looked at. For example, KARNDEAN flooring is a company foot bas taken vinyl and produced a very unique product in tile or wood effect tisat uncorporates borders, accent strips, inlay effecta. We have bad a great response to il. So we cas rover ail tastes and require- menta. btia clasxy and tougis, plus tise design aspect is great and it's exclusive t10us. Bv tise way. we hope Yeua ail had a very happy Thanksgiving. 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 Mxn tne 'Providing a Nattaral Way f0 Better Healts and Wellness" Q:why are aome people aucceaaful at welght losa, aind flot othera? A: You have tnied and falied, time and again, sehile watch- ing frienda change their livex and aucceed at seeight loaa. lt'a eaay to fail into that tmap of aeif-doubt. But you definitely cmi bs weight. Heme are aome ideaa to enaure weight loxa. Choose the right welght loaa plant If you are going to take thix major xtep that seul change your body, your heats and your confidence, you muat chooxe the right plan. Talce your time and conaider ail of thse options. Yau don't seant to buiid up your courage, xtart a seeight loxa plan and then have it faau on you. Ut couid affect your phyxicai and emotion- ai seil-being. Have sei-confidencel Don't be your osen seomt enemy. Juat think of sehere you seul be oniy one month from now - amalier ciothea, heaithier body and a higher levai of self- exteem. The feeling of poweer over your osen body seul continue to get xtronger a you change both your lifextyle and attitude tosearda youmseif. Monitor end record your aucceaa To achieve your goal. you have to mme and appreciate the atepa taken to reach that goal. Monitoring and recording auccexa ix abaoiutely criticai. It seul give you a chance to take pride in your dedi- cation to changing your lifextyle. At Herbai Magic, each client meets seitis an individuai heats counamior a minimum of three timea per seeek, sehere meaxurementa are taken, food intake ix anaiyzed and the client receivex different ideaa for acceiemating their osen seeight loxa. If note ix the time for you, then take the first atep in chang- ing your life by apeaking seith a heaith counamior. Cmii 905-693-9594. Maxlne Stanley ho* a 0A& In 8ocloiogy end an S.S. W. In Social Wo.*. 5h. ham woa*ed wlfh Mhe Herbai Metglc pro- grem for over elght yeara, and la e tralned nutrif Ion.! counselor- MBARROW FAMULY CHIROPRACTIC 180 Ontario St. S. Milton (905) 878-4994 M. M9.1.nSB- Fax: (905) 875-4485 Email: angebarrowdc@&hotmail.com 5 Comiponents of a Healthy LiteStyle i. Exercia.: titis neecis t0 h. 3-4 timon per w.ek for at least 30-40 minutes. Thore are many studies sopporting the physiral and emotional benefits of regolar exereise. Il is important to make this a eitua in your daily moutine. 2. Diet: A baionced diet is important as weil as paying rlose attention tb preservatives and processed foods. We generally con- some many more chemicaîn than earlier generations. Fonds containing aspartame and MSG should bo avoided. It is also impera- tive 10 drink ai toast eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Remember, your body is componed of 75% wuter! 3. Reat: Mont Cunadian adults and children are not getting enougis cleep. Proper rent in tmperative te tis, immune system. When yoo are ut rent, your body is able t0 spend tie. healing. As wtt, proper rest will allow your braiis to fonction mucis clearer. enubing you te make botter decisions during your day. 4. Positive Mental Attitude: It is weli known tisat tisere exista a link between mental attitude and pisysicol health. A paradigin shift is happening in our society. More and more individuals are hecoming aware of th. importance of decreasing tise level of stress in tbseir lives dsrough techniques surh as yoga and meditation. Authors soch as Robin Shanna and Deepah Chopru have soritten multiple books on hoso positive mental attitude cas iiteraliy change your tif. by changing foe thoughts yoo shlow t0 rom, into your mind. 5. Chiropractie Adjustonenta: Worlcing towards a healthy nervoun systees is key te optimal well being. The n.rvous system in tise master controt unit in the body. It coordinates and controls EVERYTHING in your body. For your body t0 move, yoor longs te breatise and your brain t0 