Our MILTON Store requires: " Costomer Service Assistants * Sldpping & Receiviog " Nursery Personnel " Floral Design " General Labour Please fax resomo lvo Homan Resources ai 1 -905-690-8410 or email hr@terragraeohouei.com An Exciting Career in Fitness. Canadas leading women's titness chain nom hiring. If yo have a strong interent in fifness, a desire to succeed and an entlissiastic per- sonality, this may he the career for yool Wie offer the highest compensation package in the industry and pi-avide a positive, challenging environstent with continaoas training. Positions anailable in the following areas: Sopereisors e General Managers e Program Directors e Sales Consultants il Floor Instructors Aerottics Instructors e Flîneso Directors o. Foi-mord resumos ta'. Fax: 905-761 -8542 E-mail: careers@fitnessoneformel.com- Hiring Storefront Staff & Production Staff for NEW location Openng sc000 at i Appleby Lins! upper Middle, Suri ac Mml * V5auke 5boBp- Am ScO * On & amIr-tise Saurda?, Saullt. 27, 2003 9b-l Pm lolngtan Canteranca Cantr hyn e ino 5 .M eRÉ,Iuodlatent i raeme 905l-337-7051 Ata: John Muai n mp oyer Myoucan coun Mon. WAL-MART PORTRAIT STUDIO F/T & P/T positions. No experience necessary. Paid training program. Competitive eamingo with weekly bonus opportssity. Comprebensive benetit package induites palid vacation for ll-time. Must beenthusiastic, enjoy workling with chilitren andt be able to mark early evenings snd Satordays. ApMtN la pa a, Wal-mu Nirit Stae: Se pt. 25 - Oct. 1, 2003 or oli: MI-257-5760 or 005-524-9692 Mon. - Sun., lOam - 7pm EOEIM/FN/H SRANDED FOOTWEAR OITLET SYTHE NEXTO TEP la seeldng F.TJP.T Deyn, Eveaingo & Weeasds plaisa appty sn persefi wbit resame to: Thre Next Stop Oranded Footweer Outet Mites mil Part-lme Personal Administrative Asalatilit raqulre. Flexibile houri. Goals for atrhe ntmentir are ta orge- nize and daas-a coiter, E-mail, createanmd type E-flOua, organize and fie ait paperola AsOe do arrads salIr company vehidue 00w administrative deald, etc, Geod Psy. Fa 519-856-4036 CLEANERS Ean $00-2O0 Plt IMMEDIATE OPENINGS HBC Home Cleaeing@ thre Bay is Seelong Seb-Cetrctars te de tIror resdeetW Dsct, Carpe Upoirsterywoek. Excellent Opportniy. Must have a relia*t van or similar veilcle. We do ail lte advertbsieg, aesw ail lte Mm ee& suPOY ail thre oastomers. You éjido theworkf Cali Muarce %a set op an Itervie at 416-951-7150 Fer MOoiLaiw01110, ta coer maturniy Mme TIre ippliai statu be peaolnt in MSWoinl, Outeee and Word Perlet. Expenence ai PCLar and Coirvuyaner noul bu ai usei SiaIy rangs $n2 25,00 baset on usplerlueS. Pleine fax 01eP-no 10 Suasset 9054394450 or iti butor. Octbu 4 'I M A G E LWe are aeeking high-energy and tîlented team members. HAIRSTYUJSTS Competitîva sala-y + comm. + eoc. benefif pacjkage! For ino coul Barb ait 905-338-3333 or fax resume: 905-338-9561 IICENSED ELECTRICIAN Espei-iencod in indust-ial installationsa and conti-ol cii-cuits. Expoaui-e 10, PLC systema would be an asset. Minimum 5 yearo licenised experience. Pleuts fax reman te:r M.S. Electric Co. Ltd. 905-827-7430 FORKLIFT OPERATOR Hayward, a leading manufacturer of swmmng pool Accoasory equipment, has several F/T positions for Foiflt Operatora. Rats $12/hti. Hours 8:3Oam-5pm. Apply in persani: 2M8 Plymouth Drive, Gakllîle (QEWIWlnston Churchill) APPRENTICE MECHANIC i Reqaîrud for auts repairsohop in Actasn Vîiid driver basa se qairsa. Fomward reumes to PO Boa 16 Acton, Ontario L7J 21MI or fas te f519) 053-3094 MECHANIC REOUIRED IMMEDIATELY For baay and gromdma aiea repais sIrop in Actes. Maie hava diagnostic expuriescu. Claas A licunaa ai asaut hie cay consktur 4th yaar apprantice Reetorts ih tyin 2M2per Ftoi n59 85d3ca3term reurdbaoftire tos Mimate ihnotw Missagwoilto & Hamdwrilt ronal ni Aidma iistrcmuatinie masstant Food Tsting coand, owl er osil faory E-airesue nAdiniative ssisexetat for ta ont piois i-y, typing adgnriceia ais good cmmncatien skiscuac an d good re o faiaor skia musi letonwardHail r.to Coai t sition rAAmniSrie ASSstan Food qusiru all tiserchp rtonis Moniy-Tandinitatv As30-s:a0t Pordaiy0a0 Dnrtyigatdges a o cleia uis goiclrzbonait Isking V must Plue wr lx rumu to: Ori. LM IM Reursfultm rSPtiOn The Canadien Champion, Fndcay, September 26, 2003-31 ELRUS ia a Western Canadian manufacturer