Serioslyminjured construction worker found in the basement The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 29, 2003-9 Wcdncsday night atI bOLII 1 p.m. wiih serlous bead injuries in the basemeni of a bouse under construction. The man - whose name hasn't yeî been released- was found by is employer ai Newell Street, located in a ncw subdivi- sion. Police said the accident occurred some- trne between 4 and 10 p.m. Impaired charges laid Drunk driving charges were laid after a iwo-vebicle collision occurred ai Tremnaine Road and Steeles Avenue Augusi 21 ai aboui 11:30 p.m. A 41 -year-old Georgetown woma.n faces cbarges of impaired driving and having over tbe legal limiî of alcobol in her blood. Theft from car A ihefi from an auto occurred sometime Police Blotter overnigbî Saturday ai Ontario Street and Steeles Avenue. Unknown suspects gained access to the 1994 Cutlass by cutting open the roof. Stolen were 10 CDs, a celi phone, a knap- sack, a baîhing suit, a iowel and a black bat. The value of the stolen propcrty is esti- mated ai $250, and the damage to the car is esiimated ai $1,500. Ceil phone stolen A ccli phone was siolen Sunday afier- noon from a car parked ai a Pine Street address. Sometime between 2 and 5:30 p.m.. unknown suspects broke mminthe car and took a backpack conîaining a celi phone. The value of the stolen property is esti- Cash stolen from busin Halion Regional Police are învesîîgaîing a local business break-in. Sometirne over tbe Augusi 15 weekend, Moffai Scrap iron and Meîal Ine., locaied ai 9260 Guelph Line, was broken mbt. A rock was used by the culpriî io smash a sliding glass door and gain eniiy. Tbe culpriî then kicked in a door of a locked office and rernoved a quanîîîy of cash. Crime Stoppers 0 F H A LIO0N The siolen cash included $150 of od $1 and $2 bills. 1] sou haie an ' vinformiation t/iat /eads Io anl arrest in t/is or ain otiier nizatte,iou Plce are invcsiigaiing. School vandalized [.W. Fosier Public Scbool on Coxe Boulevard was vandalized someiime Ovemigbî Augusi 2 1. Unknown suspects painîed graffiti on the scbool's walls and pulled flowers from the gardens. The damage is esîîmaîed ai $800. Police are invesîigaîing. Public drunk charge A 21 -year-old Woodward Avenue man was charged wiih Public drunkenness early Saturday moming. Ai about 2 arn., a taxi driver noiiced thai a passenger in the rear seai bad losi con- sciousness. The driver iook tbe man io the police sta- tion, wbere police had difficuliy waking him up. iess offc nîîas be eiýgible for a cas/i ress'ard. You kiîill iieîer hase f0 giîe our tlianie or te.stJif*ii court. Ci mnie Stoppers of Ha/toni doesnit suh- scribe to cal! display' Thanks to oui- rip- sters... wshoeîer s'ou are. A sa/èr conimuni- ts%, is sour ca/I. Ca/I I-800-222-8477 or c/heckus outoni t/he We ai scss'./ia/toti cr1iinie.stopper-s. Viii. COS METIC AN LASER CENTRE 13 Charles St. Milton, ON 90-88-11 fo*orFE COSAeshTIONeve 0 Electrolysis 0 Skin tag removal , Dermatological peels e Microdermabrasion 0 Botox & Restylane , Sclerotherapy We WiII HeIp! No Matter what grade your child is in, we can help. Starting with a complete diagnostic assessment, we create an individual learning program designed to bring success and build confidence. We teach students how to learn -a skill to last a lifetime. 905-693-9978 917 Nipissing Rd. at Thompson OXàerIF gOD * eOx i trf 5 Sherîdk ister Now!1 over 800 Evening and Weekend Courses. Start September 8 Brampton, Oakville, Mississauga, and Milon Business, Finance and Administration, Sales and Marketing, Management~ Computer Science, Appfied Science and Technology, Arts and Cuture, Trades and Technical Speciaitie Education and Comnmunity Services, Mhfed Healt, and To*i for Career Soccess your Fadrop-ff, or register in-persn at the foltowlng camnpuses rafagar Road <coakvne) 1430 Trafalgar Roador Davis Srampto>mcLaÀughlin Ro «Av/t eI. . or register onlln "e ddgf4o Need a Course Calendar? Pick one uP at a carpus near you, at your loca ilon bw~ Mm or cal90-4-4. For onîmne caendar mequests or pdf copy, visit -......---- a 1 1.11