Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 2003, p. 6

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s - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 10, 2003 SCOMMENT THE CANADIAN CIJM<PIoN Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Champion, pubtîshed evety Tuesitay and Friday at 191 Milton, Ont. L_9T 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. Lai 4N9 (Box 248), s one ot The Metrolond Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd. group of suburbat compaies which S341 cloaes: Ajax/iPickering News Adventiser, Alliston Herald/Courier, tarrie (905) 87 -2 4 hAvante, Boiten Enterprise, Brampton Suaritiat, trrlington Post, turlington Shopping News, City Parent, City ot York Guandian, Collintanod/Wasaga Fax:905878-943 Connectron. East Yark Mimeor, Erin Advocate/Country ternes, Etabicoke Editorial Fa:958844 Suondian, Flamtrough Review, Fnnever Young, Georgetoan Advertîsing Fax: 905-876-2364 inrtependentlActon Free Press, HaIton Business Times, Huronia tasiness Trnes, Lindsay This Week, Markham Economint & Sun, Midland/Penenang- Classfied 905875-300 istrene Mimar, Mitn Shopping Neas, Missisrauga Business Timer, Clasifid: 05-75-300 Mississauga Neas, Napanee Guide, Nosrogaaeya Neas, Newmanretlhurora Circulation: 905-878-5947 Era-Baner, Northumberland Nes, North York Mimeor, Sahoî9le Beonen, Ian Oliver Publisher shawaWhitby/ClaringtonlPrt Penny Thir Week, Peterhorough This Weekr Piston Coonty Gaide, Richmrond HiIVihornhillNaughan Liberai, Scarhorough Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Minror, Stouftvilieigohnittge ibune. Atrvernising is accepteS on the condition thon, in the event of a type- JlI Davis Edito-mn-C/nief graIphitai enron, thon portion of nhe advertirîng space otcrpiert hy the erro- Karen Smith Editor neour item, togethen wînh o reasonahie atiowance ton signature, aiti not ho thorgeit ton, hut the halance of the olventisement ai)) be poil toront the oppli- Wendy MeNab .4dvertising Manager catie note. The pobtîshen rererer the right to tategorite ottrenssements on Charlene Hall Circulation Manager dectîne. Ter! Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager Te MiIion CaerarOr Cleaeron ae a Aecyciable Pmductr Voters miglit reject political high jinks 'Me e-mail sent by mayoral candidate Rick Malboeuf to Mayor Gord Krantz is a tougb one to understand. If Mr. Malboeuf is as confident as hie says he is about winning the race, wby bother sending such correspondence? He said it wasn't about securing an election victoiy, but was merely bis attempt to spare a fellow politician the embarrassment of bavmng to face impending allegafions; that could tarnisb bis 30-year career. But instead the e-mail bas tamisbed. what could have been an inter- esting election and bas made a mockery of it. Tbat's because it represents so many tbings people fmnd wrong witb politics. It represents one of tbe reasons municipal voter tumnout is so painfully low. People often look at politicians witb raised eyebrows, sometimes questioning just wbo it is tbey represent. An e-mail urging a candidate to drop out of an election only basins the democratic process and wors- ens tie reputation of politicians everywbere. It's tougb enougb for people in elected office to get the public to trust tbem and to make tbem feel tbey're, a part of a democratic Society. Surely Mr. Malboeuf cares about Milton and bas ideas on bow to make tbe town better. But bis e-mail did tie exact opposite. I OUR READERS WRITE Champion article on waste study con fused two issues, explains Region 's director of environmental services Dear Editor: I'mi wniting this letter with regard to an article that appeared in the September 16 Champion. lIn the article entitled 'Town'a rewage plant can take more waste: atudy', 1 believe there are a number of pointa that need to be clarifled about the current upgradeo pro- posed for Milton't Wastewater Treatment Plant.. The article seema to confuse two issues, apecifically the upgrade to, the disinfection tysteru and the $1 .4-million upgrade to the bio- rolida handling oyrtem at the plant. With regard to the upgrade toi the ditinfection ayatem, it'r