understand whal you are readung, your nervous nyntees ix invotved. Interference with nerve flow te the body dianipts lise body's naturni abiiity te heal and ceguixte. These inter- fêenes are calied aublaxationa. Chiropractors locate and correct subluxations te anow dh. Inberm bemlhxg mblity of your body to heal. Affllilaed itis N.F. Inauranca Agency Inc. Toi: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 L QwlcR 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1139 Q 1 arn 69 this year and have to do something with my RRSPs. What are my choicea? A: This ia important. If you, a friend, or parent are tom- ing 69 thia year, by thse end of thse year you turm 69, al RRSPs and locked-in RRSPs mature. There are three options available to you. Option 1. Do nothing and therefore collapse your RRSP. You will pay tax on ail the value in it. For most people, this ia the least deairable choice and ahould be avoided. There are other choicea that will allow you to delay and reduce thse ansount of tax to be paid. Option 2. Trasafer your RRSP asaets to a Annuity that atarts to pay out now. While better than Option 1, annuity rafes are very low and thia ia a very "final deci- aion". In the annuity, you loac your flcxibility in exchange for a rate guarantee. You should delay doing thia until interest rates are to your advantage. Option 3. Convcrt your RRSP into a RRIF (Regiatered Retirement Income Fond.) Thia option offers the moat potontial flexibility and is the best choice for moat people right now. The RRIF choico allows you to keep moat of your assets tax shettered. RRIFs also have more flcxibility. Thia is te yoor bene- fit. Yoo can awitch yoor RRIF to an annuity later when intereat rates are more advantageooa. Confused? For solutions that are eaay to underatand, pleaae contact Money Concepta at 905-876-0940. Dealer Servicea 106 Wakoefield Rd., Milton o. RS905-878-5882 INNOVATION: BI]FOCAL CONTACT LENSES For many people the transition froan glasses to contact tentes lias made life casier. Frovided th. persan nnderstands the heakhl aspects of wearing a contact ken, and they are safety viewing ait distances. Carefot coosideration is givea ta contact lents wearers, t beh certain the tonnes am heing worn in nocordance sith the hoal of tise eye, as wefl an tb. functionablty of 1he wearer's requirements 10 se frety, coanfort- nbty in everyday activities. Contacts, ar. anliko giasses in 1hat th.y ctaty am in contact with 1h. cornea, and move wi1h 1he movementa of th. eye. Therefore th.y mast h. asnessed 10h.c certain th. cornea is ahi, 10 breath. Each person han différent requirements. Many people wh. end op having difficolty wearing n contact tens at. pessîbly havint difficallien due to0001 weariog 1h. correct type of contact tros. Onty a contact tens exansination onaa freqasol biais cas assure 1h. contact lens is adequale toh.e worn snfety. YES, A CONTACT LENS EXAMINATION. Another reason peopie gt discouesged is as 1he years go by, a peesons un vision reqoiremeots become more demandtng. People who h.gas weaeing contact tentes wh.a 1h.y seere in th.ir mwesties, fifleen 10 twenty yearn ago h.gio haing difficotty reading and osing th. computer as they appeoucli 1h. age of 40. They may have r.sortedl to adding readiog glanses over 1h. contact tentes, whtch oggrnvated 1h. freedoan od 1h. reason 1hey hegan arearing contact tentes i the fient place. 1 have been fitng n progressive moitifeca contact tens devcioped hy a Canadian optomeersl 30 y.ars ago, sehics works very mcal for mont bifecal weat.Iv. ih han flaaity hecomne availabte as a frequent replacement disposabte lem. Nom h.ing eco- aomicnt. givig th. freedoan of cloar heaithy vision for many distances reguedient of 1h. direction of view. With th. proper assennm.nts and mnformoation contant tens arearees ovr 1h. nge of 40 cas esperience fre.doos of vision once again. lise lech- notogicit advantage of 1h. tens inna progression of foras which reqaires no 1hinking of wh.re t0 look .. Iljuil wa.ks, ail wort weil ai long es the heaith affilie wevr ln cooilerd. lani lbink of dme freedoor of nat having as taont your homil ap te ne thse cnbnputer icren a yas would wi1h bifda glane., aidl s aving as wnny mh.ut yomr golf- hig pIn, or dieaen ~i a stauat