of portable aggregate equipment for the gravei and mînîng induatry. Due ta expandîng sales, oui- Guelph, ON sales teamn haa an openîng for: INSIDE PARTS PERSON Effective teammoro, communication and public relations akilîs are a must. Computer literate mith marehouse & foiflt experience and exposure ta the aggregate industry a definîte asset. Reply with aalart expectations ta: À L U Email: amrloymen@elran com - Fax: 519-767-6710 Ns phone catis, piease. Wr thank ail appt cants for theï interest bot onty these selected for an inteorview w/I be confactrd. OFFICE MANAGER REOUIRED A progressive specialty Contractor requires s quaitied candidate lor- the aboya position. The company iocated in Terra Cotta, in business 20 years+, souks an able, outgoing individcal mIro has multiple strungths, cor*,jrtable witir ail book-leeping andc financiai management rusponsibilities- A thorough working knowludge of Simpiy Accounting Pro, Microsoft Office Excel artd Word, togetlhur with a knowludge of computer hardware, software, including AutoCAD, and nutwork systemai would bu an asset. The position would appeail to a seasoned individual mith s midu background in management or a CMA graduate. Saisi-y commensurate with uxperience. Benatits aval fable- Fax your Resumu to; Dive Rutherford 905-077-810 BOOKKEEPER Foot pacod, Growing Oakvilio Telecommonicolion Hardware Distribution Compost i ookisg for on on- lhusioslic, weii srgonized soif-stloder f0 o i- e- sponsibie for a compoferized accaaslisg syslem 10 fil balance inciudiny AIR A/R and rool -lime invenlo-y. Business Vision esporrence preferred and escof proficiency a must. Pleaso foi-word i-estime lai: Fax 905-827-4514 hr@corptal.com Caror-Mlodod Accovtauts- Cornte Joie The Industry Leader! FIC OOIMM ............- e $111111 STAFF ACCOUIIAIT-.......TO $1MI 'Spociafized Financiof Staffa Caille isquire aboie sar excelln besie&ls pi-agi-ast. Ph: 905 1-319-938 Fax: 905-319-2095 hlngon@coump.o r4-JEbmndund far «a I yieau carcntretect fInE fLan, F:'- -40 hs IVOi I ye*er t3>xp- e0Di. e>cpMmaep-n Foeca r43euimun ta> 90-04-44 UNr umaiul " Year round pooition " Falli-aans g " Qualh ieods " A cai- " Good communication skiffs Uoe ter Soisa MmnCuta Albt: Illomaa Rillaaein Fax:«D 90 -15 * cou: UOM4811 Ot.Icensed for max ln Canada by Soirs Canada lc. SALES 40 hra4* disyi Hanis Siaiionery Ltd 182 main St Miltoan Alptr in pson teitti raaamu te Mr. Stase Sanin Tuas- sat Experienced Transmission Tech F/T Lot Porson - Part Time Pieuse forwar resumne via mail, fao, emnail Leggat Auto Group P.O. Box 369 Burlington, ON L7R 3Y3 Fax: 905-333-0170 E-mail: fernaodoo@leggaiautogroap.csm (No phono colis pleasef TRANSMISSION RE & RE PERSON WNE Full time. Experience required. Monday ta Fridlay. letton (905) 87- Aller Sales Service Admuilstrator TIre successful candidate must have experience in this ares. Tbey mont have strong adminis- trative and people skiffs and a Iceen under- standIi ofthe 0INHWP quidelines. Tis pur- son mii receive and revîem servie requests mith new homeowners, issue mort orders and foil0w op for compietion. Af so responsible to- ail service correspondence and record keeping. lnterested canddates please formard resusse. BRNTHýVEN HOM4E fax: M0-689-7484,r- EmN: Muek@liranta*a4' No phone cafis plase. Ouvly*Iose selected for an interview wIl be çantacted Burlinglmn EXPEIMED &0LUFM" REQUIRED Mire feoking fer a saccesui ro-fessional ltat bas lte désire Io bo il! r eoorfanfl eoists for tIre right pèrson 10 self m0eicIesaomonlh inaorfacii. AMPY% FEU OR T FAX Te: Ull Waamau Mli Ftbha Bd.I. uo (Corne- of Brant lan . Fmx 905-63-8815 o Tai: 905-633-78811 ~1 I1ANuTraSIiII- raia ing, amai cupeentry i-apais 9m4-7a.80e Siter ettr Kerr- Cadîliso Pontiac Buîck GMC in Oak- ville as looking for expenienced Automo- tivu Sales Rupresuntativus. Aggrussive commission structure aind initiai saary. open floor on ait New and Usud and tr- I-ouse Leases. Appiy with taxud resusse to Graham, Karr (905) 845-4394 OlacrtIlon aasurad FULL 11ME SALES STAFF HOME FURNIS&IINGS STORE t you ire reepeetabe, attisesc, entttant & imbitiau wu wouid Itte ta heirfrln ys. Ruiatud -xirec meausery Fax eature lix 90511405440 aflald Mdl-Ome er a UW NiiMbuaa sle ga Ilv ham axpaellamae la sir4lg Amatlg Wad --- f . 11101 r YUF63P H_ 1 Fil il