important go note that an environmental assesoment (EA) proceat is current- Iy underway. The September 16 article mnittak- enly reporte that the EA is comn- plete. The targeted date of comple- lion is December 2003. The EA must be completed and approved before the Minirtry of the Environent (MOE) will allow the rated capacity of the plant go be increaaed go 18,500 m3/d. Halton Region is seekitsg input from reaidents about the diainfec- tion upgrade at an open house at the Liont Club Hall on Thompron Road in Milton froro 5. go 7 pr. October 22. Thia session ir part of the EA proceas. Tirsrt public informa- tion session on thia ittue waa beld ias Milton in June. With regard to, the upgrade of die bio-oolids haosdling system, the work it acheduled to, begin later this year or early in 2004. We thank The Champion for cov- erage of these issues and encourage interetted residenta go, participate in our open house regarding the disin- fection aystem October 22. For more information, cail Halton Region at (905) 825-6000, or toîl free at 1-866-4HALTON (l1-866- 442-5866). RIc Roberthaw, P Eng., Director of envIronmentai services Reglon of Halton New spvorts centre, sign includedjust the ticket Call it a sign of Milton's growth. Contrary to recent criticisro of the Milton Sports Centre's eiglst-foot high letter signage, 1 think it's one of the beat festures of the new multi-faceted facility. Much of the negativity - I imagine - sur- rounda the fact that the sign reads backwards when driving westbound on Derry Road. Yes it's a littie distracting riglat now, but that's only because thse landscaping to cover the back of the sign hasn't yet been put in place. Once that happens, the trying-to-read-back- wards frustration that't no doubt been gripping many motoriata will dissipate. And as tse Town of Milton's Jennifer Reynolds pointed out durîasg a recent tour of Use centre'a initial phase, an additional electronic pole aign will Sooin be erected at tise corner of Deriy Road and Santa Maria Boulevard. So if Use Milton Sporta Centre doesn't grab your attention with one aign, it'l get you witls the other. Inaide, thse new twin rinka boaat pletsty of view- ing capacity - deapite what many may atill believe. Two hundred and fifty seats per hockey pad dorsn't aeemn like that mucis, but one haa to rememnber that these rios were detigned for community-based use - flot bigla-profile teams like the Jr. A IceHawka. There may be the odd time - likely during the late stagea of a toumnament or playoff rein - when one of thse new pada is overcrowded, but those aituations will be quite rare. Trust me, I've been around hockey arenas enough go know that even in a mucla bigger com- munity like Oakville or Burlington, you can count on one hand the number of times in a sea- son that a rep hockey team's fan-base exceeds 250. And when it does, there's lobby and teamn- Up fron t room viewing at Use new centre go bridge Use gap. About Use only Using l'mn flot wild about is Use actual name. But Usen my opinion on this matter is based on Uinking of Use Milton Sports Centre as merely a hockey arena, and flot as Use full- seale sports facility Usat it Sooin will be. Ms Reynolds was quite adamant. about that point, and I can respect Usat. Ine fact it raises another thougat on how to fur- ther enhance the new building. Since it'll be the focal point of a massive sports aite, perisapa it'a thse ideal venue for a Milton Sports Hall (or Wall) of Famne. Other towna I've visited have that kind of tribute to their athletic standouta, and we've got enough of those to make an imprestive display at thse new facility onse that could really jazz up ita interior. I figure the south-eesd lobby would be best suit- ed for this, and annual induction ceremoniea could poaaibly be held in conjuniction with the Chamber of Commerce's Sports Celebrityp Dinner and Auction. Anyone wishing go get on board with thia idea can give me a ring. As far as Iro concemred, we've now got a great sports facility that's only missing a crowning touch - one that would permanently publicize Milton's sporting successes.

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