cost Halton ebLSiIIated $5OeOO tiýdn sayt news to them tann Cjptp 2 - A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 144 No. 51 Tuesday, September 9, 2003 40 Pages $1 00 (GST mncluded) C ondo. owýners left tor-""bu id reserves e4J"0'otion is to sue or defraudedfunds By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion For residents of two Milton condo complexes, there may be comfort in the fact that the man who defrauded themn is now in prison. But while a jail term may ease their minds, it does hlte to fix the predicament they find themselves in with their reserve funds still vastly depleted. "We're disapponted there was no restitu- tion order," said Patricia Todd, who's on thse board of directors of the Bronte Pine complex. John (Mark) Mailalieu was sentenced to two years in prison after he pleaded guilty to swo counts of fraud over $5,000 in Ontario Court (provincial division) in Burlington st month. He waa charged in November after tak- ing an estimated $250,000 from reserve funda over a l0-year period fromn thse Bronte Pine (235 Bronte St.) and West Sixteen Mile Creek (318 Laurier Ave.) condominiums. Ms Todd has heen on the board of durec- wNice shot Maria Durante celebrates alnklng a putt on tdu fourth hole durlng tie Mayor's Goff Toumnament for tie United Way of Milton Frlday et Granite Ridge Golf Club. The event ralsed $70,000. Seo more photoe on page 12. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE tors for the 99-unit Bronte Pine complex for nearly 10 years. She said the hoard was hoping that Mr. Mallalicu would be ordereri to pay back the money he took. But, she said, at least he received more than the bouse arresi bis lawyer was seeking. "At (a recent) meeting, the majority of homeowners wanted to see jail time and restitution because wbat he did was wrong, and we want back what's ours," she said. There's plenty of frustration asnong homeowners, she said, as people wonder what will happen if a major repair is need- ed and there isn't enough money to cover it. Some say if a lump sumn of money was needed from homneowners in this scenario, they'd have to seil their homes because they couldn't afford it, Ms Todd said. For now, the board has decided that homeowners will psy an added amounit each month in their condo coss. "TMe addiflonal monthly charge wilI help build the reserve fund and psy legal bilas," she said, ailding that some homeowners are upset with the extra cost. * se LAWSUIT on page 14 Comment ........ 6 Dateline........ 15 Classiisd ..22-25 e fliosduy 3opbw»r 9 0 LM Bq* m m Wh Ronaobww 9 ud»* Abd" % . * acuùsy et Mm*V* Upet1U1 & Rou Hm*î .*Toftmgamno* aHR.sou Selsctsi armas only